
I wish to meet you again

just_a_mere_human · Fantasy
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8 Chs

episode 6. black wings? (part 1)

{previous chapter}

I take a look on our surrounding there's no one, that's weird "oh man, c'mon the first was that weird guy from hell of fire guild the second is the forest and now this? Nah man I give up."

"W-what do you mean give up?! No! There's must be a reason why it's the city is empty today!"

"Oh yeah? Then please tell me what is the reason?" 

"U-uhm... Hmp! Why you have to be so annoying!" Luke turned his back from me

"W-what oh c'mon, don't be mad, I'm just joking" go to Luke and trying to cheer him up, but it looks like it doesn't work

"Go away! you want to give up right, go ahead! Hmp!" He crossed his arm. sulking

Sigh, "okay fine let's go" I look at Luke it seems that it's work! He turned back to me



"Okay then! That's what I'm talking about, now let's go!"

I follow him from behind examing our surrounding didn't let my guard down "oi be careful"

"C'mon you bein-" Luke sentence get interrupt by a heavy winds "seriously?! I mean what the??? It's like been a fifth time I was getting interrupt by... Everything!" Luke shouted

"Could you please calm down?" I say tired, "i swear my ears will explode at some point if you kept on screaming"

"Calm down You said? You don't know what it feels like when you we're talking and someone or something interrupt you, for fifth time!!"

"Okay, okay goddamit, my ears hurt"

"I do not care!"

Sigh, "let's just get over with it. We need to find out where did that wind come from"

"It's from earth"

"One more words and I'm gonna kill you" i say with tired eyes

"One more words and I'm gonna kill you" luke repeat my sentence with a mocking tone

Sigh, "let's just go"

We both walking to our 'apartment' the hallway it's empty, I wonder where that fatass go....

It's been a week since luke staying on my place everything went normal, we once ask that fatass, where did everyone go on that night, but he say that night the road was crowded and say that we were the one that gone. Suspicious


I woke up in a middle of the night because of freezing, and see that luke take my blanket and use it for herself "this shit...!" I muttered under my breath as i look at luke, a veins popped up on my head it looks like it could explode at any moment, sigh. "I will seriously kill him" i get up and take my way to the kitchen, as i arrive at the kitchen

i take one of the mug and pour water on it, i slowly bring the cup into my lips, slowly drinking it. i hear a footstep coming towards the kitchen, i grab the kitchen knife that not too far from me, i look at the door ready for anything, just to see luke yawning as he enter the kitchen.

Luke notice the knife and look at me with confusion and horror "what are you gonna do with the knife?"

"Nothing" i answer simply "and you? Why are you going into the kitchen in this late?" I say, leaned against the table

"I'm hungry do you have some cips or cookies?" Luke stretch his back as he walks closer to me, suddenly he takes the cup that i still drink and slowly put it on his lips and slowly drink it, luke look at me with sleepy


"You really have no shame, you just move here for a week, and you already dare to act like this?" I pinned him against the wall, i reach the back and open the drawer, it's full of snack, i grab a cips and hand it over to luke "here. And next time don't just take away my cup when I'm still drinking do you understand?"

"Yeah, yeah whatever" luke take away the cips that i hold and open it "you want one?" Luke ask me

"... Nah I'm good, well I'm going to bed goodbye" i slowly walk away from luke when suddenly he takes my hand "what?"

"Don't leave..." Luke say, keep his head down, looking at the ground

"Huh? I'm just going to my roo-"

"It's dark in here! I'm scared! Please!"

He shout

"This kid... Fine hurry up finish the cips, i don't have all day... Or night" i leaned against the wall and chatting with Luke for a while waiting for him to finish the cips

(so for people that confused why don't just bring the cips into the room, it's because ash doesn't like Someone eating cips on his bed cause it will be messy and he doesn't like sleeping with crumbs)

"Ok I'm done I'm just gonna wash my hand, don't leave okay!" Luke walks onto the bathroom to wash his hands. i wait for him to done washing his hands, after a few sec he finally done and get out of the bathroom

"Finally, what took you so long" i stretch my back cause i lean too long on the wall

"Don't be a asshole you only wait for a few sec" luke say, he reach my hands and hold them

"You really scared just because of the dark?" I walk to my room with luke holding my hands, it's suddenly raining. I don't know why don't ask me. We both walk down to the upstairs as luke look around scared. Crash!! A sound of a glass falling could be head from the living room 

"Ah!! What the hell is that?!! Is it a ghost!? Oh god! Help me!!" Luke shout as he hold into me more tight to the point that my bone may break

"Shut up it's just a glass, there's no such things as a gho-" i get interrupt by a another glass falling "okay wtf? I buy that with money, let's go check it"

"What no!! What if the ghost attack us?!! Checking it, will never be a great idea!! Let's just go upstairs and hide!!" Luke shout clearly scared 

"Seriously shut up, i would get a complain from the neighbor because of you, I don't wanna remember the last time i get complain by that grandma..."

"But...! It's a ghost ash, a ghost! Can't you understand that!?"

"And i already told you there's no such things as a gho-" i once again get interrupt by another glass falling but this one is much louder "that's it! I'm going to check it whether you want it or not!" I get my way to the kitchen, angry. I mean who wouldn't?

"Oi...! Ugh...! Fine! Don't leave me here, I'm scared okay!" Luke follow me from behind

We get into the kitchen and i was horrified by what i see, it's a fucking bear? Wait a minute that's not bear, bear is huge this one is so tiny, i had to admit that is a little bit cute 

"A tiny bear, never hear of this before, is this some kind of new monster?" I analysis the tiny bear as it look at me... It's it scared?

"A tiny bear? Let me see... It is a bear! but in tiny version! Owhh look at it, it's so cute! And what you mean by monster, there is now way a monster could look this cute!" Luke get closer to the bear and put it on his arm "hello there little friends"

I look at luke with his new little friends? "How did this thing get in here? And why does it keeps breaking the glass!?" I stared at the bear with anger

"Oh c'mon Maybe it's scared, aren't you little bear, hmm... How about we named it raeb? It's spelled bear backward" luke say as caress the bear fur

"You really terrible at naming but yeah sure since I don't have any idea and it's your pet anyway" i cross my arm, and lean against the wall "let's just go upstairs I'm tired okay and you ain't helping either"

"Okay, okay I'm coming! let's go raeb" luke say, following me from behind

"Wait a minute, you're not going to bring that aren't you"

"What do you mean of course I bring it"

"Just in case you forget this is my home and you're not allowed to bring any animals into my bed"

"But what if it gets cold? don't you have sympathy in your heart, is raining!"

"Tch, fine but only for a night"

"You're the best! Let's go raeb!" We both get into my room, i instantly lay on my bed. Luke sit on the edge of the bed, luke, carresing raeb fur, after a few minutes, raeb, falled asleep at his hands, luke, put raeb at his hands and lay beside me. don't worry there's a pillow in the middle of us I'm in left side and luke in right side "I'm gonna clean the glass later..." i close my eyes and fall asleep as luke slowly fall asleep too

{Next morning}

I woke up feeling something heavy on my face, it makes me hard to breath. I open my eyes and see raeb in my face! "Wtf?!" I quickly get up and get raeb awah from my face "listen here little guy, if you want to survive don't you dare sleep on my face, understood" i say, i hold raeb on my hand, scolding him

"Are you really having an argument with a animal? Wow i know you're stupid bit i don't it was this stupid" Luke say, he take raeb from my hands

"Don't you start" i look at luke with irritated expression

"I'm just saying" he shrugged his shoulder "anyway the food is on the table and i need to go bye" luke say, he look at mirror once more to check his outfit

"Wait a minute where are you going?" I get up from my bed and take a towel, ready for taking a bath

"Job interview"

"Finally you getting a job, you're so useless but at least you could pay me for staying at my house now" i say, i open the door to the bathrooms

"... You dead!!" Luke shout. I quickly close and lock the door "open it you coward!!" Luke say, he kick the door

"I don't think i will, if you continue kicking the door it'll break and you have to pay for it" luke immediately stop when he hear that

"Tch, just you wait i surely kill you one day"

"Yeah, yeah whatever, anyway wait for me" i say from the bathroom

"Why should i" luke ask

"I need to go to work too so yeah let's just go to the bus together" i say 

"Hmm... Well i don't see why not, my interview start in a hour anyway" luke shrugged his shoulder and sit on the bed

After a few minutes i done showering and get out of the bathroom with only a towel "okay I'm done with the shower" i take my clothes "get out i wanna wear my clothes" i say as i look at luke 

"I about to get out anyway!" He cross his arm and get out of the room. I make one last check to make sure if there's anyone else in this room, and what I meant by anyone else is raeb, When i done making sure i start changing my clothes. A few minutes pass and I'm done with the changing. I open my door and see luke in couch with raeb

"what two of you doing" i say, i sit on the table and eating breakfast that luke cook for me

"Nothing, i had a nightmare last night" luke say as he turn his head to facing me

"What kind of nightmare?" I ask as i turn my attention into luke

"I dream that i stuck at a dark place it looks like the void y'know, there's only me and no one else, for some reason i don't afraid of the dark... I can't move my body, what could it means?"

"That means you need to overcome your fear of dark" i say as i turn my attention back to the food "i thought you had a serious nightmare, what kind of nightmare is that? Just stuck at void, you can't call that a nightmare" i say as i finished my food

"You really ain't helping! Tch, it's feels like i had been there so long, i feel empty at that dream" luke say as he lean his head against the sofa closing his eyes

"It's just a dream, anyway let's go I'm all set" i say as into my way to the front door, i take my shoe and luke shoe "here, hurry up" i put my shoe on, luke, take his shoe from my hands

"I wait for you, and you, couldn't wait for me?" Luke say as he put his shoe on

"Don't be dramatic" i get up and open the door, the light of the sun hits my face "the weather is quite good" i say as i look at clear sky. I look at the pond rain last night made. A memory flash in my mind. I was playing with my friends in the pond when i was kid a girl and a boy, their face is all blurry and I can't remember them, i drown at my thought, my rain if thought get interrupt by luke tapping my shoulder, startled.

"What's wrong? You look pale" luke ask

"I-it's nothing, let's go and forget what you saw" i say as i walk away from luke

"Huh? What is wrong with him...?" Luke mutter under his breath. He run into me and follow me from behind. we both walk into the bus stop, at the bus stop we see a girl, medium height, had short black hair and red eyes, wearing a black clothes, i assume she's a girl that say bruh, the girl notice us staring at him 

"What the fuck, you staring at?" She say clearly annoyed, she doesn't even try to hide it

"Watch your manner bitch" i reply

Luke suddenly hit my head

"watch your manner too idiot, and it's our fault, apologies to him" luke say as he cross his arm

"What? She was the one that started first, and why should i listen to you?" I say as i look at Luke with irritated expression 

"... I dare you to say that again" luke voice suddenly turn cold and his face is scary af

"Ok fine..." I turn my head into the girl that is smirking! "This bitch...!" I mutter under my breath "i apologize for my rude behavior" i say in low voice

"What was that? I can't hear you!" She cross his arm as she smirk more wide

"She's totally a bitch...!" Sigh, "i apologise for my rude behavior, there happy" i say as i look away from him

"Huh, you really are dumb you know that" the girl say as he look at me with mocking expression

"You're the stupid one here, I'm gonna kick your ass" i say, irritated by him

"Oh yeah!? Well bring it on you coward!" 

Thud! Luke, suddenly punch our head

"could you two please shut up? You're bothering other people" luke say as he crossed his arm

We both look at our surrounding and it's true that everyone staring at us 'it was his fault! Why do i have to get hit!' we both thought the same

"Fine" me and the girl say in the same time we both look at each other with a confused look. The bus arrives "finally! I'm tired with this punk" we both say at the same time "seriously stop copying me!" We both say at the same time "what the!" We both, you already know

Luke already get into the bus "could you two quit being a child and just get in! And you just met remember that!"

We both fell into silence 'is true that we just met but... Why do i feel like i have known him for a year?' i thought, i look at the girl that has confused look, it looks like we both had the same thought "fine" i say as i get into the bus so do the girl the bus full with people and there's only two seat left. I sit next to Luke so do the girl since there's no seat left

"why do I have to sit with you!?" The girl say as she look at me

"Wtf, i was the one that supposed to ask that, My friends is over here..!"

{The ride continue with me and the girl fighting with each other}

We three stop at same place is the black wing organization, i stare at luke "don't you say you have a interview then why are you here? Wait don't tell me you're having a interview at this guild"

"Of course i am I'm not gonna go here if this isn't the place idiot" 

"And this girl?" I look at the girl that are beside luke "why in hell did you following us?"

"I'm not following you! And i had a name is Amelia!" The gir- Amelia yell

"I don't care about your name, and you don't answering my questions" 

"I swear to god if you two keep this on I'm gonna kill you both"

We both stop instantly "let's just go" i say

"Anyway what are you doing here ash? You say you had a job"

"I don't say what kind of. I'm here to check my rank evaluation, why you asking?"

"Oh same! I'm also here to check my rank!" Amelia, say

"You? Obviously you gonna get E-rank"

"And what makes you assume that, i had the strength to become an S-rank!" 

"Cause you're short"

Amelia suddenly stop walking and look at me furious

"What's wrong shor-" he suddenly hit my stomach "what the fuck!?"

"That's what you get for calling me short"

"Oi you two! Didn't i told you to not fight!?"

Luke grab us by collar and dragged us through the hallway 

"I never been so humiliated" i say

"Same" Amelia reply

"Well it's your fault for not listening!" Luke reply to our comment

{At the rank evaluation waiting room}

Luke has done his interview so he also join us get rank evaluation, everything is normal until the window suddenly break by itself everyone was screaming and running like a fucking coward they are. 

_end of the chapter_

My English is so bad, so I'm sorry if you find any mistake and if the , place in the wrong place! And I'm sorry i couldn't for the last week i had some trouble that need to take care of anyway had great day! ⊂((・▽・))⊃

Edit: i am truly sorry, i didn't notice that the chapter was like this, there supposed to be a space between every person line, i try to fix it but it won't work i hope you guys forgive me
