
I wished I wasn't Reincarnated as a Princess

This story is about a boy who reincarnated into a girl in his next life and becomes a princess of a kingdom and also wants to find out how the world of a girl works. He who is now a she finds the one that he is destined to be with and wants to be loved but even though they are official they didn’t tell their feelings and now is almost at their wedding day and they will finally find love at their high school life as they make friends, do what a high schooler would do, and filled with fun which they will be finding at their end.

Oriyama · Teen
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12 Chs

11. My First Encounter with Her

So she was there with her father and mother at her side which is the king and queen of this city and the king and queen of the whole country. And here I am meeting with them. I hoped they will be nice. "Nice to meet you Princess Maria. My name is Prince George and starting from today you will be my girlfriends. Would you gladly accept this ring of marriage from me? But don't be too forceful of yourself in accepting this" Actually I am the one being forceful. But she gladly replied, "Yes." After that my parents, her parents and the people who heard it said, "Congratulations For your engagement." Then I realized this was the tradition of the two kingdoms which was passed down by the past rulers of the two kingdoms.

But from there I will be the king of the throne of the main kingdom of the country. And while waiting for that I should continue writing my novels but this event happened 6 years ago before my 10th birthday which is one month to go. At first sight I became in love with her I could even print some photos of her and keep it in the drawers of my room which was like a boy who just cleaned and arranged all his belongings in his own chosen order and would keep it that order until forever.

But because I'm an Author my room could be messy but ever since it's my room I don't let our maids clean them because of you know privacy thing I wanted to hide. Especially her photo. Since then I came over her place whenever I wanted to visit her or if I wanted to be at her side of she needed me or when I needed her she would often visit me at my place. But now I am at high school which could make my relationship with her more bigger so that when that time comes I couldn't hesitate to accept her.

There is just one problem and that is she's more like the one who would do everything to win so that she could pride on. And the only opponent that she would do it to is me of course because I am almost perfect in school and my reputation is very high and I have many friends who I support. I also live in a big house in Castel city where everything there is almost too perfect for me to handle that I sometimes forget that it was my house. But I still need to adjust to the new environment that I am living on right now or I will always complain.

But I always wanted to question her, 'Why would she make some challenges in which I am always involved?' I said in my mind during class hours and while Princess Maria is staring at me with those tiger eyes of hers and also looks like an eagle who wood swoop down to me and grab me like a little fable being captured by it. I hoped that she would stop these challenges and then we will move on from dueling. Well ever since I am a boy and her fiancee I should let her win because I always let her win in our previous duels.

Well I am used to her challenging me and always let her win but now is the last time I will let her win and this will be the last time we will be dueling because what she asked is what I cannot let her win. The exams which is the thing I will not allow her to win when she is against me because I worked so hard and studied so hard but during some recitations in classes I always take the reciting because I didn't like to lose when it comes to grades. And the midterms is the only way to make me the top of the first years top class.

So I studied like hardcore in order for me to be relaxed in our final duel and then I would make her do what I will ask because in our past duels she would always ask a favor to me and would make me do whatever she asks me to do. And this time I will take the win and once I will I could still keep our dates private so that everyone will never know that we are official and then I will keep it that way as always. So that we won't make too much havoc and start some rumors about us.

But she won that duel again and I couldn't be more envious to her and more embarrassed to her now we will go to public and she will say that we are finally official. And then it happened. We went on our first live date which she was too excited and happy she did what she promised that she would shout our officiality to the citizens of Castel city and after that she clings to me more as she blushes more. I then realized it was her birthday.