
I Won't Waste My Life Again

Radiant_Rayne · Realistic
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7 Chs

Teacher Lin(2)

Teacher Lin arrived after fifteen minutes from the time when bell rang. He was an obese man with below average looks who looks like to be in mid-forties while he was just in early-thirties. He was 4.9'' tall and his big fat belly make him look like a comic character.

But nobody dared to make fun of him because along with his 'good teaching' rumors, it was also spread that whoever say anything bad about his appearance found themselves beaten next day with multiple light injuries by his students who couldn't hear anything bad about their idol.

But Daneel knew the truth. Teacher Lin was the one who ordered this students who like to suck up to him to beat whoever say bad about his appearance.

Teacher Lin walked unhurriedly to the podium. After reaching the podium he sat down on the chair.

"Today is the first class so I will keep this short. So Today's lecture is about….?", he started teaching.

Twenty minute later…

"That's all for today" teacher Lin said and then started taking attendance. After attendance he left the class without even waiting for the ringing of bell.

Seeing teacher Lin finishing his lecture and leaving in just under twenty minute, Daneel sighed. He was familiar with this abrubt behavior because in his past life too Teacher Lin will only teach in class slightly more than twenty minutes and then leave after taking attendance whereas official teaching time for every class is forty-five minutes.

Not only that throughout this twenty minute lecture of his he will mostly talk about how he had teach this topic to almost perfection in his coaching. Teacher Lin thought no one can see his clever advertisement technique but Daneel had seen him use this techniques for more than two years, so he was familiar with this.

'Sigh… it seems like I have to bear with him again', Daneel sighed again.