

Truth be told I have not written anything for a long time. And so questions. They ran through my head everytime. Argh! I want to write but I don't know what about. So, I'm going to talk about something I did way back in the fifth grade. I've never written about it and so this is as close as it gets to a revelation. When I was in the fifth grade in the 2nd term, I got a new desk mate. The reason she became my desk mate was because our class teacher believed I was a good boy. I was also among the top, if not, the top of my class.

I'll keep her name to myself for privacy reasons. She was a year older than me. I was um... a year hornier than her. So we sat together as I taught her (the basics). She was very low in her first exam but when I stepped in, she started to become average....you know, 350-380/500. So yeah we got close, too close actually. One day, my pen slipped off my locker just a tad bit too fast for me to catch. It rolled down to the space between me and her, between our chairs.

Going down to get it, my handhold became slippery and I couldn't stop my way down. My hand, instinctively grabbed anything that it could to break the fall. And it landed on.....her thigh. My fingers tingled as warmth arced up through my hand.

DISCLOSURE!!! I do not feel comfortable going on from here.

So anyways, she closed her legs, trapping my fingers in-between her two slabs of thigh flesh. Her school dress, being thin in nature, enabled me to feel everything. I even felt goosebumps form on her inner thighs. I came back up, sitting straight. Mind you my posture wasn't the only thing that was straight..and stiff. Her eyes met mine and her face flushed.

I did not move a muscle for the next two lessons. My hand and her thigh did not meet again that day.

I pondered on the fact that she did not complain while I was at home. My dubious mind went to work. I didn't tell this to anyone. This was my longest kept secret. So, going back to school the next day, I sat at my desk and placed my hand where I thought it belonged. The feeling washed over me. Again. I decided that I wanted to do whatever hokey-pokey adults do at night, with that girl. That day, I did a bit of exploring. Her thighs filled my whole hand. There was so much surface area and I loved every square centimeter.

I felt like there was more I could do but I hadn't the knowledge of how. There was a reason why my pintle stood up everytime the skin of my hand embraced her thigh. There was something I was supposed to do with it but what. She, at a point, started to open and close her legs rhythmically. Her hands went to the sides of her chair and her head jerked upwards. She sighed and went back to writing her notes.

If only I'd known what those random movements were back 6 years ago