
The Computer

(The thinking and speaking from this chapter are all kinds of wonky, because I could not for the life of me think it through because it's all in the perspective of the mc and I confused my self with it. So forgive this chapter at minimum… rag on all others if you find mistakes tho.)

(Another note this is a test chapter to get the idea out there and searchable for others to give ideas to help me with the jutsu and training while I write)

'I'm dead' at least that's what I initially thought. I vaguely remember driving past a Asian market and what looked like Truck-sama came flying out the building and hitting my car. 'Yep definitely dead. Then why am I in this weird room now.' As I look around at the surroundings I'm in a white room with the walls producing the light for the room from the places it was visible. The most odd thing would have to be the fucking stickers. There are thousands of them all looking like they were halfheartedly slapped all over the room.

Stranger yet all of them are arrows of different sizes and styles. However they all have one thing in common. They are all pointing at the same thing. In the corner of the room there was a corner desk with a carpet leading up to it. Making it essentially another arrow and in the center of it where all there arrows culminate is a computer.

Nothing fancy just a screen, mouse and a keyboard. There wasn't even a tower but the screen was on and displaying something. On the monitor there was only one statement. "Use me." After looking around the room and only seeing the computer I approach it. As I got close I felt something hit the back of my legs. Falling backwards I landed on something soft.

Looking down I saw I was now on a computer chair. 'God it has to be the most comfortable chair I've ever sat on. I wish I could of found one of these before it would of made my hours of gaming all the better. I mean seriously why do all the good chairs have to cost a arm and a leg.' Looking back up to the screen I noticed it changed.

The screen now said. [Congratulations sad sack mortal you have been chosen by this Great God as entertainment. I have come to enjoy the creations known as fan-fictions. However to many of them are dropped to early for my liking (*cough*). So this great one came up with the perfect solution. Just nab some random nerdy mortal that would want to go to a fictional world and send them there to make the fan-fiction a reality for them. Hehe can't drop a fan-fic if it's your life. Also no you don't have a option to refuse. Either you do it or you stay in this room till your soul fades. This computer is you application to the fan *cough* new world you will be going to. But don't fret this Great One finds it's not a fan-fic if there isn't a golden finger so you will receive a small one of your choice.]

To say I wasn't stunned and a little pissed to be used as entertainment would be a understatement.... But hey I get to be a fan-fic Protagonist and its not like I have much a choice. I always dreamed of being someone special I mean who hasn't. Growing stronger, fighting battles not to mention the beauties throwing themselves at you. So I guess as much as it sucks throwing a tantrum like a kid won't help me in this situation hell I might not even get a golden finger for being a bitch about it. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. The God had no real reason to even tell me or give me a choice. So I should just enjoy what little choice I get for my new life.

Coming out of my contemplation I look back at the computer the screen has changed.

[Thank you for choosing new world application where our motto is "New World, New Joy."

For the first step please select your new world.]

Harry Potter








+8245782 more

My first thought was really... what a stupid motto. Couldn't they think of something better it's like they only spent like 3 seconds thinking of it. *cough* Well anyway there sure a lot of choices like someone just typed a some random number in. *cough* But the main question is what world would I like to go to. I definitely want to grow stronger and not just be some random person. Not to mention the would should have a lot of good waifus. One where I have good knowledge of the story must be a must it's not like I can google it if I forget something. So I guess I would have to stick to Naruto, Bleach or Harry Potter. I was a bit of a nerd but I never really go to far into other series. I was more of play games with my friends type.

I mean I technically can do ok in the D&D verse but come on fuck that. There is way to much weird and creepy shit in that universe. Not to mention all the ways to die and world ending items you can find up a orcs ass if the Dm is weird and I'd rather not have a psychotic god as a Dm use me for further entertainment then he already is. Harry Potter is to much book learning for my liking. I mean sure there is only one big bad but he is a creepy cockroach. Not to mention the only point I'd be useful is the end of the story really. Also it's girls are ok at best sure there is a few that are good. But are they a fucked up world filled with bigots good.

I think I'll go with naruto sure it's also fucked up but there are solid waifus everywhere. I mean hell the big bad of the whole thing before boruto is a waifu that seriously just needs some good love and protection. From what little I've seen of boruto it appears to be some family cleaning on her end. Even then they all seem to be punks for the most part as well. The only reason it's remotely a struggle is Naruto and Sausgay (not a typo) got seriously nerfed.

'If I get any type of golden finger I can probably push their shit in and enjoy my life surrounded by waifus of I play my cards right.' Thinking up to here I slam my choice home and pick naruto causing the screen to change again.

[You have chosen naruto to be you new world. Up next will be your choice of timeline.]

As much as I'd like to go early and start my waifu collection with the older ones, I'd feel weird hitting up the younger ones in my twenties. Not that it's much better with me being the same age as them. I mean is it really less pedo if I'm the same age physically. However to get all the good waifus it is a sacrifice to my conscious than I'm willing to make.

[You have chosen the main timeline. Creating new divergence to fit need…. Done. Next option will be your goldfinger. You may enter your choice as it's boring if you just need to pick.]

Cool so I get freedom of creation here. Thinking for a bit I started to frown. 'Why would this sadistic god give me a choice to pick whatever I want? He wants me to be entertainment for him, so it goes to show it shouldn't be that easy for me. This must be come kind of trap, if I just pick something broken he would probably screw me over some other way to make it entertaining.'

Thinking up to here I decided I'm going to go light with my goldenfinger and something less common. 'The less room I give him to mess with me the better.' But I still want something to exploit. So I'll pick somethings that could be done normally and one or two bloodlines as my cheat.

After thinking long and hard for what I wanted as my "cheats" I decided on two bloodlines and a booster.

[Thank you for your choices. You chose mutated ice and boil releases, as well as advanced fūinjutsu comprehension.]

I was quite happy with my choices all said and done. I know of other things I can do when I get there to power me up. I chose the two kekkei genkai because they weren't shown much in the series and I had ideas for them. Same with the fūinjutsu, sure it was use more than the prior but still I believe it has even more uses than shown. Even if it doesn't it's still extremely useful for my future plans.

Going back to the bloodlines the mutations I chose are pretty simple. Bodily transformation, boil release will be similar to smoke release but with better control instead of being unstable. Ice on the other hand would be like something I saw online while looking up ice release for the first time. It was on the Naruto fandom but I couldn't find the source to save my life despite how detailed everything was it's the "Coldheart" line mutation.

Both of them have lot of utility and survivability. Plus I'm looking forward to trying to combine the techniques. As I sat there acting proud of the choices I made the screen changed again.

[All choices have been made. You will now be reborn shortly. Please provide entertainment for this Great God.]

Before even getting a chance to process what the computer said my vision faded to black.


POV change

Somewhere in a Japanese styled room with no windows or doors sat a man that appeared in his 20's. "Sweet a new Naruto fan-fic. I hope this idiot didn't try to break strength before he started or I'd have to fuck with him like the last one." The man spoke while picking up a book from a near by shelf that appears small but also looks like it has billions of books on it.

The man looked at the the introduction and smirked. "Heh he figured it out, huh? His choices aren't that bad but at the same time not that broken. I guess I won't make things that much harder for him. But then again he is the first in what 40,000 ish that didn't make himself broken. Hum maybe I can do a little something something to make it more 'interesting' for him."

So in a room seemingly isolated from everything else with no doors a laughter can be heard from a certain hikikomori god that has nothing better to do.

Next chapter