
I Will Live A Better Life!

A man dies and reincarnates into another world. Grasping the emotions left from his past life, he yearns for a better life. However, the world isn't as simple as it seems. "Curses?!" "Demons..?" "Magic..!" "Another world..?!" It seems like his newly-granted life will be wrought with troubles. ***** The starting point will be a mixed anime world that includes several slice-of-life as well as supernatural worlds. MC's cheat is not a system. The story will not be fast-paced. For his appearance, he looks similar to Galahad of Fate/Grand Order. Mix Worlds: Jujutsu Kaisen | Otherworld's Magic is Too Far Behind! | Bocchi The Rock! | Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo Other Worlds: Familiar of Zero | Danmachi | Fate/Grand Order | Fate/Apocrypha Chapter 1-14: Mix Worlds Chapter 15 - 98: Danmachi Chapter 99 - 115: Fate Grand Order Chapter 116 - 136: Mix Worlds Chapter 137 - Latest: Fate/ Apocrypha Advanced chapters: Pa****n.com/IdleYoungMaster PS: The list of worlds will be updated as the story proceeds. Also, updates will be one chapter / day during my summer vacation. If you are interested for potential worlds MC would travel, feel free to take a look at the extra chapter. (Cover art not mine. Source: https://www.zerochan.net/2247928)

IdleYoungMaster · Anime & Comics
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169 Chs

Chapter 162: Divergence of Parallels

Brief silence came before Kazamitsu-san spoke first.

"Go, this isn't your destination. I could tell someone is waiting from the depths."


Could it be..?

'I'm venturing into the unknown…'

Theoretically, the concept of 'dimensions' are relative. Some require ten dimensions to be proven true, while there are other theories that require thirteen, twenty-six, and so on. 

With my current capabilities, I was able to explore up until the tenth dimension, thus confirming the 'accuracy' of the String Theory. However, there is an even higher 'vector dimension' that would otherwise solve several other problems that I found.

Thus, it could be said that the additional 'vector points' has a certain effect on known physics. It creates phenomena such as the enhanced strength of the four fundamental forces and even view time itself.

This time, I had a hunch that I will be going directly into an unexplainable place.

'Akashic Records…'

That is the only place that came to my mind when it comes to answers.

"Preceding us, she is the first 'artificial lifeform' that managed to reach that space." Kazamitsu-san mused for a while. "Maybe your questions would be answered by then. I wish you good luck, Akasaka."

Another black crack appeared right beside me. Seeing this, I decided to bid my farewell.

"I wouldn't let you suffer again, Kazamitsu-san. You still have your grandchildren to take care of."

"Haha, I will look forward to that day."


The sound of a cassette tape being rewound filled by ears once more.


Everything was filled with 'light'... or so it seemed to be.

Nobu couldn't distinguish whether this darkness was one result of the lack of light, or was it some form of physical law that formed through the manipulation of mysteries.

This place is far different from the usual sight he saw in space. Here, there is nothing.

The concept of infinity…

"I haven't seen it myself… but this is it."

One of the things that he received from his other selves' memories was his visit to the Akashic Records. However, it only consisted of staring straight into darkness, nothing else.

'I understand.'

There is a reason why he couldn't see it through others' memories.

'The concept of infinite… it's not just that.'

His surroundings reminded him of a certain concept: Aleph Null.

It is the smallest cardinal number that infinitely increases. It is a function that diverges from infinite.

Infinite amounts of knowledge flowed from this place. Unlike controlled laboratories that 'mimic' specific environments to see through physics, this place doesn't have any filter.

Be it dimensions or sub-atomic phenomena, continuous information flowed through his mind.

The amount of information could've been overwhelming for his past self, but he had already undergone the baptism of experiencing omniscience.

Instead of slowly losing himself, each and every 'random information was carefully sorted into his [Mind Palace].

"We finally met again."

Nobu turned around and saw someone who looked extremely similar to him. Although, 'He' turned into a ball of white light the next instant. His overwhelming sense of presence disappeared as if it was nothing but a dream.

"...I didn't expect to see the 'Memory Magicka' I mastered to be used like this."

"The bodies of higher-beings work in strange ways. Even a strand of hair could contain memory, acting like a sentient soul for a short span of time." The orb replied. "Of course, it's different when it comes to World Magisters."

Since it was a level only attained by God-kings and Him, the other Nobu came up with the term 'World Magisters' to denote those who have the three attributes of wisdom, power, and presence.

"The Akashic Records serve as a backup per se. As long as you don't die in special circumstances, you could be resurrected for as long as the world itself remains."

"...but you're under those special circumstances."

"The stone is at the peak of our world's creations. I knew I wasn't going to last long in that state, so I did what I needed to do."


Their conversation entered the unknown. It entailed the details of the so-called 'final battle' that he went into back in that 'dream'.

It didn't take long for Nobu to realize what he did.

"You… Just like Kazamitsu-san."

"Since I had the entire Philosopher's Stone…"

While Lord Nettesheim was the first to achieve it through his talents, Kazamitsu-san reached the level of World Magister at the cost of his life. If the thing that was sacrificed included the Philosopher's Stone, the sole World Sacrament fragmented by the world due to its immense power…

"I have seen everything leading to the 'ending' you chose."

The light orb gave off an unthinkable presence once more.

"It is certainly the most optimal world out of everything. However, I am unable to see anything beyond that."

Nobu had a feeling that he was talking about his future.

"The route itself is already established but not the ending itself. You must remember this thoroughly, my other self."

"Wait, what do you mean by that? My route? Was it the actions I did? Does it include the holy grail?!"

For the first time, Nobu felt his other self smiling at him.

"It's up to you to deduce. Things may be set in stone, or perhaps they are not." He said. "I met you here to give that one final push."

In this sea of nothingness, milky-white light spun in front of the orb. Once a cocoon-like light was formed, it revealed a pure white jewel.

The Lapis Philosophorum, also known as the Jewel of Knowledge.

It is the most sought-out treasure of homunculi as it grants them an unlimited access to the Akashic Records.

"You were supposed to go through dozens of parallel worlds to condense this 'jewel', but I took off that job for you. I believe your experiences with him are sufficient."

The moment Nobu touched it, he could feel his entire body being pushed out of this space.

"When the destined time comes, you will come back here. Miku will be waiting for your arrival. As for Suimei, do forgive him. It was me who came up with this meeting."

"I don't mind."

Complex thoughts ran into Nobu's mind but they were suppressed within him. Seeing his other self who died for the sake of a better ending, he doesn't know what to say.

"Finally, I am giving my own world a chance. You'll know about it later on."

Nobu was about to say something when he felt a strong suction out of nowhere.

"Let it be done… or so they say." His voice paused for a while before continuing, "Reach the best ending on my behalf."

 In the end, only the small light orb flickered weakly into the darkness.


"It seems like you were bombarded by riddles."

"I could understand where he's coming from."

The future is a fragile thing. If there is a small change, it could easily change as well. The other me must've considered his impact on me.

"Here's my farewell gift."

Suimei reached out below his desk and placed a notebook on top of it.

"It entails the procedure to properly merge the Philosopher's Stone as well as the theoretical process you could apply if there happens to be a suitable container. That way, you'll be able to reach this level with ease."

As the one bearing the fate of a singularity (unknown), Suimei has the sheer talent to reach the World Magister level. He is the second to do so after Lord Nettesheim. If he wasn't preoccupied with blocking the descent of ALL thirteen calamities, he would've been a huge help.

Of course, things might be different with my actions now.

As long as I help him, there might be several World Magisters during our fight against the end.

"I won't interrupt you further. You still have someone to talk with."


With a flick of his fingers, I was transported back to a familiar home.

A few seconds later, the gate was opened, revealing a golden haired girl wearing her usual high school uniform. She sported several differences from the usual Mashiro.

"You're done, Nobu."

"I promised to talk."

I entered the same place where we lived for a while.

It felt the same as usual, save for the faint smell of Mashiro everywhere.

Just as I was about to sit down, I was startled to see her removing her black stockings.

We locked gazes for a while before she belatedly realized something.



She is different from the Mashiro I knew. After all, we…

'Just what was I thinking back then..!'

I could see the progression with my relationships with others as the answer to their affection. I have no doubt Artemis and Hephaestus agreed upon it, but…

'More than ten…'

I shook off these thoughts.

"How… How was I… no, my other self?"


Our conversation began with Mashiro's usual clumsy acts. That alone made me believe wholeheartedly that the best choice is to let her live with me.

If she lived with others…

Forget being taken advantage of, she might've been hurt.

From then on, our talks progressed into more on what happened on my side. It was full of good memories, which made her smile every now and then. I didn't dare to talk about her current situation here, more so when I could see her severe depression.

"...You're still the same as before yet… you are different."


"Thank you for hearing me out, Nobu."

"No problem."

"You should return now. My other self might still be waiting for your return." She said. "Don't worry about us. Nobu… The other you must've told you about it."

The chance he mentioned..?

"He told us it's a project to connect us to our parallel selves. To produce the best ending, serving as the mentors of our immature selves is more than effective."

I could count several people who awakened a form of power during the start of the apocalypse. If they could receive guidance from their future selves who must've learned many things already, it'll be useful for the coming times.

"It's time to wake up from this dream. Goodbye, Nobu."

As if heeding her call, a black crack appeared from here. I could tell it leads back to my world.

"He said it already. You carry our hopes of having a better life. If… No, remember that we will share the burden with you."

I saw a different kind of determination in her eyes. It felt like a guarantee—that even if she dies, she would come with me.

I stood up from my seat before responding with a smile.

"I shall count on that, then."

For the final time, the sound of a rewound cassette tape rang on my ears.


Within the same black space as before, a disturbance appeared.

Slits in space appeared little by little. A pale dark blue light came out from beyond.

Unexpectedly, it is the 'Akashic Space' belonging to another familiar world.


A person wearing a blue dress emerged from it. She walked into it barefooted. Her short golden hair stood out along with her pale blue eyes.

"...I thought I could see him here."

"This is not your place."

A cold voice retorted from the dark. What emerged is a black-haired girl with the same blue eyes as hers. However, she sported a twin-tailed look.

"Leave here at once, nosy magician."

"Nosy? I only wanted to see my knight… or should I call him my prince?"

The black-haired girl was visibly annoyed.

"This isn't your world to begin with. Our affairs should remain within us."

"But I don't want to~!"

The golden-haired girl, Manaka, replied playfully.

"Carrying such a bright ideal… haven't you considered if he would be burnt by it at the end?" She said. "That's why I came here. I wanted to assist my prince in achieving his ideals!"


Despite not knowing Manaka, the black-haired girl had a hunch she came from Nobu's 'other world'.

"And then… and then…"

Seeing Manaka play with her fingertips and blush, Miku's face became cold. She closed her eyes before heaving a deep sigh.

"I will point out the way."

At her current level, Miku could perceive the genuinity of emotions coming from other people. Be it World Magisters or even beings above that, she could sense their truest emotions.

Only a single emotion came out from Manaka: love.

No matter how obsessive it was, it was, in the end, pure love.

As to how it happened?

Miku doesn't know.

However, since she came to help, it's a good idea to point the way to their world… or was it?

"Oh, that's it! Thank you, Miss assistant."

Hearing her words, Miku began doubting her choice—on whether she is helping a helper or a stalker.