
Ice Fire

They called him evil, ruthless, cruel, incapable of mercy. Colder than anything in the realm of winter. Dark as the night sky in the realm of eternal darkness. He was unforgiving, forsaken and long past the point of redemption. He was real and he was here. Iyra couldn't believe the tales were true even after accounts of so many saying he was the one attacking cities and killing so many fae. She couldn't believe it, didn't believe it. Sticking to the idea it was rebels disguising themselves and spreading rumors. She was forced to believe it when he attacked her home. The heart of the winter realm. Doing away with the King and most of the court and royal fold. Forced to believe and live with the bond that exists between them.

Chelsea_Uzomah · Fantasy
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12 Chs


The Run Left Her Drained when she came back. She went straight home to shower, change and grab her uniform before she went to work. She didn't feel like eating. Maybe when she calmed down or was hungry enough she would eat something later. Right now she needed a shower.

Winter fae rarely or almost never sweat, unless in hotter weather or after or during straining exercises. So showers weren't that common most of the time. 'They would be today though.' Iyra thought to herself. She could feel the bitterness slowly seep in again.

Grabbing a towel before stripping, she tied it around her chest before walking into the bathroom, trying to decide between a cold or hot bath. She decided for the usual. A nice icy cold bath. She stepped into the tub and turned the shower knob and an icy spray engulfed her, wetting her hair and her body. She shivered.

Not all winter fae were cold to the touch. Some were warm and even hot. They were not impervious to the winter elements either. They caught colds and running noses. Even got cold. They were just attuned to the conditions. She was warm.

She needed to hurry before anyone came around. She grabbed the bottle of soap from the stand, poured some in her left hand before putting it back and rubbing all over her body. She needed to hurry.

'Hurry for what?' the thought crossed her mind. It was true, why was she hurrying she was just leaving one torture for another. Ever year.

Rage accompanied bitterness as they seeped into her body. Frost began to cover the tub and unlike when she felt normal or sad, the frost came in fast moving sharp needles. Sharp enough to cut skin, draw blood. Fast almost enough to be considered blinding.

She turned off the shower, stepping out of the tub, the killer frost receding, in speed, size and sharpness until nothing was left.

She wasn't the kind to share her darker emotions with anything or anyone. Her rage was a silent but deadly storm that came and went. Rising before vanishing like it never existed before rearing again in her frustration. The tub didn't need to suffer, after all it had been there for her when no one was. She would not destroy it.

She took the towel and dried off tying it on her head and walking out of the bathroom. Fae weren't ashamed of their nakedness. Covering up was out of courtesy. Even for chosens. She went to her wardrobe and took out her clothes and her uniform.


The Palace's interior was a marvel even from the servants entry. A combination of ice, stone, wood and metal. The sun's rays hitting the ice and changing its colour with the coming of dawn and dusk. Ice turned to stone as she continued inside. Checking into the servants quarters to write her name and check the portion of the palace she would be taking care of.

The grand house master kept things in an orderly way and in such an orderly way that no one got the same portion twice. Ever. The servants were always shifting. A way to keep secrets safe.

Some servants were already out of their uniforms, already done with their shift and getting ready to leave. Others were moving in to change into their uniforms. She joined them. All those with found chosens got cubicles, those that had not didn't. She changed and put her clothes and shoes in a shelf with her name engraved on it. She had already found hers but no one needed to know that, especially not the fae in question.

The uniform was today was pale blue in colour, each servant was given three each. One for normal days, one for special occasions within the realm and one for when high foreign royals from other realms visited. Today was a special occasion, so the pale blue. The females got gowns while the makes got trousers, white shirts and blue vests. The edges had ice crystals stitched to them giving the wearer a beautiful semi ethereal look. Anyone could find their chosen anywhere and anytime. No matter who or where they were. Hence the outfit.

She left the servants quarters and headed to do here tasks. Taking a cart with her. She had laundry duty for every room in the east wing.

Most rooms in the east wing didn't have occupants. In fact, out of the thirty something rooms only four were occupied and occupied by nobles who had not been giving a permanent stay. Tonight, they would be put to use though. The bitterness was still eating at her.

There was less stone in the east wing. Everything that wasn't stone was ice. Seemingly thin ice that was as thick and as hard as volcanic rock. Even most of the furnishing was made of ice, save for the bits of wood, metal and fabric here and there. She just needed the bedsheets and any clothes there might be and head down to the laundry room.

She knocked on the first door on the right. Checking if it was occupied. A voice greeted her. A woman's voice.

"Who is it?" The woman asked from behind the door before she opened it. The woman had long pale blonde locks, that framed an oval face. She had grey eyes that turned icy when they met Iyra. Iyra did not know who this woman was but nonetheless she was nobility. She bowed.

"I'm here for the laundry milady." She answered. The woman gave a bored expression before replying. "Oh yes. Come in then." Making way for her to pass through.

Taking the cue, Iyra walked in. The lady closed the door behind her. Walking passed her in a dark blue, gem embroidered gown that hugged her figure.

"Take those." The woman said, pointing to laundry basket close to her wardrobe and made her way into the bathroom. Iyra made her way towards the wardrobe and carried the basket, holding it to her waist before she moved to the bed.

"Anything else milady?" Iyra asked, her hand moving to get the sheets off.

"Yes, take these also." The woman said. Putting a bundle of clothes in Iyra's arms.

"Will that be all milady?" Iyra asked maneuvering her way towards the door to drop the bundle in her arms and empty the basket and place in the cart before going back for the sheets.

"Yes, that will be all." The woman said sitting in front of her dresser. Looking into the mirror, putting the finishing touches on her hair, paying little attention to Iyra

With the bedsheets in her arms, Iyra bowed before leaving the room closing the door as she left.

The rest of the rooms were easy enough. The nobles acted just the same. Ignoring her, giving her clothes and letting her take the bedsheets. There were three males and one female in the wing, no one else. The woman seemed to outrank all of them. She made her way towards the laundry room.

Most of the clothes would be washed manually, cleaned with magick or magically reconstructed altogether. Of course the latter was done when the clothes were beyond repair.

She pushed the cart towards the shute, dropping the load in. It wouldn't get mixed up. The carts were magically spelled to have all its contents speak the name of the person who put them there. Everyone working in the laundry room had their own collection of clothes to clean. To know all you had to do was listen.

Taking the cart with her she headed towards the lift. The lift was made of ice, its movement powered by gears and magick. The craftsmanship of dwarves and goblins.

A superb combination of their knowledge, talents, skills, ingenuity and creativity. It certainly came in hand when you didn't have wings or any power of flight, levetation or teleportation. Stepping in, making sure the cart was inside well, she said her destination outloud.

"Laundry room."

The icy doors began closing, the slabs coming to meet each other. Once they did, a series of insignia and spells all in the shape of a snowflake appeared, shining a bright blue and the lift began to move. Move downwards. Slowly at first but then there was a sudden uptake in speed. It felt like being plunged down. Like falling.

As quick as it happened. It stopped. The doors opened. She made her way out, pushing the cart infront of her.


The sun had set and night had come on well before she was done. The festivities would have already started. She didn't want to go but she couldn't risk staying. With that last thought, she slipped her foot into her shoes. Grabbing her bag and taking off. Anyone who saw her running would think she was in a rush for the night. And in some ways she was, but not for the reasons they thought.

The journey away from the Palace was a long one. The longer the better. After making sure she was a good ways away, she slowed her speed to a mere walk. Her bag slung over her back as she made her way ever so slowly to the city. Ever so slowly back home. Her mind going back to the day she found him.

[It was the last night of the three day celebration. Infact it was almost over. She was still hurt over Reyim. She was alone in the forest, sitting on a solitary frost covered rock. Hurt more that she had not found her chosen. Hurt even more by the thought she maybe didn't have one. She wanted to spend the rest of the night there. Alone.

The night passed and the day began. The previous day gone but the world still shrouded in dark skies.

Everything was silent, save for the wind that blew, carrying the symphony of cricket song and the chime of icicles knocking gently against each other in the trees. She stayed there for another hour.

By now her parents would be worried. They had let her stay out this long because she was to be an adult next year. Certain freedoms were hers now that she hadn't known existed.

She got up from the rock and with a burst of speed set for home. The trees blurring as she ran. She was getting closer, she could see the lights. The lights in houses, in the streets. The festival lights. Then she heard Then she heard screams. She stopped dead. She saw smoke and fae running. Fleeing.]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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