
I woke up in a beauty reversed world (on-hold)

Isaac, a severe looking college student, had been shunned or feared by his peers his entire life due to his fearsome appearance. Isolated from everyone else, he focused on his physical fitness, and his love for reverse beauty standard fantasy novels. He dreamed of a world where he would be considered attractive, or popular. One Friday night he was reading one such novel when he drifted off to sleep, but when he woke up he wasn't in his dorm room, instead he was inside the bedroom of a very nice apartment. It turns out that Isaac had been transmigrated into a world that mirrored the stories he loved so much, not only that but as it turns out he was now considered to be among the most attractive men in the world. Follow Isaac on his journey of love, confusion, and strange comedic situations! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter uploads are released at least twice a week, and will usually be released 1-3 chapters at a time depending on the length of chapters.

Atlas_Williams · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 9: First meeting Jitters

I woke up later than usual on tuesday, having stayed up too late the previous night stressing about how the meet up would go, and if I would embarrass myself or not.

Making a good impression was absolutely paramount for me, because at least one of these girls may eventually wind up becoming a member of my harem. 

While I really didn't have to try, considering being a male in this world all but guaranteed an army of women willing to throw themselves at me for even the smallest reason, I still wanted to set myself apart from all the other men. Presenting myself as a proactive and willing participant in this potential matchmaking game would only score me more points in the end. 

I thoroughly chastised myself for even considering what could end up being a very platonic meeting as a matchmaking game, before I got a start on my day.

It was already half-past noon by the time I made my way out of bed, and I began to panic for a moment thinking I wouldn't have time to get everything done before I had to leave for the coffee shop where we would be meeting.

As it turns out, I had plenty of extra time. I managed, a decent, though late breakfast and a shower before I sorted through the clothes in the closet and settled on a navy blue polo shirt and a nice pair of dark jeans. I also styled my hair in a way that looked natural but neat, and trimmed away the stubble that had grown on my face.

I arrived at the coffee shop fifteen minutes early only to find Lauren already inside, sitting with two other women who I assumed were the friends I was supposed to be meeting. 

The moment I stepped inside the building the brown haired woman who was sitting with Lauren looked up from her conversation, catching my gaze and seeming to stare a hole directly through me.

To say I felt awkward would have been the understatement of the century. It felt like I had stepped into an art gallery, and I was the main exhibit. Not only was Lauren's friend staring at me, but now it seemed like everyone in the shop had turned their attention to me, and for a moment I contemplated making up some sort of excuse and ducking out before Lauren noticed me.

Those thoughts failed to bear fruit however, because the brown haired woman then got the attention of Lauren and her other friend and pointed them in my direction. 

Lauren smiled warmly at me when she turned around to see me, waving me over to join them at their table, to which I obliged. 

I took a deep breath, trying to shake off the initial discomfort as I approached the table. Lauren stood up to greet me with a hug, and her two friends followed suit, introducing themselves as Sarah and Emily.

"Sorry for being early birds. Hope we didn't scare you off," Sarah chuckled, breaking the ice.

I managed a nervous laugh. "No worries. I actually appreciate punctuality. Plus, it gave me a chance to enjoy the lovely ambiance of this coffee shop," I replied, glancing around to divert attention from my awkwardness.

As we settled into conversation, Emily steered it toward common interests, and we discovered a shared passion for hiking. The initial tension gradually eased, and laughter flowed more naturally.

Lauren, ever perceptive, nudged me playfully. "You seemed a bit uneasy when you walked in. Everything okay?"

I shrugged, trying to keep it light. "Just the usual first-meeting jitters, you know?"

The brown-haired woman, Sarah, leaned in with a mischievous grin. "Or maybe you're just not used to being the center of attention."

I chuckled, appreciating her attempt to break the tension. "Well, I can't say I'm used to it, but I'm willing to adapt."

The conversation continued, weaving through topics ranging from work to favorite books. I found myself enjoying their company more than I expected. As the afternoon unfolded, my initial worries about making a good impression began to fade.

As we parted ways, Lauren suggested meeting up again for a group hike, and the idea gained unanimous approval. Walking away from the coffee shop, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and excitement about the potential friendships forming.

Little did I know, this unplanned encounter would lead to adventures, laughter, and unexpected connections in the chapters of my life that lay ahead.

(Authors note: sorry for being gone for months. Life got in the way and I didn't have time to write. Chapter releases will be slow, but I plan to resume writing full force after the holidays)