

Zazuza is an immortal and the daughter of a minor Chieftan, her childhood friend from China, Wang, has been her secret lover for over one hundred years. When they finally meet, she finds out he had been keeping a gigantic secret regarding their origin. How will she react to the big reveal?

Topaz01 · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Zazuza walked for a bit and then sprinted as if her life depended on it.

"What. In.Hydra's.Name.Was.That?!"

She thought to herself, running chaotically.

"Who even is he?! I've known him for all these years and now? Now it's for nothing!" she tripped on

a tree root and fell.

"Wake up! Did you hear that, too?" a strange voice said nearby.

"Darn! Someone heard me..." Zazuza dropped down and waited for the bandits to pass.

- Do you see anything?

-No, what do you think it was?

-It was probably a cat or something

" Thank the Hydra they left. She sighed in relief, and when they left for the camp she started to

crawl, very carefully.

" Darn why does this stuff keep happening to me? Suddenly she felt a strong stomp on her hand and she let out a yell.

- You were wrong, gents. It wasn't a cat, but a sneaky, slithering, snake. all she saw was the sly smile on the thief's face.

- Well done, Lit! It's good we took you with us tonight, after all! Two men pinned Zazuza down and

gagged her.

" I'll get the rope!" one of the men said, excitedly.

"Of course," Lit replied. "We'll take her with us to the market, three towns from here.

" Why go through all that trouble? Why not just sell her to the next town? one of the men asked.

-Because she's a Hydra, someone's bound to ask about her around. But if we play it safe, we'll make

some good money on the side.

-How do you even know that?

-It's all in the clothes, see the pattern? The geometric shapes mimic snake skin. Lit answered.

One man started the fire, and they all began to drink by it, singing merry songs and talking about

how they'll earn cash off their new slave.