
Ice Release: I Become the New God of Shinobi

https://www.patreon.com/NableTheNoble Support me if you like my story. Based on the world of Naruto; Shou is reincarnated into the world of shinobi. He and his brother Haku lived peacefully in the snowy village. Albeit they are poor like everyone else, but they are happy. Shou discovered he could control body of water with his thoughts and will; and decides to warn Haku realizing his brother is the same Haku that ends up accompanying Zabuza and served him as a 'tool'. He does not want to believe it but the puzzles pieced too perfectly with the settings he was born into. He loved his family and brother very much and does not want their peace interrupted. Especially knowing Haku's fate he does not want his brother to experience such things. However, fate is unkind. Despite Shou's warning to prevent tragedy, fate played a cruel joke on all of them in different ways. Shou had no choice but to embark the path of Shinobi along with his brother Haku - raised as tools and subordinate of Zabuza. [Naruto fell for MC. No, MC does not like him that way so it is not and cannot be BL. Thanks].

nablethenoble · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Akatsuki On the Move


Shou returned home after doing solo mission for herb gathering on a nearby island.

Entering his home and into his room, he noticed a scroll on his table.

"What's this...".

He opened it up and read the details inside.

"Akatsuki...". Setting aside how they can even send this scroll right into his bedroom, he opened it and read it thoroughly.

Calculating the time by seeing the calender, Naruto is about to return back to Konoha soon, and they would begin to capture all tailed beasts now.


Our leader, Pain, agreed to leave Kiri and those close to you untouched.

But, in exchange you have to leave Kirigakure for sometimes and tell us your date.

Give the security details and the location of Sanbi unless you want more people to be harmed. We will make it easier for you if you make things easier for us.

Give your reply at this place:

(Instruction on where to pass the reply at a secret inconspicuous location).


Shou sighed.

He don't want Akatsuki to harm Haku mostly. Zabuza is always out of the village and Akatsuki too would find a timing where many Jonins left. Shou doesn't want to cause harm to this village too.

Nagato wouldn't stop at nothing to get all bijuus. If he repelled them successfully over and over again, and 3 tails eventually becomes the last one they can't get theoretically; they would eventually come in with the whole Akatsuki squad and at that time Shou is only a single person. He is not insane enough to think he's that strong. Unless he is Hagoromo/Kaguya level powerhouse maybe he can do that confidently.

"I wonder when my vacation will be approved...".

Shou decides to get to the Mizukage office to ask.

After waiting for half an hour finally Mei let's him in.

"Shou-kun. What's the matter. I am busy right now so state your business directly". Shou visibly sees her table is filled with bunch of paperworks. If Nagato really did that Shinra Tensei here, her efforts this far will be completely wasted. Rather, Kirigakure may be wiped out.

"Mizukage-sama... So uhh... May I know when my 'vacation' will be approved".

'You are here just for just that?!'. Mei's eyebrow twitched and a huge vein clearly is visibly on her forehead.

Mei-sama, wasn't close to 2 years of having no vacation and unable to get out of the village outside of mission is already considered a Black Company? Shou complained in his heart. He knows Kiri needs manpower but work-life balance is important!

"It's been close to 2 years since I applied...".

Of course Shou applied for this vacation only a month after he went out to seek the Light Dragon years ago.

Mei tapped his finger on her desk, visibly unsatisfied with him. In Mei's eyes, he is already a Jonin level ninja with his 100% mission completion rate and the amount of completion for B, A and even few S ranks missions. Letting him out for a month to do who knows what is quite irking to her.

'Hah... Fine! Next month you are free. If there's nothing else you can go'.

"Thank you Mizukage-sama!".

'Haih... Just what is he up to now?'. From experience she already give up on monitoring him. As usual she don't let Haku go out of the village with him though.


Shou quietly place a letter in a small hole in an inconspicuous tree kilometers away from Kirigakure while he's on a little mission. He also added the warning that he already figured out their goals to collect the bijuus and a little note that he thinks their plan make sense and he too wanted peace between all countries and stop conflicts. Shou wasn't lying when he thinks using a nuclear weapon to hold a leash on all countries is a good idea - it's just that Nagato was tricked by Tobi and Black Zetsu. He tried to make a good impression so Akatsuki keep their promise to not harm the village.

Pain find solace knowing someone actually sees his ideal and agreed with his actions reading the reply.

"It's a pity he can't join us". Nagato lamented to Konan.

'At least he gave us so much information. It would be easy to infiltrate and get Sanbi. He really don't want his village or his brother to be harmed...'.

'But Nagato, can't we use these against him? He could be considered betraying his village. He would have to join us for protection once he becomes a missing-nin'.

Nagato shook his head.

"It won't matter. He's too strong for Kirigakure to handle based on what Tobi and Deidara reported. And rather, it's likely they would listen to him instead if they know his true strength and his true intention. I do not want to make unnecessary enemy, or cause unnecessary loses".

Konan just nods. Now, they just need to wait for the time when Shou leaves Kirigakure. Pain had decided to send Kisame and Itachi pair there since Kisame was from Kiri and know his way around the village. Together with Shou's info it would be easy to infiltrate and get Sanbi that's sealed in a temporary vessel.

Shou look at the calendar. His vacation this time is to meet Shion from the land of demons to ask for advice on making fuinjutsu for Ice Release tags and see the body of Moryo for Watatsumi in case it's possible. The location of the real body of Watatsumi is still a mystery to this day after all. As for getting Moryo's power, it's not in his checklist technically but if Watatsumi did get his body, supposedly it would give himself a little powerup? Maybe.

Before that, he needs to warn Haku first.


"Nii-san, I have something important I have to tell you".

'Shou. What is it? Is it related to your vacation next week?'. Haku knows something is up. Last time he went ahead and returned with some dragon in him. Now this time what would he do? He just pray it wasn't crazy.

"Well, kind of. I told you already I am meeting someone who knows fuinjutsu. I want to make Ice Release tags".

That's understandable for Haku and is nothing crazy like the previous reason.


"Nii-san, when I am away...".

Shou take a deep breath in.

"Some people will come to Kirigakure. They would, try to steal Sanbi".

'What?! Then, why are you telling me? No. Rather... When you are away? Why not tell Mizukage-sama about it. No... Why are you leaving if you know such a thing would happen? What's going on'. Haku felt his head is sizzling trying to understand what's going on in Shou's head.

"It's a long story. But... It's for the sake of Kirigakure, and for your sake as well. I, tell them some information...".

'Shou. What did you just say...?'.

Haku felt his heart stopped for a moment. What... What did he...?

"They are called Akatsuki. I am not sure if you know but, they are collecting bijuus from other villages as well".

... Haku is quiet. He decides to hear everything first.

"They are strong group of people nii-san. I don't want them to harm you, and this village. It's, best to give them 3 tails, without a fight I mean".

'But... You are strong! I trusted your strength. And you should trust yourself, Kirigakure and me! Why are you selling out the village! It's... It's wrong! And what if someone finds out what you did! You... just what's going on with you... I really...'.

Shou is stunned for awhile. Nii-san...

Haku shed some tears and quickly wipe it away.

'I am really worried for you'.


Shou give up and just decides to explain shortly why he had to do that.

"Their leader, he is someone with Rinnegan...".

Haku turned to look at Shou, trying to understand what a Rinnegan is. He felt like he heard of it once but can't quite recall.

"Rinnegan, the eyes owned by Sage of the Sixth Path. That God of Shinobi. It's real. His power is too strong".

Haku is quiet hearing it. He don't want to believe it if he had to be honest.

"If, if I stopped them from getting the 3 tails, I am afraid he would come here for it at some point. I can try to fight him. And I trust you, and ninjas in Kiri too can put up a fight. But... That's not the point".


"He can destroy this village, and kill everyone easily if we did fight. Even if we won, many would lose their life. And this village... Mei had done her best to rebuild it and it would just reset everything back to zero, or rather, make it even worse once a fight break out. And that's just the leader; if any one else from that group come along its inevitable that many would die. Everyone in that group are monsters Haku. Even if, even if everyone work together, there would be too much loses. I know you believe I am strong. But I am only one person nii-san. That's why, I rather let them take the 3 tails. They agreed to leave Kirigakure, and you, unharmed in exchange. Sorry, nii-san, for doing so. I hope you can understand...".


'I need some space...'. Haku turned his back and just hide in his room. It's too much information to take in. And that Shou had sold out the village information, and even willingly let enemy enter their village, and let Sanbi gets stolen. It sounds so wrong.


But... If what he said about the enemies are true... Then...

It's true Kirigakure is the weakest among the shinobi villages right now. And if it's true the leader of the enemy have the eyes of the fabbled Sage of the Sixth Paths, then its stupid to fight against him.

Even Haku is not confident that they wouldn't lose their life. Shou is strong but... Against power of a God...

Thinking about it longer and longer, Haku do understand why Shou did what he did.

He took a deep breather and come out of the room.

'Shou. I understand...'.



"... When they come... dont stop them. I mean, just pretend to fight if you have to... But absolutely, don't engage with them seriously. I don't want you to be injured... Or even...".




Shou smiled a little seeing Haku understands him. Haku had given up hearing his explanations. Shou had always kept secrets. Even his notebook contains things he can't understand where he knows things from. But he knows Shou mean well.


"Nii-san, I am going! I will send letters through Fukurochi. And, be careful later on...".

'I will. You too take care on your journey. Don't do anything too dangerous like before. Watatsumi-san, please take care of my little brother'.


The dragon just snorts inside of Shou. Shou head straight to the land of Demons after taking detours to lose the ANBUs trying to monitor him secretly.

Watatsumi take the chance to take over and fly freely in the sky while contracting their chakra field and using optical camouflage, hasting their journey there.
