

General life guidance from an introvert for introverts: - Don't grieve past - Don't overthink present - Don't count on future - LAST BUT NOT LEAST DON'T FORGET THAT YOU ARE NOT !!AN EXTROVERT!! #INTROVERT #extrovert #survival

AngelsCompanion · Urban
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Have you ever had this kind of feeling where you drown the more you struggle? 

The feeling that the entire world is against you and that every power in the world is up against your happiness.

I have that feeling, all the time. But that damn job application was the beginning of real misfortune..

Flipping the first page, she read the questions one by one.

1. Name: 

The black pen slowly drew the name "Dawn" and paused on the last stroke of the syllable "n" before writing the last name, "Light". 

 After finishing high school, few have asked her name, meaning fewer opportunities for her to dwell on her name's meaning. No, she still dwells on it often. Who is she trying to fool? People asking or not asking doesn't have a great impact on this matter. What matters is why they did this!

2. Age: 

The pen drew again " 29 years old". She nodded convincing herself 'Not too young! But definitely not too old either'.

Her parents named their firstborn "Destiny", which means fated or destined. According to her second aunt, when she was drunk out of her mind, they were not romantic or philosophic but didn't want people guessing that their baby daughter was the actual reason for their marriage, so they named her such a pretentious name. Best to note that she said that at one of those big parties when all the relatives were present. Well, it was indeed the reason and everyone knew it, but nobody was foolish enough to mention it. More specifically, not after Destiny graduated from the top of her class and entered the country's best medical university. Making her the pride of my parents and, most importantly, the bragging tool of Grandfather Bright who is not only rich but a filthy rich building owner, caring a lot about reputation and education.

3. Education: 

Seeing the boldly marked word, "Completed", in parentheses, she sighed and wrote "high school degree", seriously considering if asking about education could count as racism. Just then, she decided that if she ever became a court member, she would suggest it as such. "Not that I will ever get the chans!"she muttered under her breath.

When Destiny and her twin, Damon, were two years old, Dawn was born. No rumours surrounded her birth, therefore following the Bright traditions her grandparents took it upon themselves to give her a meaningful name. A name that she usually blames all of her misfortunes on its meaning. A perfectly beautiful name.

4. Gender: 

While thinking 'asking the gender is racist' and 'How does my gender matter in my ability to tutor? ', "Female" filled the spot.

After her paternal grandparents heard about the great disappointment of not awaiting a grandson, they named her Dawn. Too bad they hadn't the opportunity to meet her adult self before the naming ceremony or they might have named her a "waste", a "shame" or a "white-eyed wolf".

6. Martial statue: 


"Such a pretty name you have, Dawn. Your parents might love you very much to give you a name that has such a beautiful meaning.", she had heard several times. Shamefully, they did not intend the meaning for her. 

 They wanted a boy. A male to continue their legacy. So they named her Dawn to make the bright daylight come after her.

Then a second twins were born. They named their bright day "Divine" which coincidentally has nothing to do with day or dawn. Of course, the Bright family had carefully chosen a name for their heir. Making sure the perfect meaning would pave his way to success and perfection. Because their legacy wasn't going to go to some faulty product. 

5. Experiences:

Well, she had seen her relatives experience a lot but this is not the place for those experiences. Nor are those experiences hers to begin with, therefore the empty spot was filled with a "None". 

 "Faulty product" was her elder brothers childhood nickname. Given to him by the almighty Bright grandfather. The chairman decided on that when Damon was only one and a half year old. Why? Because when Destiny could both talk and walk and steal everyone's hearts, the one named an conquer, was still crawling and had yet to utter an understandable word. Of course, it is a thing of the past. Now, he is only called "your honor Judge Bright". He was a late bloomer but definitely not one to get overshadowed by Destinys ingenious. 

Self introduction:

Cursing the question maker she made up some white lies:"I am a very interactive", not in the slightest,"outgoing", not at all,"social", actually an introvert,"person who loves children", not in a hundred years, "I'm on a break from EPS", an actually prestigious, "school of medicin", thinking about dropping out, " and I would love to help your son to achieve his academic goals", need the money and housing mentioned in the job application.

'Until a few days ago I was living in my dreams..'