

In a blindly white room, sounds of rushing, metal clanging and screaming could be heard. Suddenly someone shouts : "Its finally out!! Bring the hot water", then a scene of disarray and disaster began. If it is not clear by now, this is a labour room, a woman lay on the bed in the middle , heaving and perspiring, even though, that did not diminish the type of pitiful beauty she exuded. Surrounded by people not paying her any attention, she said panting : "ah.. ha.. why can't it.. ha. .. make a sound,.. ah.. are you all incompetent?.. ha".

As if on cue, a weak sobbing sound could be heard, the physician and midwives finally let go of the breath they didn't know they were holding, at least their heads won't be flying yet.



After cleaning the baby, the woman asked to see her child, her "ticket", as she phrased it. The midwife had a look of dismay on her face hearing this, as if it was incomprehensible to her what this woman just said, while also not wanting to hand over the baby.

The two women had a staring contest, then a sound of knocking came from the door, it was just a mere gesture, as the door opened immediately, not waiting for anyone to give permission.

Now if that was any layman on the door, their head would have greeted their ancestors by now, but of course it wasn't. It was.. our beloved male lead to the rescu.. Ahem.. Wrong script. It was actually the youngest emperor in the history of Kaladia's continent, Kaviner Rohnert Venouir. A very handsome piece of work, if not for the balant air of pressure surrounding him. With a set of beautiful purple eyes and brown hair that's braided to rest on his right shoulder, he could make your eyes flip anytime.

As he stepped into the room all its occupants dropped to the floor in salutation. Surveying the room he quickly notices the deafening silence (if we ignore the heaving sound from the bed). "Was it for naught?" he asked while looking to the head physician, his eyes containing gloominess and a threat of death.

"Milord, N.. No, The child was successfully delivered" answered the head physician while stammering. "Then why can't I hear a chrip ? His eldest siblings were all very loud you wish you could banish them, or yourself to escape that maddening sound" with a frown and a hint of tenderness in his eyes, said the emperor. The head physician felt like he gleamed into a state secert, it was a open fact that the emperor always went on expeditions right after birth of any of his children. "Actually, um .. It's a She not He, Milord", "Doesn't matter, how is its condition".

"All the vitals are good, Milord. But.. The eyes... are a bit strange". Curious and with a hint of impatience, the emperor strode to the midwife still holding the bundle with the child in it.

Offering to open the bundle, the midwife slowly unravels the face of the baby, with the sun sprinkling from the outside as a background, it was an angelic face.... If you're interested in ghosts. The sickly white face with eyes that looked like a demon's red, unfocusing and with a rim of white eyelashes. To top it all the hair looks like silver splashed with rainbow. With the feeble breathing sounds and the thin body, the child gives off an otherworldly feel, just in a different way.

Even the emperor couldn't help the astonishment and the shock he got from it. Focusing on the eyes again the emperor noticed they were not reflecting him, actually it looks like they weren't reflecting anything at all. Finally understanding the problem, "Is the... child... blind?".

The head physician shivered a bit, trying his best to remain calm, he said "I'm seventy percent sure, as for the rest, maybe it was an unknown mutation, we're not sure yet", "Have you tried healing?" asked the emperor, even though he already knew it inside, "healing doesn't work, unfortunately.... Actually it seems as if it makes it... worse", "Does it have anything to do with the incident?" while griping his hands till his knuckles went white, and with a slight guilt filled undertone asked Kaviner. The head physician bowed his hid, with redness in the rims of his eye and a quivering voice, he answered "Most probably Milord".

With the verdict out, Kaviner, who couldn't bring himself to look at the child anymore, strode out of the room. Not before stopping at the door and ordering :"She've served her purpose, Off with her head. Make the process as agonizing as you can". From the start, Kaviner didn't look in her direction, not even a casual glimpse.

With this all the woman's hopes were smashed. Anger, resentment and a hint of dispair engulfed her, finally bringing her into the hole of darkness. She started laughing and screaming and thrashing about. Thinking it was all a lie, and that her knights will save her. But for good or for worse, no one came. The people in the room had a hint of schadenfreude, enjoying her misery, for she surely deserves it.

While men clothed in black came into the room, all other occupants were escorted out. The woman screamed begging to at least see her child, but no one lent her a listening ear. They were adamant she will not be anywhere close to the child even while struggling with death. That was the final straw that broke her for real.

"my child, my dear child, you think this world is good? It's a mixture of madness and hypocrisy!!! Why were you born in the first place?!!!. Why did I come here, to suffer for them, then be discarded like garbage??!! . That was not how the script was!! . I am this world's daughter of fate, my resentment will destroy it!!. Hear me well!! One day you'll all regret this. Ha ha ha ha, my child, if you can't accompany me now, I'll go back without you, I won't miss you, I hope you hate it as much as I did!!! Then kill them for mother!!! Only then could you come back to mother's embrace, I'll wait on the otherside for you!!! ". That was the last words Lylinia von Dyscorsia uttered before her soul left this world forever.

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