

A guy getting reincarnated to the character who everyone disliked.

Kai_zumi · History
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4 Chs

━ 001

My Name is Soo yun . I am a just a collage student .

My life is pretty normal . I am Just going with the flow person . I only have one best friend whom i knew since childhood and usually don't get along with people and mostly I attract bad people like...

One time got myself involved with stalker and one time my account got hacked and not to mention when I tried to make more friends it's just never worked out .

My one and only goal is to graduate from college and then found a job and moved out of home and then work 24/7 and when I get off days.. I would spend time on myself .

But would you believe it? I died one day before graduation. That day when I went to room I started to randomly feel pain in my chest and then everything went blurry .. it wasn't fair. If I knew I would die I would never had work so hard till now .

When I woke up I saw an unfamiliar sight Infront of me . Clearly it wasn't my room and it didn't looked like hospital to .

" Am I kidnapped? " I thought

" But who would kidnapp me from my own home? and not like I am rich " I looked down and saw that I wasn't wearing shirt .. and that's not what surprised me .. what surprised me was my precious... Abs..were gone..

" WHAT ? " I screamed.

I didn't knew skipping gym can make one lose all there abs in just one day ! No one told me about this .

Someone probably heard my scream and entered . It was a girl with long black hair and black eyes.. wearing maid outfit...?

I looked at her weirdly...

" Your highness..I heard you yelled .. did something upset you? " She asked .

" Huhhhh? Who are you..? " I asked .

She then looked at me shocked and then said

" I think the your highness you were hurt really bad yesterday I w-will call butler !! " She looked scared or panicked but as soon as she said that she rushed outside .

" The hell..? " I thought and then climb out of bed .

" Guess I will help myself into going back home .. " I started to look for a shirt cause I can't go on the street half naked .. it was a simple plain white shirt I saw it on the couch I got it and wear it .

Then I turned around and saw green eyes staring back at me . I almost tripped and fell down.. that scared me..

" Dude it's rude to stare " I said without realising that it's a mirror but I realised it after few seconds..

Green eyes... Pink hair ... Head wrapped with bandages .. thin figure .. pale skin .. well looking like a zombie.

I got near the mirror touching it as the reflection followed what I did ..

" Am I dreaming.. ? Or did I died and this is afterlife? " I turned away from the mirror taking a look at the room again

" And what is with this but room .. I can feel my voice echoed here "

The maid re-entered but there was no one else besides her she looked kind of sad and nervous as she entered slowly

"...? "

She kneels down Infront of me " I am sorry your highness but the butler refuse to come.. "

To that I raise an eyebrow ..I ignore what she said by asking another question.

" Hey you what's my name ? " I asked staring down to where she was sitting

She looked confused but she simply answered by saying " your highness..h-how can someone low life can say your name " she looked as she is about to cry .

That gave me an irk. But I took a deep breath and smiled and asked again but.. it maded her shiver and she simply start to say " please spare my life ! "

I signs again and said " if you answer my question and tell me what's my name is then I might spare you.. " I said know glaring a bit .. the poor girl Infront of me tremble

" It's..A-Aiden..your highness.. you are the first prince..of kingdom of fire.." she said trembling like a leaf..

" Huh? Aiden? Kingdom of fire..? " Somehow ..why that name familiar..

I didn't wanted it to be what I am thinking.. pink hair.. green eyes.. first prince.. kingdom of fire...

But.. that story Started to recall in my memory..

It was a novel I readed when I was sick after coming home in rain with no umbrella. I randomly founded it .

But it was kind of nice story .. the one who annoyed me the most of first prince Aiden .. first his hair was pink and I hate pink and second he was overly spoiled but still end up being a trash .

Like you have all the luxurious around you but no he didn't liked the king marry another woman after his mother died. The king was in guild so chosed to ignore his son actions on whatever he did to his younger brothers .. like bullying them.. ignoring them and never giving them any recognition.

His brother wanted to have a normal relationship with him . one time one of his brother pick flowers from the garden and went to gave it to him.. but that moment he was angry.. he gave that little guy one of the look and since that the whenever that little guy saw him he would tremble in fear..

His scumbag-ness didn't stopped there .. he would do whatever to get what he wanted.. if someone dares to being a insect in his sight he would hesitate to get rid of it without getting his hand dirty .

He was killed by the hands of his own little brother.. who went crazy.. or whatever I really didn't understand the ending but in last panels there were lot of blood and he was laying on his bed.. white sheet turning red with blood and the killer sitting in the corner crying..

Honestly i liked that kind of messed up mahwa so it was ok for me but people in the comments were saying

" what a waste of time "

" To be honest one right thing aurther did was killing off this Aiden he was so annoying 🙄 "

" I hated writer for killing all my fav characters but it was worth reading it if I got to see Aiden dying lmao it was nice "

Yeah it was that...and that time I agree with them in my head... But WHY AM I HIM NOW?