
I woke up as an Ancient Slab, what is the Meaning of This!?

Evan Myers was an ordinary, everyday college student, he was boring as hell, but one day while he was power napping, instead of waking up on his apartment couch, he woke up in a pure white room with a spin wheel like in those game shows, [ what the hell ] he thought, but he spun the wheel anyways, he got option 7, [ hell yeah my lucky number is 7! ] , little does he knows that option 7 means he will reincarnate as a Slab. Follow his stupid adventure as he tries to gain a mortal human body and maybe slay the Demon King? Nah, he probably won't slay the Demon King.. Fair warning : This story does not take itself seriously. If you like a more serious, intense storyline, then this might NOT be your cup of tea. It's like the difference between an epic waterslide and a lazy river. This story being categorized as the latter. Also, this is positively isekai T R A S H. Also also, the whole thing is a m e s s, but do I care about it? Of course! It keeps me up at night :)

Dheafarccane · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Intermission 2

[ Melania Evergreen's POV ]

The gentle swaying from the wagon I'm on woke me up from my sleep. I opened my eyes and stretched my body, the people I'm travelling with was either still asleep, or is simply daydreaming away. I'm currently travelling with a merchant's caravan, along with some other people. Also, the scenery has changed quite a bit from the time I fell asleep. I guess we're somewhere else already. I asked the coachman about our position.

" Excuse me, but, may I know where we are currently? ". I asked.

" Hm? Oh. It's just you.. Well, little miss, we're nearing the Suanh Great Plains, just before Hurron Lake, near Vansborough. Our last stop, it's about 3 days away. ". He explained.

" Is that so? Thank you. ". I thanked him.

So it's getting close, huh? I'm finally going to have my own Adventures. My own life. My own destiny. I can't wait to go and do anything I want for myself. I left the village because of that, after all. Sticking my head outside of the wagon, I took in the scenery, vast plains of green, luscious grass spans almost infinitely to the horizon, the sun is starting to set, the sky is a beautiful amber color, with fluffy clouds floating about, and birds peacefully flying around. In the distance, I can see a thick expanse of trees, that must be the Magic Forest, with mountains at the backdrop, and an ancient ruin in the shape of a tower was standing tall, almost taller than the mountains it's built upon. With a shiny black lustre, it's certainly a majestic view. I hope to explore that ruin someday.

As the sun was setting, the wagon came to a stop, and the Merchant caravan formed up their wagons in a circle, we set up to camp for the night in the middle of the circle of wagons. The hired Adventurers started working up a fire pit, and the other travelers set up their own sleeping bags. I too, set up my sleeping bag. I offered to help the Adventurers with searching firewood, much to their delight. That said, we're currently in the middle of a grassy plains, with a minimal amount of trees, therefore, with a minimal amount of firewood. After a struggle for finding firewood, I finally gathered enough. So I headed back and gave them to the Adventurers, who ignited it, just in time because the sun had almost completely set and it's getting very dark.

We gathered up around the fire, while a Merchant's assistant cooks a simple soup, we all packed our own hard bread, so we only have to cook a simple watery soup. Efficient. I chatted with the Adventurers, I asked them various things about their job and experiences, they seem very pleased by my eagerness to hear their stories. I learned a lot from them, just because they are very chatty. In the middle of that, all of a sudden, a member of an Adventurer's Party, a scout, spotted something approaching rapidly towards our campsite.

" Beasts incoming!! ". The scout yelled.

" Shit! Everyone get ready!! Tell the travellers to take cover somewhere!! ". An Adventurer yelled, it seems like he is the leader.

So the travellers and merchants all got into cover in their wagons and the Adventurers got into action. I wanted to join in with them, but was rejected. Because I didn't have an Adventurer's Card yet. So I hesitantly went into cover, but then I changed my mind and decided to watch from the top of a wagon.

The thing that was approaching was a herd of animals called a "Teräspeto". Which comes from an ancient language, roughly meaning "Steel Beast" or something. They look a lot like normal bisons with gigantic horns growing from their heads, the difference between them is that Teräspetos has fur that is so strong and tough, it's comparable to steel, hence the name, Teräspeto.

Swords are mostly ineffective against them, to combat it, one must either aim for their eyes and hoping it'll pierce through the skull and into it's brain, or, use fire magic to cook it alive. It'll be a challenge to defeat a single one of them, let alone a whole herd of them.They must have been agitated by something, because normally they are very tame animals, and will only attack in self defense.

The Adventurers were getting ready, their mages were setting up some simple obstructions for the beasts using <<Earth Magic>>, and their archers were getting into position to shoot them from a good distance. The atmosphere became tenser and tenser as the rumbling of the Teräspeto's hooves came closer and closer. The tenseness was apparent on the Adventurer's faces as well, they focused their attention to the herd of beasts nearing them. At first, the Teräspetos were heading away from the campsite we're in. But, as if being controlled, they changed directions and charged straight at the campsite. Chaos ensues.

Adventurers and travellers were getting trampled here and there, wagons were tipped over, causing it's contents to spill everywhere. Some Adventurers were able to stand their ground and warded off the beasts by poking them in their eyes, while the more unlucky ones were either getting rammed, or getting trampled to death by a 1.1 ton (roughly 2500 pounds(lb)) animal. The campsite was in absolute chaos. I attempted to run away in the midst of the confusion. But that was cut short because a Teräspeto blocked my way. I readied my dagger, given to me by my father before I headed out. I and the Teräspeto eyed each other off, before the beast decided to rush straight into me. I narrowly dodged the attack by stepping aside. At times like these, I sure am glad that I took father's self defense lectures.

The beast turned around and faced me once again, it was really agitated and aggressive for some reason. It's like something's influencing it from somewhere. It suddenly charged again, this time, I failed to evade it, and was rammed by it's massive horns. I'm glad I wasn't hit by the sharp edge of the horn. I flew into the air. The beast looked a little proud, this bastard.. I managed to land safely without injuries, the beast then once again, charged towards me, this time, I jumped and landed on it's neck, grabbing onto it's thick fur to hold on, the beast was furious. I swung my dagger high above it's eye, and slammed it into it's eye, somehow penetrating the skull and killing it instantly. I guess I'm lucky like that.

It seems while I was fighting against the beast, the rest of the herd has already left, leaving behind a scene of carnage, bodies were littered here and there, some in a horrible condition, it's making me a little sick. There were survivors, but only a few of them were in a stable condition, most of the survivors were either dying, or incapacitated in some way. I decided to continue the journey alone. So I gathered up stuff from the campsite, well.. 'Former' campsite, that'll be useful for me, such as food, water, cloths, salt, some money and a sleeping tent. Then I carried it in a backpack and headed off alone. I'm sure this doesn't count as stealing, or even banditry. I think.. So I continued the rest of the journey on foot, after a bit of walking, I settled down and set up the tent. After creating a campfire, I settled in and slept for the night.

The next couple of days passed normally, without anymore encounters with beasts. So the incident back then really was suspicious, I really hope that incident wasn't a sign of an upcoming monster stampede. I walked, and walked, and walked. Until I saw city walls coming up in the distance, it's Vansborough! Finally!

Feeling glad, I sped up my pace and headed straight to the city. I ensured that I have my ID card and travelling papers with me, which I do, and proceeded to wait in a line, heading into the city's entrance.

After waiting for about an hour, it was finally my turn, I greeted the gate guard and gave him my ID and travelling papers. With a quick glance, he examined my credentials and then he let me in. It's great not having to pay entrance fees every time I enter through the gates. Unlike other cities..

Once I entered, I was greeted with a magnificent cityscape, rows and rows of buildings were lining the streets, right on the center of the city stands a tall and impressive castle, presumably the Lord's residence. And people of all races were everywhere, doing all sorts of things. Life seems peaceful here, even though Vansborough is the northernmost city in the kingdom, acting as a stalwart against any possible monster stampede. The sun was already starting to set, so I searched for an inn to stay for the night.

After searching, I found an inn located near the Adventurer's Guild, very convenient because I plan to register there tomorrow. The inn was called the "Bear's Good Dream", a very cute name. I went inside and went up to a counter, where I rung a small silver bell. The interior was lit up by magic lamps, which give off a successful aura about this place. The walls are bare wooden panels, with decorative engravings on some parts of the wall, even though it's bare wood, it's still high quality wood. Shined and polished nicely. There are a bunch of people, but it's not crowded, they're all sitting on a chair, eating dinner, I think.

" Yes, yes~ A moment please~ ". A voice said, the voice sounded gentle and soft.

After that, a lovely, plump old lady walks out of a back portion of the inn, which is probably a kitchen, because something smells good back there.

" Will you be staying, or just eating, darling? ". She asked.

" I'll be staying please. ".

" A night will cost you 5 Big Copper coins, darling~ ". She said, the price is rather cheap. Very Adventurer friendly.

" I'll stay for a week please. ".

" That'll be 3 Small Silver coins and 5 Big Copper coins, darling~ ".

" I understand, here you go. ". I said, handing her the money.

" Thank you for your patronage~ your room will be the one right at the end of the hallway to the right~ room number 5~ there's also a hot bath~ it's public, of course~ breakfast is free, but dinner will be 3 Small Copper coins per portion okay~? ". She explained. While giving me a key, with the number 5.

" Will I be able to eat dinner now? ". I asked, feeling hungry.

" Of course dear~ wait a moment please~ today's special is venison stew~ ". She said.

So I paid her upfront and went over to a seating area with tables. People were focusing their attention to me, which is reasonable, because I'm a girl who's travelling all alone, carrying a backpack almost my size. I must seem suspicious. Well.. Either that, or they're just ogling the hell out of me. Disgusting.

As I thought of that, a girl around my age came up to me and served me dinner, she looks similar to the lady at the desk earlier, so she must be her daughter.

" It's venison stew for today. And here's some Huare porridge and ale. Enjoy. ". She said, she's not really the energetic type.

The dish she served was just as she said, a stew with generous chunks of venison meat in it, along with some vegetables. The side dish, the Huare porridge, was thick and viscous, it's also still hot, presumably it's just made. The drink was room temperature ale. I wished it'll be a cold ale, but I'll settle with this for now. Everything smells so good! I can't wait! Let's eat!

I picked up a nice chunk of venison meat using a spoon, and ate it, the moment I chewed on the meat. Complex flavors and aromas instantly filled my mouth, the saltiness was just right, and the aroma of the meat pairs well with the spices in it. I then tried some of the porridge, it's taste was very light and delicate, yet perfectly salty, and there's a subtle natural sweetness from the Huare grain itself. The ale was alright, but there's definitely better brews than this. Overall, this is a very nice meal for it's price point. Highly recommend.

After stuffing myself, I headed over towards my room, the room was average in size, with a single bed, a chair and a desk, a cupboard, and a window facing outside. The room was also lit up by magic lamps. Very fancy. I thought about using the public bath, but I was too tired and lazy to go there, so I just wiped my body with a complementary hot towel and changed into my night clothes. I lay down on the bed, it's a little stiff, but much more comfortable than a sleeping bag. A lot has happened in the past few days, huh? I'm glad now that I have safely arrived at my destination. I hope mom and dad are doing well back at the village... *sigh* I'm getting tired, I'll go and sleep for today. Because tomorrow, I'll be registering to be an Adventurer. I don't want to be late.

Like that, my eyelids became heavier and heavier, until I fell asleep.

====[ Author's Note ]====

Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!

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