
Ice dragon

On his 19th birthday, Liu Qin had life turned upside down when he remembered his past lives upon awakening, he discovered that it was not a dream, now possessing the power of his past life, he will leave behind the legend known to the world once again. Gods, demons, angels, mages, yokai, cultivators? my spear will turn them into popsicles. My ice will freeze to the sun, my curses are biological weapons, my life is infinite

Xander_Haris · Urban
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4 Chs


"So, let me get this straight!" Liu Quin looked at the old man sitting in front of him "Did you attack me because you didn't trust that I was my master's disciple?"

"Hehe, sorry young man, you are her disciple" Yong Cha replied with a sigh "Only someone with such cruelty and vitality in attacks can be her master"

"That's it, sir, I'm not cruel" Liu Quin shrugged taking candy from his pocket and after peeling the paper off putting it in his mouth "Isn't it that you're getting older and getting sensitive?"

"Are you calling me a senile old man, boy?" Yong Cha was irritated by Liu Quin's attitude and where have you ever seen a guest start insulting the owner of the house?

"No, no!" Liu Quin kindly replied with a peaceful smile "Never would I call a sir with such mental health as you senile! You sir are very sane, so much so that I was even surprised by his age!"

"You're calling me old!" Yong Cha coughed up blood again, clapping his hand to his head in denial, "How could someone insult me with such a gentle tone of voice?"

Time passed and the two continued talking, Yong Cha explained the situation in the city to Liu Quin! talking about the fun points of the city, the bad points, and the dangerous points

He was very emphatic in declaring that Liu Quin should not make enemies of the families, Tian, Tong and Long, and Quian According to Yong Cha, two of these families were of origin hundreds of years old, with constant participation in the government and the other two were branches of families owning the world-class billionaire conglomerates

Liu Quin understood well what he meant, by not making enemies within the country with political power, he had the way out of the country, as billionaire families with international political power were already more difficult.

not that Liu Quin thought it would be a big problem to deal with Billionaires, the Billionaires were still just the new world nobility, they still hadn't managed to oust the old world nobility from power yet!

Liu Quin's master was from that famous old nobility and if the old woman decided to protect him, if he didn't have some maniacal idea that dealing with assassins and Billionaires wanting his head was good training, Liu Quin would be safe in case he ended up pissing off the billionaire family

Already the family with political power within the country was problematic, Liu Quin had no real power within the country, it would only be left for him to fight against or flee the country.

"I'll avoid picking fights" Liu Quin replied to himself and then turned his attention to Yong Cha again "So, how did you meet my master?"

"Well, it happened about 5 years ago, when I was still an active bounty hunter" Yong Cha started to tell the story

Liu Quin couldn't help but feel a sense of wanting to laugh at the story, the man hunted down criminals to gather money to buy their antiques, a dirty job with a good reward on Liu Quin's mind.

Then one day he was hunting a mysterious criminal who was accused of robbing a mayor's house in a town near the border, that's when he was completely defeated by the criminal who didn't use much effort to finish off Yong Cha

Liu Quin had a hard time believing that a Buddhist monk just ended up with a guy who fights as well as Yong Cha, monks are supposed to be peaceful guys and not thieves.

In the end, Liu Quin's master intervened and easily killed the Monk saving Yong Cha's life.

"Let me guess, you tried to woo her and she beat you to near death and then made you sign a contract of blood and honor passing all your assets into her name until you pay off your debt to her" Liu Quin detailed what he imagined it to have happened and by the pale face Yong Cha made, it gave Liu Quin the certainty that he was right.

"How? How did you know that?" Yong Cha was completely stunned by the way Liu Quin described what happened "Did she tell you?"

"No! My master hates being courted" Liu Quin shrugged his shoulders giving the basics "As she is also a sadistic and violent psychopath, she tends to humiliate idiots who court her disrespectfully, and out of the public eye she kills "

"How am I alive then?" Yong Cha turned pale, he didn't doubt that Liu Quin's master would do that, she impaled the monk in less than a second killing him as if he was nothing more than a fly "Why didn't I die?"

"I don't know! It must have been irritating for her, killing someone she saved?" Liu Quin shrugged, "Or did she just want her goods from the beginning? I don't know what's going on in her head!"

"Is she not her master?" Yong Cha asked in disbelief, how the hell does a disciple not understand her master "You didn't look for her to be strong? You should understand her"

"Hey, I didn't look for her" Liu Quin laughed with irony showing false indignation "I was just kidnapped anyway"

Yong Cha once again coughed