
I.Q SYSTEM Obtain strength through intelligence

What happens when there are crazy scientists after you, and there is a new threat. {System activated} {Let's start this journey} Brent Caesar, an extremely intelligent boy, lost his parents and starts a journey with no end in sight. Blake his twin brother, joins in this journey Do they really know where to stop? The story is mostly about the strong acting weak, trying to get by just fine. They are forced to reveal their strength to the world when the novas arrived, and leading them is no other than the one who forced them to hide their strength. With more troubles than rest, how will the twins get by. Would they remain low key? or Would they fight for a more peaceful and free life? Follow them on their journey and ask yourself a question. What would I do? Add to library, and I promise not to let you down Support with power stones And get more chapters

Wisewrites_0627 · Fantasy
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35 Chs


"RUN" someone shouted. Immediately my parents pushed me through a tiny space underground, as I was falling, I could see the love in their eyes and a little bit of tears, they held hands and mouthed the words "we love you" then they closed the tiny door and I finally hit the ground.

I am Brent Caesar, I'm 7 years old. My family's pretty average and I am exceptionally intelligent but my parents told me to act dumb in front of people, I don't know why but when I asked them they only said "it's for your own good". I'm a very obedient son so I would always listen to them, because of this, I was always bullied and called "Brain dead Brent" all over school. I was always the last in class and all the teachers tried speaking to me, but all I told them was "I know what I'm doing" and I'll leave.

I was still on the ground when I started reminiscing about yesterday when everything went down, that was when I understood the reason they told me to act dumb.

Yesterday. "Hey brain dead Brent, aren't you gonna study harder... Oh I forgot you can't Hahahaha" the school bully said. His name is Calister Corner.

"Leave me alone" I answered nonchalantly.

"Oh you gonna cry? Better don't cos it would make you look dumber." He said again. After that I just kinda lost my cool.

"Hey asshole, would you bet that I can't beat you in academics? Well bring it on you dumb ass" I retorted back to him.

"Oh, bring it on" he said full of pride.

Did I mention Calister was an idiot? Well now I am. Just so he could humiliate me, he called all our teachers and even students from other classes. We ended up in the school hall with all the teachers and students gathered, some even recording a live stream. Honestly, I don't know why they are making this a big deal, well whatever, Imma dust him.

The math teacher, Ms. Justin was the one to hand us our papers. As expected, Calister got a total point of 63.

"Ha beat that, brain dead Brent"

For some reason, Ms. Justin was hesitating to call out my score.

"Maybe she doesn't want to humiliate you here" the asshole said while laughing, and then Ms. Justin just suddenly started laughing, but it wasn't a mocking laughter, it was more like she was happy.

"Hahahaha, and Brents score is... A complete 100 marks."

And there was silence.

And that was when I remembered, I wasn't meant to be smart and I immediately regretted as someone barged in.