
Chapter 1: The Meeting

Disneyland, the happiest place on earth. "Yeah right," you mutter. The "happiest place on earth" is a sea of flesh and cloth as the crowds struggle against each other, everyone rushing to get to some ride or another, or to meet people dressed as characters from the latest Disney films, or to eat at one of the many over-priced restaurants. Parents shout, children scream, and you are nearly out of your mind with boredom.

Normally you would love going to Disneyland, but this year all of it just feels so annoying. The noise, the crowds, the lines, all of it is almost more than you can handle. Your own family is waiting in line to see Elsa and Anna, or more accurately the people Disney had hired to pretend to be Elsa and Anna. Frozen had been the favorite movie of your much younger cousins, and now you were dragged along as your immediate and extended family all went to visit and take pictures with the beloved characters' doubles.

The Arendelle-themed décor seems strangely familiar, striking a cord within you. Its almost like you've been here before... You shake away that thought, realizing how ridiculous it is. You probably just recognize it from the several times you've watched the movie. While you may not be obsessed with meeting the face characters like your younger relatives were, it was still a good film, and Elsa's powers were pretty freaking awesome. If only you could have powers like that...

Your family finally enters the room and you catch sight of the Elsa and Anna face characters. You stop breathing for a moment as you stare at the Elsa face character. She was beautiful, far more beautiful than you had expected. Not only that, the sensation of familiarity that you felt earlier strikes you again, this time a dozen times stronger. Her eyes glint for a moment as if she recognizes you too, but then she turns away and begins to talk to the little ones.

The world spins around you, images flashing across your eyes. Whether buried memories or visions of the future you cannot tell, but the images come in a rush, too many to catch anything but a quick glimpse. You see ice and fire, a snowy mountainside and a luxurious palace, a cute redheaded girl and a handsome yet devious-looking man with prominent sideburns. And most of all you see a woman, the most beautiful woman in the world. Images of her flood your mind. You hear the sound of her laugh, see her beautiful face, feel the touch of her silky skin... And then everything goes dark.


You wake up alone, half buried in snow. You have no idea how you ended up there, nor where it is you are. What you do know is that you are nowhere near your home, and these are not your clothes. Your usual clothes are gone, replaced by what looks to be some form of leather armor, accompanied by a long fur cloak with a hood. Attached to your belt is the scabbard for a longsword which you are certain you have never used.

You pull yourself off the ground and look around, brushing off the snow clinging to your strange new clothes. The sun is high in the sky, the clouds are nearly nonexistent, and it is a beautiful day. Looking around you can see that you are on a mountainside. Below you is forests and more snow, and above you is a ledge, which you presume you fell off of, leading to your unconsciousness. The problem is, you don't remember falling. In fact, you can't remember much of anything. Your memory is all a big blur.

Before you can consider that more, a massive gust of wind nearly knocks you over. You are high up in a frigid climate. You know that you should feel cold, freezing even, but you barely feel it. There is this heat inside of you, a heat that makes the chilly temperature around you meaningless. It is almost like there is a fire inside your chest, burning fervently, almost violently.

The mysteries are piling up, and the gaps in your memory aren't helping. You can remember your name, as well as your personality and some of your hobbies, but everything else is a blank. You can't remember where you are from, or what year it is. You know that you like reading books and playing video games, but... What is a video game? Nothing about this situation was making any sense.

Your inner monologue is interrupted as you hear a scream, high-pitched and full of fear. Without thinking you run towards the sound, your athletic form launching you towards the sound. In moments you crest a hill and see a ring of filthy men, circling two women. One of them, a redhead, is on the ground, a look of abject terror on her face, while the other stands above the redhead, standing determined, though there is a fear in her beautiful eyes.

The redhead looks like under normal conditions she would be pretty cute, with her clear blue eyes and freckles. The other one however is the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. With ivory skin, platinum hair, and perfect, icy blue eyes. She wears a sapphire dress that shimmers in the sunlight, and everything about her, from her face to the her figure, is absolute perfection in your eyes.

"Back off," she warns the unsightly-looking men around her and the other girl, holding her hand out. "I don't want to hurt anyone, but if you attack us you WILL regret it.

"I highly doubt that, beautiful one," the man replied with a wicked sneer. "Now, the more you struggle, the more this will hurt. But you see, my men and I here just can't resist an opportunity like this. It isn't every day that one meets a woman as luscious as the pair of you." He sneered again, and the woman's hands clenched into fists.

You don't here what the man says next, as a blind rage fills your mind. These men wanted to have their way with these poor women, and you WILL NOT stand for it. Your rage fuels the fire inside you, and everything goes red for a moment, until finally a blast of fire shoots out of your fingertips. The ruffians scream in pain and terror as the flames fall in their midst. They look up and see you, flames streaking out of your outstretched hands.

"Sorcery!" one of them shouts, and they all take off running. In moments they are gone.

"Are you two alright?" you ask the two women as you walk down the hill towards them.

"We are fine," the icy woman replies, helping the redhead to her feet. "Thank you for your help, kind sir. I am glad you were here." There is curiousity in her eyes as she looks you over, but not the sort of curiousity you would have expected from someone who had just seen you use magic, which you were still shocked about yourself. "My name is Elsa, and this is my sister Anna. Who might you be?"

"My name is (Y/N)," you answer.

"Well then (Y/N)," Elsa says with a smile, "welcome to Arendelle."


You wake up back in Disneyland, breathing heavily. "Are you alright?" someone asks, and you look up to see your family standing over you, looking worried.


I'm fine," you answer, struggling to your feet. You glance over to look at the Elsa doppleganger, but she is gone. However, you can't shake the feeling that that "face character" was the same woman you had seen on that icy mountainside when you fell unconcious. "What is going on here?" you mutter to yourself. And was what you saw a hallucination, a memory, or something else? What exactly is going on here?