
Ice-Cold Vampire Princess

Before Yukito knew it he was reincarnated into another world as Eira, the Princess of the Vampire clan. 300 years after the war against Inhumans, Eira must combat the terrors that this reality holds. In this world of betrayal, monsters, and humans who want her dead... can Eira survive? Upload Schedule is 2-3 times a week.

Rokuro_ · Fantasy
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33 Chs

For Five Years (Start Of Volume 2)

For Five Years (Start Of Volume 2)


On the dawn of a cold winter night, the peak of a frosted mountaintop sat a young girl. As her long, silver twin-tails glistened in the moonlight a freezing breeze swirled around her.

"I can't believe it's been 5 years," I said to myself as I broke into a smile.

"Vasati, I'm on my way." I smiled at the thought of seeing her again. I wonder if she will even still recognize me with how much I've grown. My annoying midget height was no more since I turned 14. Instead of being 144 cm, I was now 152cm. Not really the greatest growth spurt, but it was better than the former. I even finally developed in some previously lacking areas and wore a B-cup-sized bra now.

"Well now is a great time to test this," I mumbled to myself as I snapped my fingers and vanished from the mountain.

A few months after Eira began her training with Farru


It had been a few months since I began my training with Farru, he had been training me in the Great Forrest Of Adeleth for a few a week now.

Day after day he made me fire beginner-level spells at a magic-reinforced target. The goal was for me to destroy the target if I reached the level of magic control that he wanted me to reach, however, there was no way anyone could do this.

As I fired another spell at the reinforced magic target I couldn't get my magic to destroy it like Farru without using higher level spells.

"Eira, you need to condense your magic more," Farru instructed me from above as he floated on some gentle wind magic.

"What does that even mean..." I kicked a rock angrily into a nearby tree.

"For example with this apple..." Farru dropped to the ground and picked an apple off the Tree I kicked the rock into.

"Magic Power is a very sparse thing. To go around wasting Magic power when you can be using it more efficiently is a waste." He explained elegantly.

He tossed the Apple into the air and shot a fireball about the size of his fingertips. The apple was evaporated in the blink of an eye.

"The amount of mana you use does not decide how powerful your spell will be, the core of your element does," Farru explained as he twirled his index finger in a circular motion.

"Well, I can't get it to work like you do," I complained.

"That is a result of your stubbornness, not your talent." He shrugged his shoulders and sighed.

"Farru, how old are you?" I asked curiously.

"To be honest I don't know how old I am." As he spoke it looked like he tried to remember something.

"You don't know?" I asked starting to become curious.

"I was sealed inside of a human "Sanctuary" for a long time... when I was released, war was raging all over the continent." He explained as he began to look up at the cloudy sky.

"How did you even escape? I would expect a place like that to be guarded pretty well during a time of war during a time of war." I pondered.

Suddenly his normally expressionless face showed a tinted blush. I had no idea he could even make a cute face like that.

"I'll tell you as long as you promise to not anyone..." Farru's normal reluctance to talk about anything that wasn't training made me a lot more interested in what he was about to say now.

"I won't tell anyone... you have my word." I assured him.

"She was who the humans call the Saintess, I believe..." He seemed to smile fondly when seemed to think about her.

"A human released you during the great war? Wait, you're over 300 years old?!" I asked starting to become very engaged in his story.

"That's pretty rude." He smirked slightly.

I was a bit scared of him at first, but Farru is a pretty fun person to be around. He was strict with the way he trained me, but that was just the way he learned it. He was also adorable, and while I'm surprised I could have a feeling of affection for someone, he kind of gave me that older brother that I never had.

During these 5 years, I learned so much more about magic that I wouldn't have it any other way. My Ice magic now rivaled the Elven Queen in power, but I was still some ways behind her in technique. My Dark magic had reached the point where I could even create, a smaller version of Azziros's "Black Hole". I did my best to refrain from using blood magic, but let's just say it was in line with my other abilities.

I had been keeping up with Rina through letters and she had been still attending the academy now accompanied by Claire. That annoying former Hero would barely ever respond to my letters and when she did it was all insanely vague replies.

She had been supposedly raising the numbers of Phantom Gloom, but I seriously doubt I can trust her with that. Even though Rina said it had been going well, seeing what that former Hero has done will be interesting.

More importantly, I hadn't sent a letter to Vasati for 5 years. She was traveling the country while training with the supposed, strongest woman in the entire Demonshire military... Karina of the Beastkin tribe.

She was the grandmaster and founder of physical magic, which is a type of magic that can be used to reinforce your body. Now that magic is taught to anyone who can read and is a must for anyone to know.

As I walked to the gate of Fraize an unexpected smile fell on my face and I surprisingly couldn't hold it back.

"Wow, the city looks exactly the same." A familiar voice said from behind me.

"Farru, why are you here?" I asked questioningly as I turned around to face him.

"Huh, I work for King Azziros y'know" He snarkily replied.

He was dressed in a violet baggy sweater with some white pants covered in Elks fur. Elks were similar to what sheep were in my past life except they were a midly strong magical beast. Their fur is very much coveted in the fashion world by young ladies nowadays. It looks pretty good on Farru though since he could pass as a girl to anyone.

"You're wearing that sweater again Farru... must be because that Saintess gave it to you." I jokingly snickered.

His face quickly tinted, but he shrugged it off and turned to the gate.

"Don't. Mention. It." He ordered as he glared at me embarrassingly.

"Why of course Farru-Sama!" I chuckled as I jokingly bowed to him.

"Eira...." He started to let some of his bloodlust leak out.

While it would be fun to tease him about it, I should probably run, because I still am not stronger than him.

"I guess I'll teleport back to Rina's dorm since she said she wanted to see me when I got back." I thought.

"Bye, Bye Farru!" I said and joking blowing a kiss to him.


As I walked around the streets of Fraize, I decided to go visit a cafe that Vasati and I frequented when we were going to school here, it was called Cecile's Cafe.

The owner of the cafe was a really good friend of my family as well. As I walked in and sat down by a window seat a brown-haired Foxkin girl came to take my order.

"What would you like to order miss?" She warmly asked.

"Two flarp cakes-" I started my order, but someone behind me rudely interrupted.

"And a vanilla latte." A familiar voice finished my order perfectly and once I turned around I was greeted with the sight of a beautiful black-haired girl. Her short hair was curled neatly at the edges and her deep black eyes glowed with a familiarity that felt exclusive to me.

For five years I have never stopped loving you,


Thank You all for starting Volume Two of Ice-Cold Vampire Princess! I'm very excited for everyone to enjoy the true start of the novel. Volume Two will feature a lot of new characters so be prepared. It will be substantially longer than Volume One as well. Volume One is kinda like a prologue in all fairness. I hope all of you enjoy Volume Two!

Rokuro_creators' thoughts