
I wish for... The Later End

So basically I got really really mad having to write the earlier things of She-ra and The Princesses of Power so, I decided to start another book, about my ideas for the later stuff.

Turtle5707 · Anime & Comics
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Realities End

'This, is just god, why did I have to run into a reality cluster that has been entirely controlled by evil. C'mon, they just need one bit of reality signature to get into any reality, weaker than me but still, I had to store Angela and I's Reality signature, so that they can't break into our reality.'

'Rey, Rey c'mon, why did you have to go to a reality cluster, I think I should exude reality clusters from my list of go to locations, That is the best, after all, 50 entire civilizations are chasing after us' Rey Thought while slapping her forehead.

At this point in time our protagonist has accidentally provoked 50 civilizations, that are now treating her as a way to be rulers of All Realities, that is why the are chasing her.

There are only 100 realities left to search but, time and room is tight, Rey has to use her developed [Space Folder Style] to hide into the folds of existence for hours to days on end.

'Is this my end.' Thought Rey, 'I'm lucky that I was able to store our reality signatures inside the machine, now all needed is a native of that reality and boom, success, it's also good that these civilizations are so dumb, they won't be able to find out how to even put a crack in a reality, nonetheless destroy.'

3 weeks later...

The protagonist still has 20 realities left to search, all Rey can do is hope.

A few hours later...

Rey breaks into a reality, fixes the hole, puts down the device, entirely ignoring the shocked natives. 'You put your thumb right there' Rey signals to the pinkish-purplish haired girl, who unsurprisingly is the Glimmer of this reality.

The Glimmer, even though shocked, quickly goes and has her reality signature scanned. 'Go Back to your spot and wait for the scan to end' Rey signals

'Oh god, I haven't given reality boundary nutrients to Queen Angela yet, which one though, the injection, the lotion... I think I'll just use the bottle' Rey thinks as she skillfully takes out a seemingly empty bottle and pours it into Queen Angela's mouth.

Angela immediately looked as if she just got stage 4 skin cancer removed, not that Queen Angela was in a bad state, but that the effects of feeding someone reality itself, is pretty good to say the least.

Then Rey, in an instant looks at the screen coming out of the pen-sized scanner, the screen, every percentage goes up, equals that percentage of realities in this existence, appearing on the screen, when the percentage goes up to 100%, A cartoon Rey will appear in the middle, with a hand stuck out, with a symbol above it.

If this is Rey's reality, the symbol will be a Check Mark, If this isn't her reality, it will be a cross, like an x. Like mind controlled, the natives of this reality, all look at the screen, then it reaches 100% and.

It's a cartoon Rey... Holding a Check Mark.

Rey Bursts into tears.