
"text me "

when Liz left I sighed a breath of relief knowing that she wouldn't have to see me being such a dork anymore. "What a slag" Katie said with anger in her eyes. I just put my earphones in and ignored her. she wasn't a slag. she was amazing and sweet and- '1 new message' . ITS LIZ. 'hey Chris! sorry about my dog he just got excited x' I responded with 'its fine. so... how are you?'. she responded with 'im good wbu x?' as I was about to reply Emma snatched my phone off me and started spamming Liz! she knew that i was texting Liz and so she started pretending to be me saying how triggered I was about her dog! I thought 'so much for being wirh her now. shes gonna see im such a saddo' then she replied with 'is this one of Chris's friends! stop being tight and give her phone back now!' '

wow she's cool' I thought to myself picturing me with her- 'WOAH! CALM DOWN!' I thought to myself ' you ONLY just met her! don't go home and write a fan fiction u creep!' I left the park a bit after that. I was mad at Emma for taking my phone and I wanted to sleep. I was too stressed! now I know what your thinking; 'omg chris stop overeacting shes just a girl' well sorry DEBRA! I didn't know you were a LESBIAN EXPERT!