
Ice-Cold Vampire Princess

Before Yukito knew it he was reincarnated into another world as Eira, the Princess of the Vampire clan. 300 years after the war against Inhumans, Eira must combat the terrors that this reality holds. In this world of betrayal, monsters, and humans who want her dead... can Eira survive? Upload Schedule is 2-3 times a week.

Rokuro_ · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Training With Albatross

Training With Albatross


"This is Albatross. The first relic to be able to copy other realities."

The sentence that Rina spoke was something of a life changer to me. The concept of a relic with the ability to replicate alternate realities seemed like an impossibility.

Relics are like what we would call technology in my past life. They were simply objects that usually relied on mana stones. Mana stones are rocks made out of Magicite. Which is a type of material that oozes mana from its core. These mana stones could be used to make tools to make life easier. The teapot was the first of many relics that humans invented over 500 years ago.

They were likely created by an old Hero who was summoned from Earth, but merchants from Othal brought hundreds of human-created relics. This was all before the Great War, which divided humans and Inhumans.

"A relic that can copy realities… That sounds impossible." Vasati chimed in as she walked past me.

As we both followed Rina to the device, I kept my thoughts to myself.

'If this thing works then could I use it to return home?' As my thoughts raced on the matter, I found no sense of longing accompanying them.

'Return home for what reason? I would have an entirely new body that no one recognizes.' The more I contemplated it, I realized that I no longer harbored any attachment to that world.

In this world I mean something.

'If I returned to my old world, would I be treated the way I'm treated here?' Interrupting my thoughts, Haruka walked past me and tapped me on the shoulder.

"Are you ready to test it out, Eira?" Haruka's sudden question almost made me jump a bit before I calmly answered.

"Of course."

After my answer, I turned and started walking faster in the direction of the relic. Within moments, I reached it, and at the heart of Albatross, a symbol came into view.

It was a carved engravement into the stone. The symbol was intricately crafted, resembling a perfect circle with piercing jet-black eyes nestled in its center. Each curve and line seemed meticulously designed, giving it an aura of mystique and significance. Haru then gently placed her hand on the symbol, and suddenly, a radiant crimson glow enveloped us, filling the room with a sinister feeling of Mana.

Suddenly, the ground beneath our feet quivered, sending tremors rippling through the very foundation of the room. The crimson mana, swirling with intensity, cascaded in waves, casting the surroundings into a shroud of darkness that seemed to swallow everything whole.


"Eira you can open your eyes now." After what seemed like a brief pause, Vasati's composed voice resonated through the air, its calm demeanor cutting through the silence.

As my eyelids fluttered open, I found myself gazing upon a vast expanse of a sandy desert and rugged, rocky outcrops stretching out before me. The desert landscape unfolded in intricate detail, each grain of sand and crag of stone looked like a scene I would see out of an old movie. The expansive landscape was much wider than the room we had been in, which proved what Rina said to be true.

"We really are in a new world…" My voice trailed off in awe. Despite having been informed of the relic's capabilities, I remained utterly unprepared for how amazing it truly was.

"Well not exactly." Claire's abrupt interjection caught my attention, prompting me to turn towards her as she continued to speak.

"We can't move from this desert." Claire followed this action by sprinting to one of the hills that were about 60 meters away. As she approached it, she attempted to touch it and the hill seemed to have some sort of invisible wall blocking it.

She teleported back to us in an instant and spoke. "That is the extent of it."

With the 75 of us that had all been warped here, I was interested to see the extent of these new kid's powers. I leaped into the air and hovered over the group with my flight magic.

"Hello to all of you! My name is Eira de Bethencourt, and I am going to be conducting a test on the abilities of all of you!" I used sound magic to raise the volume of my voice to ensure that all of them could hear me.

"What kind of test is it?" Amidst the crowd, a young demon with bright blue hair caught my eye. As she spoke, I could tell her voice came from curiosity and not fear.

"A test of your Magic attack power… against myself," I replied, a smirk playing at the corners of my lips.

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd, their eyes widening in astonishment as the implications of my challenge sank in.

"She wants us to use our magic against her?"

"I know she's powerful but isn't she a princess."

"I don't mind trying against her."

The voice came from the demon who had asked me the question earlier. Her response seemed to part the crowd like a wave, creating a path as everyone instinctively moved aside, allowing her to walk forward in my direction.

"My name is Saro. I will be your first opponent."

Loud chatter in the crowd formed as I waited for Saro to approach me.

"All of you, shut up and watch closely." I continued to hover in my position as I watched Saro charge at me.

As I watched her channel her flight magic, I was surprised at her speed. She then pulled a blade out of what looked like her shadow storage and as she began to close the distance between us, she slashed her blade forward.

Her sword strike would have beheaded me if I hadn't teleported behind her. She then turned around quickly and slashed again. This time her target was my arm, but I was prepared to counterattack.

"Eternal Freeze." 

In an instant, her blade was encased in ice, and with a swift punch, my fist collided with it, causing the frozen blade to shatter into pieces.

"Using physical weapons versus an Ice mage isn't smart unless your weapon is enchanted." As I taunted her, I flicked her with my index finger and the impact sent her crashing into the ground.

"Did she just beat Saro with just one attack?"

"Forget one attack that was just her finger."

"How scary..."

As I watched all of their expressions became shaken with fear. I flashed a smile to Vasati who gave me a thumbs up in response.

"I love it when she's proud of me." I thought silently to myself, cherishing the fleeting moment of her approval.

Before I could even give the announcement for the next challenger, I felt a powerful magical signal flying towards me.

"I guess she's not done yet." The thought caused me to slightly break out a smile. While I want to keep the façade of a strict leader, it's great to see this level of resolve on my team.


As Saro flew in my direction at a ridiculous velocity she used one of the most powerful fire spells in existence.

Inferno is an advanced tier 7 fire magic. While the spell was certainly strong, Saro couldn't get it to take the dragon-like form that it was supposed to have. Saro's Inferno was only a giant fireball made of plasma, but it was still powerful enough to level a small village.

To use chantless tier 7 magic at a young age is a feat to be proud of, but she could get more out of the spell than that.

"If she is gonna be going all out… then I will show her some of my power." I sighed and began to channel my Ice magic.

"Saro, I will show you the beauty of ice magic."

"Absolute Zero." 

As my magic surged forth, a powerful shockwave erupted, its force rippling through the very fabric of space, causing the air to quiver and distort in its wake.

Everything froze and nothing moved. After I floated forward, I touched the giant fireball, and it dissolved in a moment.

Looking back at the group of new members not a single one of them moved. When I turned to Haru's group I wasn't surprised to see them unfazed by it. Haru likely reached the level of the Gods years ago and Rina and Claire are both dragons. Vasati is Demon royalty so it's no surprise to me that she was unaffected by it.

Vasati stared at me with a shocked expression as if she had no idea what was happening, but I still hadn't finished this fight.

I lazily floated towards Saro and kicked her in the back. With a swift kick, I struck her, and in that moment, the world unfroze around us. A hushed silence fell over the newbies as they gazed at me in sheer horror, their expressions a mixture of disbelief and terror.

Saro was sent flying into the ground and the new group all surrounded her and tried to help her to her feet.

"Eira, what kind of magic was that?" Vasati's expression was serious but full of curiosity.

"That was Absolute Zero, a magic that freezes everything, even time itself."

And Eira has now unveiled her OP magic after the result of her training. Hopefully, she didn't scare away all of the new members Haruka gathered. The next chapter will be released on the 28th at midnight EST. Have a great day!

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