
I Woke Up As A God

He was just a regular boy. When he became the head of the Pantheon in a fantasy world. Let us see how he works his way of being a god and finding the truth on why he was chosen the be a god.

Rafaelr666 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

-Meanwhile at an Old Temple-

An old priest was on his knees before an altar. Why was this priest bowing you might ask? This was a simple question to answer, he was the last worshipper of the Ancient One. The old followers were either dead or dying. While the young ones were into the more popular gods and goddesses. This made the priest sad because after him no one would take his place as High Priest and no one would take care of the Temple as well. The priest didn't want to give up his faith no matter who came to tell him to do so. But even his heart was losing his ideals quickly. So he prayed once more with all his heart and soul into it.

§ Dear Father, my true salvation,

I humbly come to you with a troubled heart.

Grant me a sign so I might save others.

I request this of you with a sincere heart,

o fire in our souls.

Anoint me with your divine flame. §

Branson was too busy listening to the message from the old God that he let his mind walls fall. Making it so that the prayers directed towards him came through. He was startled when the prayer came flooding into his mind like a tsunami. When he heard Calirone speak once more.

{ One of the reasons for summoning you was that all but one of my followers were left. I am an Ancient Deity that has lived since the beginning of time. But I haven't paid attention to the mortals' plane in a long time. I don't have the idea to belong in this new era and help out the mortals. }

"So you want me to take your place as Father of Creation in this world because I am young and have a better way to view the world," said Branson.

{ yes. Please help the other gods as well. After this message, I will fade completely but you will have all my memories to guide you. and with this, I say goodbye. }

§ Life is unpredictable,

It changes with the seasons,

Even your coldest winter,

Happens for the best of reasons,

And though it feels eternal,

Like all, you'll ever do is freeze,

I promise spring is coming,

And with it, brand new leaves. § (By Erin Hanson)

Branson replied to the old priest with a poem that he heard from one of his teachers. The old priest immediately froze at the spot. He became very quiet, thinking that he might have misheard the voice to the sound of the wind. Branson smiled looking at the old priest. He decided to send the poem once more to the old priest. When the old priest heard the poem for a second time, he began to cry. After so many years of praying for an answer, he finally got one.

The priest was so full of questions. He began to start asking questions about the past as well as the future. So I answered using a quote from the Buddha. Since I was pretty sure they wanted no Buddhism or something alike to it in this new world.

§ Both the Past and Future are beyond our reach,

it's the present you must grasp.

Do not dwell in the past,

do not dream of the future,

concentrate the mind on the present moment. §

"Ancient One what do I do now? I am the only follower left," said the priest. So Branson got to thinking about how he could get more worshippers in this new age. First, he would give the priest whose name was Izax, his blessing.

"Izax you who has been my faithful follower. I will restore your youth and give you my divine blessing," Branson told the priest. The priest was so happy he vowed to be his faithful even after his death. As he finished the vow Branson looked at Izax's hourglass of life. Branson slowly filled up the sands of time in Izax's hourglass up. Izax's body started to go back in time. Izax had black, oily hair and gently hung over a skinny, tense face.

Dancing blue eyes, set charmingly within their sockets, watch enthusiastically over the deserts they've felt at home at for so long. He has a mark stretching from just under the left eyebrow, running towards his left nostril, and ending on his right nostril leaves an aching memory of forbidden love.

In his youth, He would stand awkwardly among others, despite his sturdy frame. Something was enticing about him, perhaps it's his good looks, or perhaps it's simply his composure. Nonetheless, people tended to ask him for favors, while thinking of ways to become his friend when he was younger.

Branson P.o.v

I told the priest or should I call him Izax to start cleaning the temple as well as fixing it. Izax was very proud of being given an order. He got straight to work. I smiled as I watched him from my place in the garden. I could feel his trust and faith in me. Those feelings I felt from him were magical. The memories of the old guy aka Calirone I knew that your first follower was always special.

"Rehael and Zornix where are you, my dear children," I said when I sent them the message. Though I was starting to realize that memories that I got from Calirone, as well as my own, were starting to fuse into one.

"My lord, I'm coming to your location as we speak," replied Reheal.

"My lord, I'm coming with your crown, and if you could please get dressed for the meeting," answered Zornix. I could feel their emotions towards me and couldn't help but smile. Their emotions were all over the place.

Third's Person P.O.V

Rehael and Zornix didn't understand what was going on with their father. Though they never did call him father to his face. They thought it was disrespectful and until their father said otherwise they would keep calling him my lord. They did yearn to call him father but they never did try to ask if they could. As they made their way back to the throne room. They saw a few Seraphim and Cherubim going to the throne room as well. Since this would be the first time in eons that the meeting of the Gods will be held in the throne room. The seraphim will guard the inside of the room while the cherubim will guard the outside. Even then all of the nine choirs of the heaven and their inhabitants were trying to sneak into the Heaven of the Celestials to take a peek at what was happening.

Today would be a big deal for all of heaven. It would be the first time in eons that the Father of Creation would come out of his seclusion. Everyone was curious to know why he has come out. They were a little scared that he was angry because last time he was very angry four gods and 2 races were wiped from the face-off the universe. Their existence was erased from the universe. Their souls never to be judged ever.

Souls that entered the afterlife were to be sent to the realm of judgment before they went to either the realm of heaven or the realm of hell. The realm of judgment is where all souls first go to when they die. No matter the race or animal, all beings were sent here. Here in this realm lived the judges, they who could take on any form besides that of the gods judged the souls. If you were deemed good you would go to heaven or reincarnation but if you were deemed evil or gained a lot of sin you were sent to hell or reincarnation. Reincarnation was a blessing or curse because your memories were wiped clean. If you were good your next life would be a good one or lucky. The opposite would happen if you were evil. Being evil your next life might be a cursed one or unlucky or you might be born as a plant. Though the soul had no limit on how many times could be reborn. Some souls were going into their 400th life without realizing it. Even if you went to heaven and got bored being there you could request to be reincarnated but you would be put on a wait-list first.

In the realm of heaven, there were two areas; The Heaven of the Souls and The Heaven of the Celestials. The Heaven of the Souls is where most souls of the living that when after being judged. There were nine spheres but only eight out of the nines is where most souls would go. They were called:

1. Sphere of The Inconstant

2.Sphere of The Ambitious

3. Sphere of The Lovers

4. Sphere of The Wise

5. Sphere of The Warriors of Faith

6. Sphere of The Just Rulers

7. Sphere of The Contemplatives

8. Sphere of The Fixed Stars

9. Primum Mobile (AN: Dante's Paradiso)

The Sphere of the Inconstant is where most souls go to as well as those who failed to keep their vows to the gods. The Ambitious sphere is for those who were just and righteous during their earthly lives but were primarily driven by their ambition. The third sphere of the Lovers is home to the souls who were passionate, indiscriminate, and genuine lovers of the Gods and for all different races. In the next sphere is where the souls of the wise and intelligent and looked to educate the hearts and the minds of others.

The fifth sphere houses the souls of warriors or fighters who fought and gave up their lives for their faith. Many heros of old and from legends are said to live in this sphere. Just Rulers are rare and far in between. This sphere was the second smallest out of the spheres for those who live here are the rulers who were fair and just in their ruling. Many Just Rulers chose to reincarnate instead of coming to heaven. They felt that they could do more in a new life so they were reborn most often. For souls who lived a life of prayers. They who were known to be the embodiment of their faith. These souls lived in the seventh sphere which was said to be a place of abstinence and soundmindedness.

The eighth sphere is were saints as well as the first male and female of each race lived. The last sphere is where the nine choirs of angels lived as well as the main entrance to the Heaven of the Celestials. In the Heaven of the Celestials were the Gods and divine like being lived in peace. Each God and Goddess made their own mini dimension where they customized it. Besides that there were many temples surrounding the realm as well as the palace where father of creation live.

In the realm of Hell which was always growing in size was built like a maze/prison. If you flew around the skies of hell and looked down you would see a maze and throughout the maze would have prison doors that were locked or unlocked. Only demons, angels, as well as Gods knew how to move through the maze with grace. The maze was for souls that might escape thier torture but that rarely but it was safer than be sorry if a soul escaped hell. It also had different sections of torture depends on the sins and evils the soul did during their time in the living.

In each cell the demon would torture the souls to make them break. Time in Hell was faster for example one year in hell was 2 weeks in the living and Heaven exist outside of time. 97% of souls in hell would break and regret their sins but there was a few that were so evil that they had to be locked away forever. These souls would never regret their actions that even demons wanted nothing to do with them. So they were locked away in the deepest parts of hell with 24 hour watch. Demons were good at their job since they fed on the pain and suffering of souls to keep them from turning insane while the the angels fed on the opposite. The higher the rank the less they needed to feed.

I will be using creatures from the Harry Potter world as well as Dungeons and Dragons. Of course, I will add my spin to the creatures I use from these worlds.

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