
I woke up as an Ancient Slab, what is the Meaning of This!?

Evan Myers was an ordinary, everyday college student, he was boring as hell, but one day while he was power napping, instead of waking up on his apartment couch, he woke up in a pure white room with a spin wheel like in those game shows, [ what the hell ] he thought, but he spun the wheel anyways, he got option 7, [ hell yeah my lucky number is 7! ] , little does he knows that option 7 means he will reincarnate as a Slab. Follow his stupid adventure as he tries to gain a mortal human body and maybe slay the Demon King? Nah, he probably won't slay the Demon King.. Fair warning : This story does not take itself seriously. If you like a more serious, intense storyline, then this might NOT be your cup of tea. It's like the difference between an epic waterslide and a lazy river. This story being categorized as the latter. Also, this is positively isekai T R A S H. Also also, the whole thing is a m e s s, but do I care about it? Of course! It keeps me up at night :)

Dheafarccane · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 9

I woke up in a familiar room, it's pure white with nothing in it. Yes, this is the room where I spun that damn wheel. But this time, I'm not alone, there's someone else here with me, an old man with a white long beard and mustache. Yup, it's him.

" First of all, I would like to apologise for missing your reincarnation. ". He said.

" You didn't do it on purpose?? ".

" Of course not. Now, I'm here to fill you in on some things. Because you were unexpectedly transferred to this world, this has caused some issues in the surrounding systems. I have been busy with troubleshooting those issues you caused, so I haven't been able to contact you. ". He explained.

" Is that so? ".

" That is very much so. Yes. ".

" Do I have a task at hand to do? ". I asked.

" No, you are free to do whatever you want, but, if you were to behave, that'll be nice. I also want to have you know that, in the near future, there will be another reincarnated individual, and that you should come in contact with this person, not that you have to, but, it'll be in your best interest to do so. ". He continued.

" Another one?! God, they keep coming don't they.. And don't tell me.. Will they be another Japanese person? ".

" I have no idea what their nationality will be, but yes, the most commonly transferred people are Japanese people. ". He explained.

" You have an idea why? ".

" I do, but, you won't understand why. ". He said.

Is he looking down on me?! Bastard! Not only is he racist, he's also a huge prick!

" Look, I'm not a prick, nor am I racist, okay? It's just that the vocabulary that describes the reason behind why Japanese people are so commonly transferred does not exist within human comprehension. ".

" I don't care, explain it anyways! ".

" *siigh* Whatever, here goes.. So, basically, the nation of Japan and it's surroundings are the closest to the epicenter of @)"-_(}¶×\√•¶\€∆()- which connects the /(-&)0-&")(0∆}=×÷=√^¶÷π with the ×÷}¶¶π¥{9++)=°{09, therefore creating a 0?:(-(__#8)_{^√{°π×\×¥¢√÷}ו|¢√√¢``√ within the ∆=°^×÷√€€÷π•|¶÷√•{¢^€¥π between worlds. ".

⟨ WTF did he just say??? ⟩.

" You see? you'll never understand. ".

" I get it already. So, there'll be some new other-worlders, and I'll have to get in contact with them. Right? ".

" Exactly, you catch on fast. We shouldn't waste time, you'll have to go back soon. ".

With a flick of his hand, my consciousness was instantly transported back to my room in the Draculesti estate. What a weirdo. But, another reincarnator, huh? What a life I'm going through.. Oh yeah, I almost forgot.. Today is the day I get to be toured around the estate by Maxim, right? I better get prepared, hurry. Changing out of the sleepwear I'm in, into the shirt I wore for the past few weeks.. Come to think of it, I should probably get new shirts and pants, don't want to disappoint Lukas with a shabby appearance after all.. Let's talk with Maxim about this later..

Then, once I was ready, someone knocked on my door, saying.

" Evan? It's me, Maxim, are you ready to go have a look around the estate? ".

It's Maxim, he called me by name, I guess it's because I'll be apprenticing with him and the others from now on. Not wanting to make him wait, I immediately responded with.

" I'm ready! Please wait for me! ".

I opened the door with excitement, Maxim was waiting nearby.

" Oh, good morning, you're a bit earlier than I expected, which is good, all good attendants are morning people after all. ". He said, half praisingly.

" Now, let's begin our tour. ". He said.

At first, I was walked around the estate, castle, and the perimeter surrounding it. The exterior as well as the interior was introduced to me, as well as all of the hidden doors, rooms, and passages. They really trust me, huh. There's this one disturbing room where one can peep into every single guest lounge from holes in the paintings. And then there's the dungeon, but, we didn't talked much about it. After a while, we took a snack break, during that time, I decided to tell Maxim the situation about my clothes, he said that was already taken care of, and that the estate already has proper clothes ready for me to use.. It's really creepy.. But, I'm glad nonetheless.

Next, I was given a lecture about the history of the Draculesti Family. They were a family that was respected throughout the kingdom, and that Mr. Markus' little brother was actually the kingdom's army general, also, both of Mr. Markus' sisters were talented Court Magicians. Truly a family of talent. The family was started by Nestor Draculesti, the first head of the Draculesti Family, and also the first governor of Vansborough. Now, the family has 277 years of heritage under it's belt. Ancient~.

After lunch, I was taken on a tour of Vansborough, all of the important government buildings are located near the family estate, at the centre of town. There's a central park available, it was beautiful, with a water fountain on the center of the park. The central park was also the site where fireworks would be launched at national holidays, like the kingdom's anniversary, and new years. Why do I feel like this idea wasn't originally from this world.. A little ways away from the park, there was the market, where street vendors and shops of all kinds were situated in. Even though it was already past lunchtime, it was still a little crowded. There was also a huge cathedral near the market, the ceremonies and customs of their beliefs remind me of orthodox christianity, but obviously, different in a lot of ways. The architecture around here was reminiscent of renaissance era France. But, all of the government buildings and the Lord's mansion's architecture was victorian style. I wonder why? A few blocks from the market, there was the Adventurer's Guild building, a five story tall stone brick building. I was also taken through the red light district, at noon, it was a little empty, but, I'm sure it's really lively during the evening. The red light district was also situated near the Adventurer's Guild, and also near a lot of inns and hotels. This city is a beautiful one, I'd expected that people would dump their wastes into a cesspit, or a canal, but, it seems that plumbing is really prevalent here in Vansborough, which is great news. There were even multiple public toilets in public places. Even though it's a squat toilet, a toilet is still a toilet, it even flushes!

After memorizing the routes and streets of Vansborough, we went back to the estate, it was already nearing sunset. I didn't realize how much time passed, once we got back, we had dinner together with the Draculesti Family again, but this time, it wasn't as grand as yesterday. After dinner, I went with Maxim again and headed towards his personal quarters, inside, there was a single neat bed, and a lot of books stacked on top of a rack. With various parchments and scrolls on a table, it was also neat, as expected. Inside, he started a lecture about the history of this kingdom, Ardria. I didn't pay attention.. He also asked me basic mathematical questions, it was at the level of a middle school curriculum, so I was able to answer everything effortlessly. Impressed, he asked me how did I know about that, but I just shrugged it off, saying " I'm not sure, I just instinctively know. ". Although still suspicious, Maxim was convinced. Moving on from that, Maxim asked what aptitude do I have. So I answered frankly.

" I can use Space Magic, Earth Magic, and Wind Magic. ".

Hearing that, Maxim was astonished, apparently, only 1 out of 100 people have the aptitude for three separate attributes. He asked if I have the skill << Pocket Dimension >>. Now that I think about it.. I do actually have that skill, I totally forgot! How stupid of me!

" Actually, I do have << Pocket Dimension >>. ".

" Great! That'll be really helpful for your job. As it not only store objects, it also preserves the state of the object at all times. So, if you store piping hot water inside the Pocket Dimension, no matter when you take it out, the water will still be hot. It also prevents fresh produce from going bad. ".

Eehh.. That's really useful actually, please forgive me for completely ignoring your existence, Pocket Dimension..

We continued discussing some things until late at night, Maxim said that we should end it here, because tomorrow, I'll be waking up before sunrise to train self defense with Alyssia. Before telling me off, he handed a big bag, apparently, it was my new clothes, prepared especially for me, all free of charge. I asked since when did they get my size, but Maxim said it was a trade secret. I'm really scared now. But I accepted the clothes anyways because I didn't have anything else. After that, I went over to my room.

On the bed, there was another pair of the same sleepwear I wore yesterday, really weird. But I didn't mind it and I once again, took a bath, then changed clothes.

Before going to bed, I decided that I should organize the clothes I received into the closet in my room. Inside the bag I was given, there were white button up shirts and button down shirts, in a variety of materials, from cotton, silk, to composite fabrics, I received a total of 10 pieces of shirts, 5 button ups, and 5 button downs, I also received 5 pairs of trousers, 3 black colored, 1 beige colored, and 1 white colored. Along with 2 more pieces of vests, both of them are black, with the same exact details as the vest I originally had. Weird~. I even got 2 pairs of shoes, one pair was black, the other pair was dark tan. Again, with the exact measurements of my feet.. Along with 20 pairs of silk socks, and 5 pieces of black bowties, like what Maxim is always wearing, along with a variety of sleepwear, sportswear and also undergarments. There's a surprisingly huge amount of stuff in this medium sized gym bag-styled shoulder bag. Then, I felt some sort of magic imbued in this bag, I realized that this was actually a magic bag. This must be expensive. Because I didn't even feel the real weight that this many clothes must weigh. Wow..

⟨ Wait, there's more?? What's this? ⟩.

When I felt around inside the bag, making sure it's empty, my hands felt something else that was inside, another piece of clothing, astonished that there's even more stuff that they gave me for free. I immediately checked what it was. These must cost a lot to make, and I get to wear them all for free? I'll have to work really hard to make up for what they have done for me. But.. What I received was an extremely lewd, and very revealing piece of lingerie, decorated with intricate embroideries, frills, and sheer fabric. Along with a pair of fishnet stockings. Along with some kind of cat ear headpiece, and a cat tail piece that I'm not going to explain how to use.

⟨ Wh- WHAT THE F*CK IS THIIISS??!! Did they mix up some things?? Who is supposed to wear thiiss??!! I don't understaaandd!! ⟩.

But, a note fell from the accursed piece of lingerie, saying " For Evan : Use this for when Young Master Lukas wishes to be embraced at the evening. ". Therefore sealing the fate of this piece of lingerie.

⟨ Oh.. Oh no.. Why, God? WHYYY??!! I definitely can't wear THIS in front of Luke!! And I definitely DON'T want my behind to be desecrated... But... If it's with Luke, then... NO, WAIT, WHAT THE F*CK AM I THINKING?!! AAAHHH, WHATEVER!! ⟩.

I threw away that wretched piece of cloth, and dove into the bed, inwardly screaming.

But, I put it away in the closet after a while.. And immediately activated sleep mode.

" Sleep Mode Engaged, wake up sequence will begin at 05:00 hours. ".

Then, I fell asleep.. Awkwardly.

====[ Author's Note ]====

Damn, the Draculesti Family's kinda freaky doe 😳😳

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