
Ice Release: I Become the New God of Shinobi

https://www.patreon.com/NableTheNoble Support me if you like my story. Based on the world of Naruto; Shou is reincarnated into the world of shinobi. He and his brother Haku lived peacefully in the snowy village. Albeit they are poor like everyone else, but they are happy. Shou discovered he could control body of water with his thoughts and will; and decides to warn Haku realizing his brother is the same Haku that ends up accompanying Zabuza and served him as a 'tool'. He does not want to believe it but the puzzles pieced too perfectly with the settings he was born into. He loved his family and brother very much and does not want their peace interrupted. Especially knowing Haku's fate he does not want his brother to experience such things. However, fate is unkind. Despite Shou's warning to prevent tragedy, fate played a cruel joke on all of them in different ways. Shou had no choice but to embark the path of Shinobi along with his brother Haku - raised as tools and subordinate of Zabuza. [Naruto fell for MC. No, MC does not like him that way so it is not and cannot be BL. Thanks].

nablethenoble · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Visit to Konoha! (1)

As soon they returned back to Kirigakure, they were notified that Mizukage wants them to come to her office for an important matter.

Wasting no time they went straight to Mei's office.

'Have you got anything useful from your trip?'. Mei Terumi asked the question first once they both come to her office.

Shou contemplates on whether to tell her or not about the whole thing. He decides to only tell some parts of it.


Shou briefly describes the ruined place of Yuki clan, how there's nothing left and tell her about meeting a talking owl and made a summoning contract with it. He hides the fact that the owl is not a random bird, and that he found a treasure weapon. It's a legendary weapon of course he would keep it a secret.

'A nin-animal is rare. You got lucky'. Mei nodded. She herself does not have a summon animal; not that she cares to find one though. Thinking about Yuki clan and other kekkei genkai clans really, she had planned to give them refuge and even call out to any of them are still out there to come to Kiri. She lacks manpower and Kiri is too weak right now.

Putting that aside;

"As for why I am calling you two here, I am sending Chojuro to ask for explanation from Konoha for what happened before since the perpetrator is someone with a sharingan. The matter with Sanbi and 4th Mizukage being controlled is a state secret and you both have fought against him directly - I think you both suited for this mission to accompany him"

'Yes, Mizukage-sama'. Shou felt a little happy he can visit Konoha so soon.

"Also, our village, and our nation, need to open up and form relation with other nations and express goodwill and cooperation, so mind your behavior once you are there. We are not blaming Konoha for the matter, since we don't think it's a scheme from them. Don't cause any trouble".

"And, Shou-kun, don't wear that mask when you go there. There's nothing to hide does it. You look more handsome without it". Mei looked at Shou with a foxy smile.

'Eh?'. Before Shou can ask why Mei had already send them out of the office.

Since its a request from Mei he had to comply he suppose. The mask really is just for confidence-boost to feel like he's a cool guy, and avoid people staring that is.

Mei thought those three looks non-threatening and therefore Konoha won't think they come for a bad business. She wants to maintain good image and she is not blaming Konoha for what had happened but rather its to tell them about it and wants information about the culprit. She suspects its most likely Uchiha Itachi who had defected from there and is now an S-ranked missing nin given there's no more Uchiha other than him and a little kid. But there's also possibility that there's another Uchiha survivor, or someone stole a sharingan and it might not be an Uchiha so she does not blindly accuse Konoha for it.

Why would anyone control Mizukage and even release Sanbi to destroy the village? She pondered hard while tapping his finger on her desk asking herself what benefit that person gets doing this. The missing money in the account is due to that person stealing money from the village most likely.

But why he did this, for what purpose in the end? She wants to know and crush him if she could. Alas, the searching team find no trace of that intruder - as if he disappears and appears like ghost with no tracks that can be followed.


In few days, Chojuro and the siblings is ready to go out on a trip. Shou feels really excited to see the village.

By boat, they travelled to Land of Waves first as the island is closest to the Land of Fire and there's also the Great Naruto Bridge that connects to big land.

Upon arrival, Shou is quite surprised seeing more boats here and there compared to before. As they walked around the village, it's clear the village is definitely improved by a lot compared to before.

But then seeing the multiple boats docked on the harbor, he also assumes Gato Company stopped with their resource blocking schemes after the original owner changed. Or maybe because since the bridge is completed, they decide to do honest business with Land of Waves.

Well, everything turns out to be better. Shou felt glad in his heart really seeing a dilapidated place turns to be lively, it is quite a beautiful sight.

They asked Chojuro to stop by Tazuna's house first because they want to visit.

"Oh! Shou-chan, Haku-chan! Long time no see! Come in". Tsunami-san saw the guest coming and quickly invited them.

'Tsunami-san, how Tazuna-san and Inari-chan doing?'.

"They are fine as always. Oh. Here they are".

'I am home'. Tazuna come in the house with Inari following behind him. They had just finished a job of building stuffs.

'Eh? Shou-niisan! Haku niisan!'.

"Hello Inari". Inari is quite happy seeing them. Well it's most because he associates them with slushies, frankly speaking.

Since they travelled far and its getting late Tazuna invited them to stay over night which they hesitantly agreed.

'Sorry for the intrusion Tazuna-san'.

"What are you being polite for, you saved my life! Haha you are always welcome here. Why are you guys here by the way".

"Well, we are on a mission to Konoha actually, on behalf of Kirigakure".

'Oh! I heard the news of the new Mizukage... But how was it? I heard it's called the village of Bloody Mist...'. He's quite concerned since two young people barely teenagers working for such a place does not seems any better than being an independent mercenary.

Shou describes Kirigakure current situation, and how the new Mizukage tries to make changes, Chojuro also added more stuffs more enthusiastically as if he's a die hard fan of Mei Terumi. Did this dude like her or something?

Well, since they are there already, Shou and Haku make slushies and ice cream for dessert. You could say it's their specialties now.

Inari is happy as always and got a brainfreeze again stuffing those cold things inside his mouth.

The next morning, they left to continue their journey to Konoha.


Gates of Konoha.

A patrol lead them in seeing the documents shown by Chojuro. It got the stamps of Mizukage and they are already informed of their visit a week or two prior. After the checkpoint they finally was let into the village and led to their temporary residence.

The patrol asked them to stay here and he would notify Hokage of their arrival.

After half an hour finally the person came back and led them to Hokage office.

Hiruzen let out a puff of smoke and ask his assistant to get out to talk privately with them.

"I have received the letter from your village. What explanation do you want exactly". Hiruzen eyed Chojuro and the siblings.

Chojuro had prepared the notes because its his first time dealing with foreign village and looked a little nervous.

"Hokage-sama, our village is attacked by someone who have a sharingan".

Hiruzen had his eyes opened wider and stopped sucking onto his pipe. He take it out and sat up straight to listen seriously. This matter is more serious than he anticipated.

Of course he knew that Sanbi is released and half-destroyed Kirigakure from the spies he had in Kiri although Kiri try to keep it a secret. Actually every shinobi villages knows Kirigakure had gone through a catastrophe of Sanbi attack since its too big of a deal to be kept inside. But because of their distance to other lands, and that Land of Water are poor by itself, no shinobi villages launches attack on their lands.

Land of Fire may take the initiative to launch an assault to them to take over their lands given they are neighbors; but Hiruzen and the council knows its a stupid endeavor because even if they could, the other shinobi villages would seize that opportunity to seize the lands in the Land of Fire and Konoha cannot spread their battle power given its current state.

Therefore Land of Water is left untouched despite their defense is weak at this time. 

Chojuro explained the details of Yagura being controlled by a sharingan genjutsu.

"Mizukage-sama is not blaming Konoha but wanted information regarding possible culprit. She guessed it could be Itachi Uchiha, since he is a notorious missing-nin from your village". Chojuro look at Hiruzen without fear. To be honest he felt like Mei-sama is being too soft. Konoha should have take responsibility for what had happened.

But of course even if they ask them to take responsibility, Konoha can ignore them directly because Kirigakure cannot force them to. So Mei considered that as well and take a more sensible approach.

"No. It's not Itachi. I can guarantee it with my name".

Chojura had his face twisted. Just with your name you can wash up Konoha's hand in the matter??

Hiruzen is in deep thought. Itachi have no reason to attack Kirigakure. As for whether he has the ability to do so by controlling Yagura and Sanbi, perhaps he could since his sharingan is the legendary mangekyou.

But he believes in Itachi's personality and he would never do such thing unless its for the sake of Konoha. Kirigakure serve no threat to Konoha; not to mention it can even lead to war between the two villages. Although they won't lose if its just Kiri, the other nations won't stand by and Itachi won't do anything that harm the village. Definitely it cannot be Itachi.

A mysterious person who owned the sharingan, controlled Yagura and eventually released Sanbi to attack Kiri...

"It's also possible the culprit is the same one that attacked Konoha years ago, during the 9 tails rampage - Mizukage-sama suggested this idea". Chojuro added as its in the notes. Mei really only adds this as an extra card to make Konoha cooperate just in case she hit the money randomly. She does not know the circumstances of the tragedy befalling Konoha naturally but there's rumors of its being the Uchiha clan of Konoha that are responsible for it.

Hiruzen had his eyes widen further.

"Tell me about the person who attacked your village".

'Shou-san, Haku-san, you two had battled with him before, I think you guys are more familiar with that person'.

The siblings nodded. They each tell their experience and summarized Obito's abilities. 

"Ability to pass through object, take others into a separate dimension, appear out of nowhere, and had genjutsu powerful enough to control Yagura and release Sanbi...".

The more Hiruzen thought about it, the more he felt this person is the one who's responsible for the 9 tails rampage years ago. Although he had assumed its because Kushina's seal weakened too much and his preparation is not enough - but honestly he had believed he had done enough preparation and quite confident the seal should have held up and there's no other explanation than he's wrong about being prepared.

Then it means it could be true that someone with a sharingan is the one who released 9 tails back then and that person is the same one who released 3 tails. He knew the existence of Mangekyo sharingan which gives unique power to the Uchiha clansmen.

Does this person spatial ability and phasing ability the power of his mangekyou? It's highly possible.

But why did he attack Konoha? Although he knows that he had let Uchiha isolated from the village, but he does not think their situation is that bad to have their own people try to destroy their own village. He cannot understand the reason. And as a result, the entire Uchiha Clan is suspected, they become more isolated and dissatisfied with the village treatment, eventually tried to launch a Coup d'etat and ultimately were massacred in name of maintaining peace.

Therefore; the person who attacks Konoha does not care about their own clan nor their own village. Hiruzen had this thoughts in his head.

A mysterious sharingan wilder that can appear and disappear like the ghost, cannot be caught by surveillance and sensory ninja... this person could easily infiltrate the village. His trace cannot be tracked due to his spatial abilities... this makes too much sense for him to be the culprit.

Hiruzen took his pipe and inhaled some smoke again before speaking.

"I see. I will share what I know; regarding what happened to our village years before". Hiruzen briefly mentions what had happened with the 9 tails and how Kushina's seal broke despite the preparation he had made.

'Then... the same person might be responsible?'. Chojuro asked rhetorically after hearing Hiruzen's words. The similarity of modus operandi of unleashing tailed beast to destroy their village are the same. And the sharingan ability to control the tailed beast...

"I will cooperate with your village to search and investigate this person. This matter also involves Konoha's tragedy".

Chojuro nodded. Although they cannot get further info on that person, at least they had achieved a cooperation against him.

"Mizukage-sama and Water Daimyo also wanted to express their will to cooperate and form diplomatic relation with your village and Land of Water. She wanted to change Kirigakure's closed policy and open to diplomacy to change the village and the country. Here's her message for you". Chojuro give the scroll to Hiruzen.

Hiruzen puffed out his smoke while briefly scanning it. Although they had a fight once due to Kiri putting Sanbi inside Rin and wanted to scheme to release Sanbi inside Konoha; Hiruzen knows its a stupid endeavor and Kiri had washed their hands of it saying it was not them - he half-believed them.

Because back then Konoha is strong and more than likely, even if Sanbi can cause havoc in the village but Konoha can surely stop and capture Sanbi and they would have 9 tails and 3 tails captured and Kiri would lose one of their tailed beast just like that, essentially losing more than gaining. He don't think Kirigakure is that stupid to underestimate Konoha. He can put aside the matter of Nohara Rin because logically it shouldn't be Kirigakure and they could be a victim as well.

"I understand. Konoha is wiling to in that regard. I know your Mizukage must be busy handling her village affairs, so I won't trouble her much. I will send an envoy to express my willingness". 

Chojuro and the siblings nodded at Hiruzen's words.

"I had arranged a suitable place for you to stay personally, I hoped you guys like the place".

'Yes, Hokage-sama, its a comfortable place'.

He let put a puff of smoke.

"You can take a walk around the village and stay for few days. It's to express my will to cooperate. I hope you can enjoy your stay".

The meeting ended shortly after. The siblings are quite ecstatic seeing Konoha; compared to Kirigakure, Konoha has better vitality to its environment. The people are happy and fulfilled, the market is busy, and its just very lively.

Shou lamented the dark and gloomy environment of Kirigakure due to Yagura's reign that caused the negativity to envelop the village.

Well... he kinda missed Naruto. How he's doing nowadays he wonders. How do he meet him anyways...

"EH!? Shou-chan?! Haku-san?!".

Huh? The three of them turned their heads and sees Naruto is running excitedly at them. What a coincidence!

'Naruto-kun! Heyy'. Shou just smiles and waved seeing him running at him with too much vigor. Did he get infected by Rock Lee somehow?

"Oh? Who is this?", Chojuro asked seeing the yellow haired brat. Seeing a normal looking excited 12 years old makes him remember Shou is the same age but he does not act like a brat like this yellow haired kid and has a more mature demeanor.

'We met at Land of Waves... its a long story', Shou scratched his cheeks.

"Hey, tell me about it. I am quite curious about you two. And Naruto-kun was it? I am Chojuro, Mizukage-sama assistant".

'Why are you guys here!'.

"Umm. It's for diplomacy for between our villages". Chojuro thought of the answer. He can't say their primary purpose, but its true they are also here for diplomacy.

'UAA! So that means our villages are friends?'.

"Umm... not... to that extent...". Chojuro is not sure how to tell this kid its not that simple. Right why he bother to explain foreign affairs to this brat anyways.

'Haha. Well, you could say our village are trying to be more open to other countries'. Shou added.

 'Ne ne! I know this great place that sell most delicious Ramen-dattebayo! You really have to try it!'.

"Well, I am quite hungry. What about you two?". Chojuro asked the siblings.

The siblings just nods. Naruto quickly lead them to Ichiraku Ramen, his most favourite place in Konoha.

Shou felt quite excited seeing the shop and the man who is suspected to be the strongest hidden character in the Narutoverse - Teuchi! This Ramen Guy was teammates of the 3 sannins, somehow ended up in a group photo of the Uchihas, and survived through multiple ninja wars and each time tragedy happens, whether its 9 tails or Pain invasion, his shop stands strong!

'Ho? Naruto-kun you brought many customers to me today!'.

"Hehe. Your ramen is the most delicious!".

Teuchi feels quite happy being praised by the boy. Teuchi sympathized with Naruto, seeing him as a little kid, drenched in rain with a sad and lonely look on his face years back.

As he serves the ramen to them, he sees Naruto smiling and praising his ramen to those 3 with soups sticking on his cheek. Naruto still ends up as a bright boy. He feels like an old uncle seeing his little niece grows up well.

'Four eyes-niisan, thank you for treating me!'. Naruto gave a nickname for Chojuro unprompted.

"Ah? I am Chojuro...". Chojuro weakly said it. He's a Jonin ninja and a brat just gave him a nickname...

'Naruto-kun, you should call him by his name properly. He's a Jonin you know...', Shou said with a little smile. Naruto likes to give people nicknames out of his whims but he should at least call his senior properly.

"Ehh. But four eyes is four eyes". Naruto stayed with the nickname. Chojuro does not want to care much and don't bother anymore.

'Hmm. Then what about my nickname Naruto-kun?'. Shou teased Naruto a little while pointing at himself.

"Eh? Emm...". Naruto look at Shou's face clearly to think of a nickname for seconds. But observing the eyes, the nose, the cheeks, the lips, his face turned red instead and had to look away. His heart can't handle it. He can't come up with anything other than Shou being really cute!

'I-I don't know!'.

Shou felt Naruto is quite funny and just let out a little laugh. He felt a bit alienated that Naruto don't give him a nickname though. Teuchi also sees Naruto seemingly embarrassed and smiled. Naruto found himself a good friend it seems.

"Naruto-kun, you often eat here?". Shou wanted to ask about Naruto's life just because.

'Yeah! If I could I want to eat here everyday! Err... I don't have much money though...'. Naruto scratched his cheek saying that.

He likes ramen that much huh...

"Do you hang out with Sakura-kun or Sasuke-kun often? Like, eat here together with them or...".

'Not really...'. Its more like, he never ask them and they never asked him either. Naruto was not good at establishing friendship with people near him nor does he feels the need to. He's used to being alone and does not demand attention or companionship to the extent of inviting Sakura or Sasuke or anyone to hang out with him. Except Iruka-sensei that is.

'But they are good teammates of mine! Uhh. We just don't hang out that often outside of missions'.

Shou felt a little sad in his heart. He thought Sakura would at least hang out with Naruto; since Sasuke is kinda introverted and arrogant(?) to openly show friendship to Naruto he didn't expect Sasuke to be buddy2 with him but Sakura could at least treat him better. But then, well, Sakura likes Sasuke and she's also just 12 years old and perhaps she cannot empathize with Naruto's loneliness and need of friendship.

"Naruto-kun, want to join us for dinner later? How about it? We can make ice creams too". 

'Really?! I would love to!'. Naruto readily agreed with bright eyes.

Shou smiled lightly, its as if he can see 9 tails wagging behind Naruto's back. After knowing him in real life, he does genuinely empathies with him. He just feel like wanting to be a proper friend to Naruto knowing he's lonely inside.
