

Tears of bitterness sprung my eyes as I shook the corpse of my mother. Please let it be a nightmare. But I knew it can't be. This is real. My dad stood next to me as bitter tears blurred his eyesight. I sprung up and shook my dad, "Tell me dad, this is all a joke," he just looked at me with pity in his eyes. "Please dad tell me this is not r....e....al...." I was choked with tears as they rolled down my cheeks. My heart swells in my chest to the point of excruciating pain.


I bolt straight up, and my hands clamp over my mouth to stifle a scream.

My body shivers while beads of sweat trail down my face and my heart pounds against my chest, trying to break free of my body. I rest my head on to of my pillow and take a moment to think about he memory of my mom that occurred each and everyday. The memory brought a tear to my eye. There was no point of crying and I had to wake up before my dad does.

I dressed quickly for school and started preparing breakfast for my dad. I made fried eggs and bacons jus the way he likes it with beer. I could hear his heavy footsteps coming to the kitchen." Morning dad, I said but the moment that came out of my mouth I regretted it. I close my eyes as his huge hands made contact with my cheeks."What did I tell you about calling me dad?! I told you to call me sir. Do you understand me!" my so-called dad shouted, hitting me in the stomach making me to lose my breath.

I writhed on the ground in excruciating pain. There was no point begging him. He was once the apple of my eye but since mom died, he drinks to forget his problems and pass days more easily to his goal.

"Yes sir," I trembled. What was there left for me to do but to let the tears wash away my pain? I leaped to my room and took a rug and wiped the floor as "dad" went to take breakfast. Just when I thought the day couldn't get any better, I heard my father calling me in the kitchen and saw him red with anger.

"First you call me dad then you forget to put salt in my eggs and add a extra bacon. Today you will face it!" my father shouted as he gave me a hard blow that sent me sprawling in the ground. He continued to punch me in all the places he could throwing me to different corners of the room. I screamed for him to stop but all my pleas fell on deaf ears. Now all I wish was I could fade away and stay peacefully in heaven with mom.