
Chapter 4 (Incomplete)

I woke up in an unfamiliar room chain to a bed with Silver chains. I looked around the room, it had the usual things, dresser, nightstand, mirror, sink, toilet, a shower, and the weirdest thing was a red ball of fire floating around the room lighting it up. The door opened and Chara stomped in.

"About time you fucking woke up, you've been asleep for 6 months, that's the longest it's ever taken to turn an apprentice in all of vampire history. Oh and you must have some very powerful blood for me to get drunk from only drinking a pint for 6 fucking weeks. Your blood was already strong enough even without my blood multiplying your power by a substantial amount." Chara rambled on eyes wild like an Untamed beast. I opened my mouth to say something but words wouldn't form. "What do you mean turn?" I finally got out after a few minutes.

"I turned you, which means you're now a Vampire like me. You now can use your magic Luna Wolf Dragon. You will help me with my brother Daemon Sadi, while you were sleeping, I found out that my brother has been possessed by an Ancient evil that has it so he can't even move his body on his own let alone fight against it. If we can get the dark magic web off of his mind I'm sure he won't do what he is being made to do. I know that he is looking for someone with high magic to kill and absorb their powers, I believe that this person was gonna be you but since I made sure you weren't anywhere near the school, but it's summer vacation now so we have all the time we need to train you, because I think the next person with the most powerful magic is your friend Lucifer, but I have made sure that he is safe for the time being so we need to hurry up with your training so you can help me protect him." Chara said and smiled.

"And your training begins now. Break out of those chains and meet me outside the room" She said as she walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. A few seconds later I heard a click and the walls started humming. Why does she chain me up and expect me to break free? Is it to test my strength? I pulled against the chain on my left hand.

"If you want our power you must answer our little quiz." The same ancient voice that told me to accept this "Apprenticeship" spoke to me. I pondered what the voice meant by "Our power" and decided to risk it.

"I accept." I said out loud.


*Meanwhile outside*

I turned on the switch that locked the door and turned.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

IceValkyriecreators' thoughts