
I Will Redeem The Plot

' So the effects of insomnia were real after all ...........'. Our character, a bookworm and late night reader experiences the effects of insomnia ( according to him ) when he gets transmigratted into the world of ( era of magick ) , the last novel he read. 'As the generous person that I am, I will help thus world's system rearrange the plot as it should be.. ....... ' -his thoughts. But even though he already knows the plot of the story, there is a little hitch - he knows nothing about the body he is currently residing in. Well, who cares about who this body's previous owner is though? As long as I can do whatever I want with it , I'm cool - his thoughts. But what he doesn't know is that the previous owner , Axl Lightfall , is not an ordinary man. instead, Axl is a man whose head everybody wants. From members of his family to an estranged lover, an unknown cult , Axl is wanted. Will the revelations of the future be too much for him to handle even as he plans to redeem the plot?. Will he get swept away by the despair of the previous owner actions.? What will he do when the plot starts twisting........?. Find out. ********************** A/N: Four chapters per week and weekly bonuses if I get positive reviews. Please spare me your power stones and votes for I am a lowly peasant in need of it. N.B: The picture on the cover is not mine. If it belongs to you and you want me to take it down, feel free to lemme know. Also the novel has harem in it but would be slowly and patiently built. Lastly, if you're looking for an all straight hero , then I'm sorry but this is not for you as our protagonist t ransverses between the good , the bad and the ugly.

Anoneemos_Tify · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Blood and Nausea

" Well. ... well ", Nobira giggled as the men surrounded her.

" Put your hands in the air ", one of them who appeared to be the leader ordered.

Instead of obeying the order, Nobira , still holding the crystal ball in her hands began walking towards the man. The crimson in her eyes glistened.

" Stand back, I'm warning you ", the man warned, his hands shaking out of fear as he retreated while she walked towards him .


A large crack appeared on the crystal ball . It seemed that Nobira was purposely compressing her blood mana into it which was impossible for the magical instrument to take.

The result?. A crack. And another crack. And another.

Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack.

Just when it had become too much , the crystal exploded into pieces.

" I said stand down ", the guard rushed towards her brandishing his spear.

Nobira who stood calmly whispered a spell.

" Sanguinus Falce ".

Immediately a magic circle , crimson in colour, appeared behind the guard.

He felt a dominating presence behind him.

" What in the. .... ", he turned to see what it was but his words were cut short as a large crimson scythe appeared behind him.

His lips moved to yell but he wasn't given the chance as the scythe sliced his neck smoothly. It retreated swiftly as it had appeared.

The beheaded man fell to the ground dead.

The other guards instead of retreating as soon as they saw their companion downed, charged towards the vampire.

" You monster ".

" Die ".

" Avenge the fallen ".

These were the words they chanted as they rushed towards her.

Nobira smirked and chanted another spell.

" Bellanois manipulus ".

Immediately, multiple magic circles appeared in the air. Out of the circles, giant skeleton limbs began appearing.

" Aaaarrrrrrggggggghhhhhhh", a guard screamed in pain as one of the bone claws pulled his right handle away from his body.

The other guards tried to use their weapons to parry the skeleton hands but it was useless. A hand burst through the stomach of one of the guard and he dropped dead. Another one had his head forcefully detached from his body.

It was a bloody scene.

The men and women who had come to the museum for the excursion tour scampered around screaming and trying to find safety - including Axl, who was caught up in fear experiencing a bloody scene from the book first-hand.

" What the f*ck is this, the whole feeling is cringy... How do I change this world's settings like this?. ....am....I. ...ready? ,what is this feeling of fear even though I know exactly how it's going to unfold ?", he asked himself amidst a nauseating feeling.

F*ck !. This bitch was scary.

Suddenly another magic circle appeared out of thin air. This one though, was as bright yellow in colour rivaling the crimson red of Nobira's. It was obvious that she wasn't the one who had created it.

The elder who had fell on his butt before was the one who had created it. He was on his feet now.

" Rot in Hades where you belong, you monster ".

The yellow colour of the magic circle glowed even brighter than before bringing an unholy amount of heat along with it.

" Burn ", he yelled. The circle turned into a large ball of fire that shot towards Nobira.

Instead of dodging, the vampire stood still.

The impact was disastrous and blinding. The explosion being something else.

Axl quickly found a hiding place for safety.

"What the f... was that guy crazy? Did n't he careful about the other powerless civilians in the room .

The effects and damages of the explosion eventually died down and there at the same exact spot where she had stood before was Nobira , a red like dome covering her. Not even a strand of hair on her head had been touched by the fire.

" You...h..how. ... what kind of monster are you ? .... I. .... I could have sworn that attack would destroy you. ... No .... normal person could have survived that attack ", the elder shouted out in fear as he turned and made to escape.

But he had only taken a few steps when a crimson magic circle appeared under his legs and another one above his head.

" No..... no...no ", theman wailed knowing the impending danger he was in.

Two large skeleton claws burst out from both circles. One holding him by the shoulder and the other grabbed his legs.

It was either the elder had spent all his power in that attack just now or something, but it seemed as though he could not cast any more spells.

The both hands of the skeletons began to pull the man apart. One pulling from the top and the other from the bottom. The elder wailed in pain as he felt his internal organs tear out.

" Arrrrggggggggghhhhhhhg", theboth hands kept pulling and pulling , the man's cry of pain started to sound as pain to Axls ear and he covered it.

The summoned bones continued pulling until the man's upper region was separated from the lower one. His intestines and other internal organs in his bowels fell to the ground as the blood splashed everywhere.

A horrible scene. All's body could not take it anymore. The feeling of nausea in his stomach reacted , pushing up it's entire contents and causing the boy to empty them on ground in his front.

' This. ..... this. ... this is brutal ' , he thought.

He cleaned his mouth with the back of his palm and decided to observe the damage done to surroundings.

But immediately he lifted his head , a red circle appeared in front of his face .

" Spluuurrrkk....".

read on.............

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