
I Will Rise Back: Obtaining The Overcome System

Daniel, a resilient 26-year-old Filipino, had endured a lifetime of hardship and setbacks. Despite his relentless efforts to improve his circumstances, it seemed as though fate had conspired against him. Just as he was beginning to see a glimmer of hope on the horizon, a series of unjust events sent him spiraling into despair and the depths of depression. Struggling to find meaning in his bleak existence, Daniel contemplated the unthinkable—ending his own life to escape the seemingly insurmountable challenges that plagued him. But just as he stood on the precipice of darkness, a mysterious voice echoed in his mind, accompanied by a radiant, glowing panel that materialized before him. It was the Overcome System, a supernatural force offering Daniel a lifeline—a chance at redemption and retribution. The system presented him with a proposition: Take on a series of missions, and in return, he would be granted unimaginable lucrative rewards. Intrigued and desperate for a way out of his desolate existence, Daniel accepted the system's offer. With newfound determination and a burning desire to prove his worth, he vowed to confront those who had wronged him, toppling every obstacle in his path as he ascended to the pinnacle of success. Armed with the Overcome System as his unwavering ally, Daniel embarked on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and self-transformation. He would confront adversaries both external and internal, facing his deepest fears, doubts, and insecurities head-on. As he completed each mission, the rewards bestowed upon him would fuel his ascent, providing him with the means to rebuild his life and reclaim the dignity and respect he so deserved.

DL_Mondays · Urban
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48 Chs

Presentation Day

April 3, 2023, 9:14 AM - 121 Valero Access Road 3 Salcedo Village, Makati, Philippines - 1900 Antel Corporate Center - Solé Corporate Office

Inside a small conference room in the client's office building, Daniel and the Inklusive team anxiously awaited their turn to present. TVWA, their competitor for this pitch, was currently showcasing their ideas in the main conference room.

Glancing at his team, Daniel observed a mix of excitement and anxiety on their faces. Understanding the pressure they felt as part of Inklusive's first pitch, he leaned forward and addressed them in a calm, reassuring tone.

"Look at you guys," he chuckled, shaking his head. "Why are you all so nervous? Come on, have a little faith in yourselves! We've got this in the bag. We've put in the work, we've got the talent, and we've prepared an interesting campaign proposal. Trust me, we're well-prepared, and I believe in each and every one of you. Let's show them what Inklusive is capable of."

His words seemed to ease the tension in the room as his team nodded, their determination shining through. They had meticulously honed their presentation, rehearsing tirelessly to ensure a seamless delivery. Now was the time to put their preparation into action.

After what felt like an eternity, the doors to the main conference room swung open, and the representatives from TVWA exited. Daniel and his team exchanged glances, their anticipation growing. This was their moment.

A secretary from the client's side approached, signaling that it was their turn to enter the main conference room. With a deep breath, Daniel stood up and motioned for his team to follow. Walking past the TVWA representatives, their head wearing a wide grin, the rival agency's taunt echoed arrogantly.

"The client was quite impressed with our pitch. Let's see you beat that."

Daniel met the head of the competing agency's gaze, his smile unwavering. He understood that confidence and professionalism were their best weapons in this situation. Without uttering a single word, he shrugged off the taunt and continued leading his team towards the main conference hall.

As they entered the room, expectant faces of the Solé executives greeted them. Daniel sensed the weight of their anticipation but remained composed. He knew that their campaign proposal had the power to captivate and inspire.

Seated in the conference room, Daniel and his team prepared themselves for the presentation. Jewel and Lily, the account managers, stepped forward to lead the pitch. The room fell silent as all eyes turned towards them.

Jewel began by analyzing the target audience, emphasizing the importance of individual identity to the younger generations—millennials and Gen Z. "Our campaign," she explained, "will revolve around their desire to know 'who they are' as individuals."

Lily chimed in, unveiling the proposal's big idea and tagline: "I'm A Solé Searcher," a clever wordplay on the brand name Solé and "Soul Searcher." She described how the campaign would incorporate aesthetics and narratives, showcasing individuals on their search for self-expression in the world.

The centerpiece of their campaign would be an original music track with a music video, featuring a collaboration of diverse individuals on their personal journeys of self-discovery. The music would blend elements of EDM and Dancehall Hip-hop, creating a lively and catchy soundtrack.

The Solé executives listened intently, clearly impressed by the creative concept. However, a concern emerged as the client expressed hesitation. They feared that associating the brand with hip-hop music could perpetuate old misconceptions linking the genre to violence and gangs.

"I am impressed with the innovative approach you're proposing, but I'm having hesitations. The brand's reputation comes first, and we need to ensure we avoid any negative associations," Mr. Ramirez expressed. "Our aim is to tap into the younger market, but we don't want to compromise Solé's integrity or risk alienating potential customers who may have reservations about hip-hop culture."

Jewel and Lily exchanged glances, momentarily taken aback by the client's concerns. They knew they had to address this apprehension convincingly to maintain the integrity of their campaign proposal. Daniel, sensing their momentary panic, stepped forward, a reassuring smile on his face.

"Mr. Ramirez, we understand your concern. However, it's important to recognize that music genres and their listeners have evolved significantly over the years," Daniel calmly explained. "Hip-hop is now a global cultural phenomenon, transcending boundaries and capturing the essence of self-expression, resilience, and creativity."

He continued, "While we acknowledge the historical misconceptions, we believe this campaign presents an opportunity to redefine the narrative. We're not just promoting hip-hop; we're embracing its positive aspects and showcasing how it resonates with our target audience's desire for individuality and self-discovery."

Lily jumped in, adding, "Furthermore, it's crucial to note that many well-known artists today, with street fashion-inspired images, have successfully bridged the gap between the genre's roots and a sophisticated, premium brand image. They've become symbols of empowerment, creativity, and authenticity, which align perfectly with Solé's values."

Mr. Ramirez leaned back, considering their words. The Inklusive team's confidence and passion began to resonate with him. He realized that taking calculated risks was necessary to reestablish Solé as a trailblazing brand.

"You make a valid point," Mr. Ramirez said, his tone shifting to one of contemplation. "We need to be open to evolving and embracing the changing landscape. As long as we ensure that our brand remains true to its essence and values, I believe we can navigate this path successfully."

Jewel and Lily exchanged relieved glances, grateful for Daniel's reassuring presence and the client's willingness to consider their perspective. They knew that their campaign had the potential to redefine Solé's brand image and capture the hearts of the younger generations.

"Alright," Mr. Ramirez said as he rose up, "thank you. Your proposal is indeed impressive. Please give us a few minutes to deliberate. Would it be okay for you to wait a few minutes in the next conference room?"

"Of course," Daniel replied, standing up and shaking Mr. Ramirez's hand.

"Thank you for your time, Mr. Ramirez." Jewel and Lily stood up and followed Daniel out of the room.