
A Commotion.

"Miss, please slow down," Xiaowei called out anxiously, struggling to keep up with Yang Ning, whose pace surpassed anything she could manage in her skirt.

They were outside the royal residence, disguised as commoners, so Xiaowei couldn't address her as "Milady." 

She simply had to settle for "Miss."

Xiaowei desired for Yang Ning to adopt a more graceful walking style, befitting a woman. 

However, it seemed as though Yang Ning had acquired wheels for legs. She dashed through the market without pause, frequently stopping at various stalls to inspect items or savor mouth-watering treats.

Observing her behavior, it was as if she were a curious bird, experiencing freedom beyond the confines of its cage for the very first time!

As Yang Ning continued walking, she turned around to catch a glimpse of Xiaowei, who was visibly exhausted and struggling to catch her breath. 

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