
Lion's Den

After taking a refreshing bath, Yang Ning changed into a comfortable nightdress and wore a soft, luxurious robe over it. To thoroughly clean herself and remove all the evidence of her escape from the royal residence, Yang Ning washed her long hair at night.

Her hair was covered in dust and dirt after roaming around the streets all day long. If she didn't wash them, Zheng Liang would have easily caught on to her lie.

To dry her long and thick hair quickly, she wrapped her hair over her head with a cotton cloth. Since there is no hairdryer in this world, it takes hours for the hair to air dry, especially at night. 

That is why she doesn't wash her hair generally at night because it makes it difficult to dry at night, and she can catch a cold this way. However, today she had no choice. 

She needed to remove all the evidence so that Zheng Liang could not find out about her little secret.

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