
I work in the reincarnation office

*To be rewritten in the future* Follow Gil adventures as he works at the reincarnation office with a new assistant. They will cause chaos around them, not even the gods of reincarnation will prevent Gil from having fun. 2 Stars - Where is my shield hero, I ordered four heroes and the shield hero is missing. 5 Stars – Gil is my best friend, we had a lot of fun on the moon, thanks for Sora and Shiro. 3 Stars - I requested that a class of teenagers be transmigrated to my world to defeat the demon king and received only babies. Now the demon king has adopted the babies and is training them to command his forces. It is not what he expected but it has been entertaining. 5 Stars – Recommended. I AM not being THREATRNED. 3 Stars – He gave me an interesting soul for my games, I don't give him 5 stars because I don't like Gil. With love Hitomagi. These are the last of the thousands of reviews that Gil has. My name is Gil and I have the best job in the universe. (Words: 30K)

Empe_ror99 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Are we killers or heroes?

Chapter 3 Are we killers or heroes?

"So Alan will you help me? You're going to be my assistant, right? Come on, say yes" Says Gil, approaching me.

It's not like I could refuse even if I wanted to.

"You said I'd get a good pay. What about the pay?" If I'm going to do this I won't do it for free.

"Excellent question Alan, you can ask for whatever you want" Gil raises his hands dramatically. "Money, years of life, reputation points with the company and even a nice reincarnation plus system when you retire."

"This is a lot to process right now" I say with a slight headache.

"So you agree to be my assistant?" Gil leans forward with stars in his eyes, he is too close for my comfort.

"Yes... it's not like I have much of a choice in the matter."

"That's fabulous! You made a very good decision, Alan" Says Gil, nodding to himself.

The little bastard snaps his fingers again and a contrarian and a pen appear "You can read it if you want, but it will last for several days." I watch in fascination as each time I read a part it seemed endless. I just sigh, pick up the pen and sign, I'm sure I'll regret this.

Gil takes the contract from me along with the pen shortly after and then signs it. He does the magic on it by snapping his fingers and the contract disappears along with the quill.

"Now what?" I can't help but ask, I still know very little about all this.

"Now? We must consummate our union… Don't worry I'll be gentle" Gil he looks at me with a strange look that makes my face lose color from him.

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Wait what the fuck? I take several steps back, staying away from him. Just when I see him holding his stomach and letting out a loud laugh.

"Hahaha You should… you should have seen your face muhahaha" Gil points at me while laughing like an idiot.

"You're an idiot" Damn for a moment I get scared.

"Well Alan tomorrow we have a lot of work to do and I have to train you so rest well today. Because tomorrow the training arc begins!" Gil yells raising his hands in the air.

The sound of snapping fingers brings us back to the apartment.

"It's already night?" I ask looking out the apartment window at the night sky.

"Time goes by fast when you're having fun" Gil says with a shrug "I'll go to my new room to unpack some things"

"Don't you need to eat?" It's not like I'm offering to cook, it's just for the courtesies.

"I have chocolate ice cream… lots of chocolate ice cream" Gil says mystically as he walks away with a chocolate ice cream to his room. Strange child.

The next day

"Rise and shine Alan" An annoyed voice yells in my ears

"What are you doing in my room? I thought I had locked the door." I ask suspiciously, as I stand up.

"Magic" Says the cheeky little shit happily. "Today we have all day to train you Alan, so let's take advantage of the time."

"Then tell me what my job as your assistant will consist of"

"Nothing too difficult, do you remember the first time you met me?"

"When you almost got run over by a truck and a person sacrificed himself for you? If I remember." I say disgusted.

"I explain to you that I was never in danger and only that person could see me, so when he saved me at the cost of his life, his soul passed through my office and now that person lives his life peacefully in an otome world. Last time I checked, he had a harem." Gil explains

"That is to say that you practically killed him to have a flow of souls in your office."

"I didn't kill him... well, I killed him a little bit" Gil says pouting and crossing his arms "That person would die in an accident that same day, I just accelerated the process and as compensation he was reincarnated. Happy ending for everyone!" Explains Gil proudly.

"This is illegal"

"Nope, it's not, my boss allows it" Gil says as he sways on himself.

"Come on Alan don't be so dramatic, nothing will happen to you, after all you are my assistant" I can only sigh and follow the boy.

Shortly after noon we are in a large crowded area.

"Ok Alan, now I need you to pay attention and concentrate, okay?" Gil snaps his fingers and suddenly Alan's vision changes completely, he is in the same place but now he can see the name and a number on the heads of people, as if it were a game.

"The number above their heads means the remaining days of life that a person has, if you want to turn it off just think that you want to turn it off, also if you want to focus on a single person, you just have to think about it, you do everything with your mind , now look for a person who has 1 day left to live."

While Gil continues explaining, I test what he tells me by turning this magic off and on and focusing on specific people, I search the entire crowd and manage to visualize a person with his life bar red with the number 1.

"Now don't think you can play the hero, that person's destiny is already set, no matter what you do he will die in 1 day, if his death is avoided, he will simply have a heart attack and die. Death is inevitable, and before you ask me, no... You can't see your life bar any more than you can see mine." I nod my head in disappointment, I still don't want to do this.

"Ren Venner, 20 years old, will die tomorrow in an alley robbery" Gil says as he focuses on the person. "Now for the next part, we must eliminate our presences from the world, except for the person we have chosen, from the same previous process try to think that no one in the world can see you except that person, that way we will be ignored by the rest of the world , neither cameras nor sensors will detect us."

I do the test concentrating that no one can see me except Ren Venner and I try to talk to anyone around me but I get no response from them, I even touch another person's face and my hand goes through the subject's face, this is incredible.

"Don't get distracted, now we're practically ghosts or something like that, let's follow Ren and remember to put on the costume I gave you" Gil says, reminding me of the cane and the black glasses he gave me, before leaving the apartment, I didn't know what they were for, but now I have a terrible idea what for. I swallow a lump in my throat.

We were following Ren for a few minutes when we saw him stopped at a traffic light.

"This is our chance, don't let go of my hand and just humor me" Gil whispers to me as he takes my hand.

POV Ren Venner

I can't wait for Comic-Con tomorrow, I worked so hard to get the ticket, maybe even get some autographs and some photos with some My Hero Academia cosplayers, I'm lost in thought when I stop at a traffic light waiting for the sign to cross, however something catches my attention, a blind person along with a child pass by me and a shiver runs through my body, I see the traffic light and it is red.

"Older brother, we are almost to the bathroom, hold on a little longer" Says the boy leading the blind person down the street, when a truck comes at full speed in the distance. They will be run over! My feet moved on their own, running right in front of the truck pushing the blind person and child out of the way just as everything around me goes dark shortly after. I won't be able to go to Comic-Con after all... but I don't regret it.

I suddenly open my eyes and find myself in an office of some kind, is it like in the manga? Reincarnation? Isekai? Transmigration? My eyes widen when I see the person sitting in front of me, he must be god. Who would say that god is a child?

"Hello Kami-sama" I say nervously.

"You are dead, after saving two people from being run over by a truck, you were a hero and you are remembered as such on earth, many people lamented your loss and built a statue for you that motivated many people to fulfill their dreams, the The boy you saved when he grew up cured diseases that were believed to have no cure, thus saving millions of people." I was surprised, indirectly save millions of people? My tears run down my cheeks.

"As you have contributed to humanity, I have decided to reward you by reincarnating you in a world of your choice with two wishes" I am speechless, can I reincarnate in the world I want with two wishes?

"Can I go to the world of My Hero Academia please?" God nods and tells me to tell him the wishes, this is my chance to be a hero.

"I wish to have the power to copy powers unlimitedly without any side effects. I also wish to be born into a rich and loving family in the same year that Izuku Midoriya is born." I say with my heart beating faster and faster.

God just nods up with a smile and snaps his fingers as everything goes dark.

POV Alan

"Why did you lie to him? It appears on the news that he committed suicide." I ask Gil, I don't like how I feel, because of me the young man died trying to save us and despite everything, Gil lies to his face, it being his fault that he died that way.

"Sometimes a little lie can do great things" Gil tells me, handing me a screen to see Ren's life in the new world he chose.

"Ren Masaki, a symbol of peace, saving countless lives in his career as a hero, saving the world multiple times, is now retired with numerous grandchildren." Gil says with a smile on his face.

"In a few words, Alan, without us, it is very likely that this land in that universe along with its inhabitants will not exist, congratulations, Alan, you saved your first world"

I stand in shock looking at Gil smiling from ear to ear, what the hell just happened? Save a world?

Yes, most of these 'suicides' that are happening are due to Gil making people who have little time left to live sacrifice themselves and have a flow of people in his office so they don't close it down.

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