
I woke up as an Ancient Slab, what is the Meaning of This!?

Evan Myers was an ordinary, everyday college student, he was boring as hell, but one day while he was power napping, instead of waking up on his apartment couch, he woke up in a pure white room with a spin wheel like in those game shows, [ what the hell ] he thought, but he spun the wheel anyways, he got option 7, [ hell yeah my lucky number is 7! ] , little does he knows that option 7 means he will reincarnate as a Slab. Follow his stupid adventure as he tries to gain a mortal human body and maybe slay the Demon King? Nah, he probably won't slay the Demon King.. Fair warning : This story does not take itself seriously. If you like a more serious, intense storyline, then this might NOT be your cup of tea. It's like the difference between an epic waterslide and a lazy river. This story being categorized as the latter. Also, this is positively isekai T R A S H. Also also, the whole thing is a m e s s, but do I care about it? Of course! It keeps me up at night :)

Dheafarccane · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 11

The next day, it was raining quite severely. But it's all right, because today I'll be learning magic control from Darius, Al's attendant. It's said that he is the best at manipulating magic around here. He graduated top of his year at the Royal Academy of Magic and Sorcery after all, a prestigious institution which only teaches the best. Located in the Royal Capital, Al, or should I say, Master Al, met with Darius at the Academy, and they became great friends. I wonder if I can keep up with his lessons.. I'm worried..

I dressed myself like yesterday, and headed towards the study room, a place where everyone can access the abundant amount of books kept here. Even the servants can access them, if they're interested. Once I arrived there, I realized that I was a little early, and Darius wasn't even here yet. So, I decided to grab a book and read it for a little. I chose a random cookbook from one of the bookshelves, and started reading. The dishes in this kingdom are mostly made of fish, and a grain called "Huare". It's a small, barley-like grain, it's natural color was red, and it didn't have much flavor when eaten alone, according to this cookbook, I wouldn't know myself. Because I don't have the ability to taste.. Anyways, this Huare grain, it can be cooked into a variety of dishes, from main dishes, to desserts, this grain does it all! It can be cooked into a porridge-like dish, with all kinds of toppings, and it can be grounded into flour and baked into bread. There's also a more traditional wheat-like grain called "Tumen", but it doesn't grow much in this area of the world and is considered food for nobles around here.

As I was reading the book, Darius finally arrived, he was a little surprised to see me already here, but was more curious in my choice of books.

" Ah, hello Evan. I apologise for the delay, as I had matters to attend to. ". He said.

" No, it's quite alright, after all, I'll be the one troubling you for teaching me magic. ". I said, closing the book.

" Hmm.. You're reading the cookbook? You can cook? ". He asked.

" A little. ".

" I see, well, let's not waste time and let's begin. ". He said, as he was arranging some books and scrolls on the reading table. Everything looked advanced and complicated, I really hope I can keep up..

He then started the lecture. He started with a general explanation of what magic is and why we are able to manipulate it.

" According to one prominent scholar, magic is a naturally occurring phenomenon that exists inside every living being, from humans to simple insects. This magic energy, which is commonly referred to as "mana" is the source of all things magical. This can be manipulated by most living things, like moving an arm, to influence elements and phenomenons, like producing a fireball. But, some people don't have control over their mana, those people are called the "unattributed". Also, an interesting side effect from having mana manipulation proficiency is a generally weaker body that does not build up muscle mass easily, and, conversely, unattributed people are usually physically stronger, and build muscle mass much more easily. ". He explained.

" Huh, now I see why I'm much smaller than Master Luke. ".

" That is probably the reason, yes. Speaking of that, how old are you, Evan? ". Darius suddenly asked.

⟨ How old? What should I answer? He absolutely won't believe me if I say that I'm 21 years old. What should I do?? ⟩.

" I'll be turning 16 this year. ". I decided to lie about my age, because I look really young.

" Really now? I thought you were 13... so that means he's already at a marriageable age huh.. ". Darius said. He muttered something I didn't hear at the end, but, I didn't really want to know. Besides, so far, two people muttered something when talking to me, first it was lady Eleanor, now it's Darius. It's getting weird.

" Anyways, we're getting off topic, next, is magic manipulation itself. To manipulate magic, you need extreme awareness and a strong, clear image of what spell you want to cast, an incantation is not really necessary, but it certainly helps if what you wish to chant is a little hard to grasp the concept of. For example, a simple spell such as << Light >>. Does not require an incantation because the concept of it is really simple, a ball of light, most people have seen the sun and what effects it produces to the environment around it. Same as with << Spark >>. But, it's a whole different story for spells that are more complicated and affects the environment around it more dramatically, such as the spell << Dies Irae >> which is a powerful, destructive spell with a huge area of effect. The incantation is a national secret of course. But, spells like that need an incantation because nobody really knows how the phenomenon that the spell creates affect the environment. ". He explained.

" So basically, the more complicated a spell is, the more it needs an incantation? ".

" Exactly. Now, let's begin training. ". He said.

Like that, my training began. At first, I was tasked with producing a single sphere of light, it was simple enough, once I managed that, I was then tasked with producing 10 spheres of light with a consistent illumination. That was a little trickier. I redid it so many times, my magic attribute for << Light Magic >> went up to an intermediate level. I was then taught even more theories and specific knowledge about magic and its effects. How that'll be of use for my job as an attendant is beyond me. But I payed attention anyways. Darius seemed a little cold at first, but, he teaches magic with enthusiasm and you can certainly see that he's very passionate about magic. I really adore people who are dedicated to their hobbies.

" Would you look at that, it's already lunchtime, let's wrap this up for today, we'll continue the day after tomorrow. ". He said. Apparently, it's already noon, when I checked the clock in the study room, it was indeed lunchtime. So I helped Darius tidy up the table, and I said goodbye.

Walking out, away from the study room, I came across Luke, not wanting to seem discourteous, I greeted him by bowing down.

" Good day, master. ". I said in the most polite sounding voice I can produce.

" Ah- umm.. G-.. Good day, Evan. ". He awkwardly answered. It seems he's still isn't used to being called "master".

" Ah- umm.. Yes! Evan, please come to my room after lunch today. ". He asked.

" Your wish is my command. ". I said, bowing again.

Like that, we parted ways, my interactions with him in public is still lacking. He's not used to having a subordinate immediately under him.

I waited in my room while rehearsing what types of jam filled pastries go well with some god-damned tea. Yes, it's because Maxim will ask about it again this evening. What goes well with aromatic tea again??

I decided that I shouldn't keep Luke waiting and went to his room. It seems that even after all this time, the rain still hasn't died down. It's a monsoon or something, I hope it doesn't flood anywhere. After a bit of walking, I arrived at Luke's room and knocked.

" Master? It's me, Evan. ".

" Come in. ". He answered.

So I opened the door and went inside.

" Here's some more magic stones that you wanted. It's a little lacking, but I hope that you are satisfied. ". He said, offering me a bag of magic stones.

" Thank you so very much!! I'm saved with this! I don't know what to do if it's not for you! ".

The bag's really heavy, it's full of many, high quality magic stones, I can't even imagine how much it would cost.

" Thank you, really, this must cost a lot, I'm really thankful, I'll do my best to serve you as gratitude. ".

" It's okay, really, I bought it using the pocket money given to me I didn't really use. ".

" You must be loaded, huh. ".

" Pretty much, I was really shocked at how little worth money has to this family. ". He said.

" Once again, thank you very much. And, before I go, do you need anything else? ". I asked.

" Not really, I just wanted to give you these. ".

" Okay then, well, see you later? ".

" Yeah, see you later. ".

Like that, we separated.

I headed back to my room to continue memorizing those god-damned pastries. It must've been a good five hours that already passed since I started practicing, I'm now confident that I've memorized everything, feeling ready, I went to Maxim's quarters, his work should be done by now. When I arrived, I knocked on the door and said.

" Maxim? It's me. Can I enter? ".

" A moment please. ". He answered.

He opened the door after a while, and let me in.

" You're quite early, are you certain that you've mastered the material that I taught you yesterday? ". He asked.

" Of course! I spent so much time on it! ".

" Well then, let's begin. ".

He asked me everything that was taught last night, I of course, answered without hesitations. He was impressed and gave me an approving thumbs up. But, I was still lacking in my tea brewing skills, damnit. I continued to practice with him until well into the night, he said I have improved, but, still very lacking. What more do you want from me?! He ended the training here, and told me off.

So I went back to my room. Feeling mentally tired, I decided to take a sleep early. Tomorrow, I'll continue the training with Alyssia. The rain STILL hasn't subsided though, but, it's certainly a lot lighter now. I activated sleep mode.

" Sleep mode engaged. Wake up sequence will begin at 05:00 hours. ".

====[ Author's Note ]====

Lmao, it's another filler episode.

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Please be informed that this is a Fictional work and any and all resemblance to a real Person or Place or Things or Ideas are purely coincidental and know that this humble author means no harm.

And remember kids! Piracy is Frowned Upon! So don't steal stuff unless you want to be turned into a coffee table made of your own flesh and bones!

It's a small chapter today, really sorry.

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