
I Work A Nine To Five In The Shinobi World

Have you ever wondered who prints those Bingo Books that all these powerful shinobi carry around? Ever wonder how Kakuzu gets his money from killing off rogue-nins and other people for their bounty? Ever wonder how the system works? Well, I never did. But turns out, being the Deputy Chief of the Bounty Office, Land of Wind, Division, Department of Extraction and Counterintelligence after being killed in a freak accident in my world, comes with the benefit of knowing exactly how bureaucracy works in this wretched world. Well, at least I become more powerful as I successfully do my job...Right? [Analysis Complete: Kakashi Hatake] [+1% to Progress] I'm screwed, aren't I?

UnsympatheticMoron · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


To the honourable Elder,

Dated to the Ninth Year of the Honourable Third's Rule, Seventeenth Year of His Excellency, The Exalted Daimyo of Wind Country's Ascension.

From the Office of the Deputy-Chief, Department of Counterintelligence.

It has come to the attention of our Esteemed Department that the bounty for Sho Three-Heads and Hanako, of the House of Hiramasa-Sei, has been collected by Hatake Sakumo, of the Hidden Leaf Village and the very same has been disseminated to the Hidden Mist, Hidden Cloud akd Hidden Rain Villages. Since no proof of their untimely demise has been presented by any party, the Bounty Office has been contacted to provide further information regarding this issue.

As the executor of their will and a surviving member of their family, the Department humbly requests you to provide any further information regarding the honourable shinobi and kunoichi of our Village who have laid their life down to see us prosper.

Bounty Station 331-A, located in the Hana Province of Fire Country will collect the evidence and Hatake Sakumo will await payment there likewise.

With deepest condolences.

I have seen some comments that say the previous chapters are confusing, or that it had nothing of note. Nothing was explained and it was a deliberate action. That was the reason why the chapter was broken into two parts. It was necessary.

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