
I woke up as an Ancient Slab, what is the Meaning of This!?

Evan Myers was an ordinary, everyday college student, he was boring as hell, but one day while he was power napping, instead of waking up on his apartment couch, he woke up in a pure white room with a spin wheel like in those game shows, [ what the hell ] he thought, but he spun the wheel anyways, he got option 7, [ hell yeah my lucky number is 7! ] , little does he knows that option 7 means he will reincarnate as a Slab. Follow his stupid adventure as he tries to gain a mortal human body and maybe slay the Demon King? Nah, he probably won't slay the Demon King.. Fair warning : This story does not take itself seriously. If you like a more serious, intense storyline, then this might NOT be your cup of tea. It's like the difference between an epic waterslide and a lazy river. This story being categorized as the latter. Also, this is positively isekai T R A S H. Also also, the whole thing is a m e s s, but do I care about it? Of course! It keeps me up at night :)

Dheafarccane · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 2

====[ Evan's POV ]====

When I went over to check, I found a man that looked like what a typical "Adventurer" would in generic webnovels, he looks young, maybe around a high schooler's age , so I'll assume that I'm the elder here, he was lightly equipped with a steel plated light armor, a short sword, a small round wooden shield and a couple of utility pouches strapped on his belt, he sports walnut brown hair and is rather tanned with red colored eyes and a lean body build, damn it, he's more fit than I was before reincarnating, he also seems to be wearing a moderately padded Gambeson underneath the armor for extra protection I presume, but what caught my attention was not his equipment nor his handsome face~, but rather his current situation, he seems to be in quite a predicament, as he was being chased by some ugly, horrific monster. And, to add to his misfortune, he apparently tripped over something and now is unable to move with burnt patches all over his armor, presumably from that monster

⟨ Uh oh, I gotta save this guy or he'll die ⟩

so I tried to cast a spell called << Void Bullet >> from my << Space Magic >>, I tried to aim for its head but I missed and hit it's heart instead.. oh well, at least I hit it's vitals, the creature screeched as it died, it seems the magic was extremely powerful, imagine if I hit the guy instead.. how am I supposed to apologize for that.. The youth whom I saved looked around, and when he finally spotted me, he froze for a second, then his face cramped up and went pale, then he blinked a couple times before passing out,

⟨ Hey! am I really that ugly!? why did he pass out when he saw me!? that's just rude! oh, wait, I forgot that I look like a god damn fridge.. not that this guy knows about fridges.. I think, *sigh* I want to have a human body... ⟩.

As I was wondering what to do, a *ping!* resounded in my head, and then the electronic voice said

" A Human specimen is available for scanning, would you like to proceed? "

⟨ Huh, what does that mean? I wonder what would happen if I did, okay then, proceed ⟩

" Initializing Scanning Sequence.."

The voice replied. And then, green light shot out from my body and the youth's body was scanned with green laser beams with intricate detail, the scanning laser looked like cashier check scanners though.. after a while the electronic voice said

" Scanning Complete, Human Physiological Blueprint acquired, it is now possible to assume a Human Form "

⟨ Oohh, Finally! I can have a human body again! let's check << Status >>! ⟩

=====[ Status ]=====

Name : Evan Myers

Race : Monolith

Level : 01

Energy : 45%

Condition: Healthy

Aptitude : << Space Magic >>, << Earth Magic >>, << Wind Magic >>.

Skills : << Levitation >>, << Syphon >>, << Status >>, << Pocket Dimension >>, << Dark Vision >>, << Body Strengthening >>, << Detect Presence >>, << Form Imitation : Human >>.

Spells : << Space Magic : Void Blade >>, << Space Magic : Void Bullet >>, << Space Magic : Void Shield >>, << Earth Magic : Earth Wall >>, << Earth Magic : Sinkhole >>, << Wind Magic : Wind Cutter >>.


⟨ Ooh, I got a new skill! let's try it out! ⟩

I activated << Form Imitation : Human >>. Then, I was attacked by extreme pain due to the transformation.


The pain finally subsided, I was gasping for air from all the pain I just experienced, it was like my entire body got cut up and then dunked into a pool of salted lemon water.. it was truly traumatising, I'm crying right now,

*ping!* " Energy Level at 35% "

As I struggled to get on my feet again, not only from the pain, but also because I have only been floating around in the last few days, at first, my steps were wobbly and weak, but after a while, I got the hang of it and now I could run, jump, and move my legs however I pleased. However, whilst in Human Form, I can no longer use << Levitation >>.

⟨ But who cares about not being able to float, because I have finally acquired ARMS!! and HANDS!!! No longer shall I be limited to only floating around all day, I can do stuff now!! ⟩

I wonder how I looked like, so I decided to look for a puddle to see my reflection.

⟨ Ah, here's a puddle. ⟩

Let's see what we have here.. What appeared was a reflection of what looked to be someone in their preteens.

⟨ Did I become small? I certainly did get shorter, but, I didn't think that I'd be a middle schooler again.. ⟩

My clothing seems to be a white long sleeved button up shirt and a pair of black trousers, with a black vest over my shirt, I'm also wearing rugged leather boots with ankle high, linen socks, my clothes also seem to be of high quality, even by modern standards, how convenient it is to even get appropriate clothing just by imitating a Human.

My current body sports Shiny Black hair and Dark Purple, almost black eyes, with a small nose and small pink lips with fair white, smooth skin, because my hair now reaches shoulder length, I should probably put it up in a ponytail so I can move unhindered. Also, why are my eyelashes so long? It certainly is weird being a 21 year old inside but having the body of a child, but, I have no qualms whatsoever, it's at least better than looking like a fridge..

⟨ Am I forgetting something? Oh yeah! It's that dude I saved! I've totally forgotten about him! ⟩.

So I went to check on the youth, then I rested him on a nearby tree, there seems to be no problems with my strength, because I moved him along with all his equipment without problems, how surreal it must be to look at a middle schooler moving around an adult's body with ease.

⟨ His pulse seems stable, but it doesn't look like he'll be waking up soon though.. I should make him something.. But what do I do? I can't prepare a boar, I've never cooked one before.. Oh yeah! Let's just catch some fishes from the river I found the other day.. ⟩

There shouldn't be any monsters nearby according to my << Detect Presence >>. So it should be safe to leave him here.. I hope..

So, I went to the river, and after a few moments I managed to catch 4 fishes using a sharpened tree branch, those survival classes sure did paid off.. As I was ruminating over how to clean the fishes, I had the brilliant idea of using << Space Magic : Void Blade >> as a cutting tool, although it was too big and cumbersome to use, it got the job done and I managed to clean the innards and scales off, and I found small marble sized stones in all of the fishes, I understood that this is a Magic Stone and I can gain Energy by eating it without using the << Syphon >> skill, so I ate all 4 of them, it dissolved in my mouth and I didn't need to chew, or even swallow, how peculiar, and my Energy went up to 60%. I'd say gaining 25% from just 4 fish is rather efficient indeed. Oh well, after cleaning up, I searched for firewood, and then I headed back.

Once I came back, I saw that the youth is awake and I hesitated for a bit.

⟨ Umm.. What should I do? Will he understand me? Oh well, here goes.. ⟩.

" Hey, How is your body? Does it hurt anywhere? "

I called out, my voice that came out sounded like my own voice before reincarnating, just slightly higher pitch and with machine-like intonations, the youth was seemingly surprised, and also hesitated at first, but then he replied

" U-umm.. Thank you for saving me.. U-uhh.. N-no.. It doesn't hurt anywhere.. ".

" Well then that's good to hear, now, wait here for a while, I'm going to cook you something "

I replied, ⟨ Hmm.. if I remember correctly.. A fire should be achieved by striking flint and steel together, but I don't have neither of them.. What to do.. ⟩

Seemingly have noticed my problems, the youth chimed in saying,

" I can help! umm.. I can cast a simple << Spark >> so, let me start the fire! ".

So I smiled softly at him and said " That would be helpful, thank you ".

He seemed a little flustered when I thanked him, maybe he's surprisingly the shy type.. With the fire started, I cooked the fishes using only rock salt I found when searching for firewood, while waiting for the fish to cook, I asked him

" What happened back there, why were you chased? ".

====[ Author's Note ]====

They finally meet, will the adventurer Luke help out our protagonist, or is he someone with " other " intentions * wink wink nudge nudge * ( I'm sorry )

Sentences with "..." are dialogues

Sentences with <<...>> are monster names and spell/skill names

Sentences with ⟨...⟩ are inner monologues

Sentences with [...] are indicators

Please be informed that this is a Fictional work and any and all resemblance to a real Person, Place, Things or Ideas are purely coincidental and know that this humble author means no harm.

And remember kids! Piracy is Frowned Upon! Unless you want to become a coffee table made out of your own flesh and bones! :)

This chapter took longer than I anticipated

MORE NOTES : I rearranged the text to make it a little easier to read, I'm sorry you all had to read it like that the first time, I'll try harder to make more enjoyable to read stories ;)

Dheafarccanecreators' thoughts