
Ice-Cold Vampire Princess

Before Yukito knew it he was reincarnated into another world as Eira, the Princess of the Vampire clan. 300 years after the war against Inhumans, Eira must combat the terrors that this reality holds. In this world of betrayal, monsters, and humans who want her dead... can Eira survive? Upload Schedule is 2-3 times a week.

Rokuro_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs




Once we had concluded the session of testing, I had learned all of the things I needed to know.

Haruka had done an excellent job with all of their training. The most impressive of all of them was Saro by a wide margin. Her fire magic had reached a level far above the royal knights I had battled with 5 years ago and she was only 14 years old.

I was very impressed with Mira's capabilities for support magic. Not only did she have a huge expanse of Magic Power, but she also had a level of control that I had only seen from the royal court mages of our country.

Many others were impressive in their own right, but those two were capable of fighting with our main group.

"Eira! Come to the center so we can leave." Vasati beckoned me over to where the rest of the group had gathered, and in an instant, I teleported beside her.

"Wow, that was quick." Vasati swiftly turned to me, her face breaking into a wide smile.

"Do you like how advanced my darkness magic is now?" With a wide smirk, I gently prodded her in the side.

"You've done a great job Eira." Vasati praised, her hand tenderly patting my head which caused me to develop a slight blush.

"Vasati stop doing that when there are people around."

As I turned around, I saw the entire group staring at us. None of them appeared bothered by it; however, their heightened interest didn't make me feel any more comfortable.

In the blink of an eye, a colossal surge of crimson mana swept over us once more, shrouding me in impenetrable darkness. When I regained my senses, I found myself back in the familiar, dome-shaped chamber we had occupied before our departure.

'Albatross is surely an amazing invention that would be sought after by any King'. I thought to myself silently.

'That raises the problem. If King Azziros were to find out about this, he would want to use it for his army. ´

"Haru." As I made my way toward the center of the group, my attention was drawn to Haruka, who stood casually chatting with Rina and Claire.

"Eira?" Haru's curious tone interrupted whatever possible conversation they may be having.

"You cannot let the knowledge of this relic get out. Nobles will make our lives Hell if we do."

"I'm very much aware Eira, which is why no one has been told about this outside of the party."

Haruka's words brought an instant wave of relief, allowing me to exhale a sigh without delay. As long as the Relic stayed only in the knowledge of the group everything would be fine.

"Well, that's great. I'm happy that you were able to show us around the place, but Vasati and I need to go."

Vasati who had been standing by my side idly finally spoke after my statement.

"We need to go somewhere?" Vasati's puzzled eyes reflected in mine.

"Did you forget what you promised me five years ago?" I inquired, my expression devoid of emotion.

"Of course, I didn't forget."

"Then what was it?"

Vasati racked her brain for a while, but she couldn't seem to remember what I was talking about.

"Just forget about it then." I turned and began to walk out of the room.

"Wait!" Vasati's frantic shout startled me for a moment before I turned around.

"What is it then, Vasati?" I asked, tilting my head slightly in curiosity.

"I remember," she affirmed, her steps deliberate as she closed the distance until we were standing face-to-face.

I slowly tried to back away, but Vasati grabbed my waist and pulled me into her. Before I realized it Vasati's face was inches away from mine and under an immense amount of embarrassment, I closed my eyes.

Vasati's cool breath tickled my ear as she whispered, "Let's go on a date tomorrow."

As I opened my eyes in shock Vasati grinned earnestly and let go of me. I quickly jumped away from her and dusted off my clothing with my hand.

"Ok…" I quickly responded and turned to walk out of the room.

As I walked out, murmurs rippled throughout the room, following in my wake.

"What did Princess Vasati say to Princess Eira?"

"Must have been something very important for her to whisper it to Princess Eira."

As they all debated among themselves about what was said I continued to walk at my fastest stride out of the room.

"Eira! Use the teleport crystal at the meeting desk to exit!" I turned around briefly after I heard Claire's shout.

As we made eye contact, she quickly smiled and waved at me to which Haru followed. Vasati had already begun following me out of the room as I walked out.

Once we had reached the hallway, I turned to confront Vasati about her behavior.

"Vasati you can't just act like that when we're around people," I mumbled slightly above my breath. While Vasati's actions always made my heart race, I didn't want one hundred people to watch her flirt with me.

"Act like what?" With a swift movement, Vasati extended her slender fingers, gently tilting my chin upward. As my gaze met hers, I found myself drawn into the endless depths of her jet-black eyes.

Over the five years, her appearance hadn't changed much, but she was way more flirtatious than she used to be.

"Like you're acting right now… idiot."

"How do you want me to act?"

"I-I don't mind it in general, but when we're around other people don't flirt with me that much…"

I turned my head to the side, deliberately avoiding her intense gaze. Yet, despite my efforts, I couldn't help but notice her mesmerizing black hair.

"So how do you feel about me doing this?"

"Doing wa- mmph"

Before I could utter a word, warmth engulfed my lips as Vasati pressed hers against mine, catching me by surprise. I struggled for a brief moment before I closed my eyes and kissed her back.

Her tongue quickly parted my lips, slipping into my mouth with a swift yet gentle motion. As it intertwined with my own, a tingling sensation coursed through my body. She then wrapped her arms around my waist in a refusal to let me escape so I obliged.

After about 45 seconds I finally opened my eyes and Vasati was staring directly into my eyes. The usual dark twinkle of mischief in her eyes seemed to have vanished for this moment. She was pouring her earnest feelings into me.

Moments after our eyes met, she finally released me, a smug grin playing on Vasati's lips as if she had conquered something.

"I'll show you more during our date."

"Y-Y-You!" I dashed toward the meeting table at full speed, my feet pounding against the ground with determined urgency.

"That girl is far too dangerous."