
I Will Kill the Gods

I lay there, in a river of my blood as I watched the one loved most lay headless. I looked on as the sky fell apart and our world was eaten up. We had lost the war that those bastards started. We had no choice but to enter a losing battle. We would lose everything regardless. As my soul was about to be annihilated, I was met with a bright light. One that took my soul back to before the war began. I was given a second chance by the one I love. The gods that started The War of Realms, wait for me. I will do whatever it takes to end your reign. It matters not that you had a valid reason. It matters not that it was for the greater good. What matters is that you all are the reason that everything and everyone I loved had once died. I will save them all and in return, send you to a place you can't return from. ----- Author: I have the first 11 volumes planned out. It would be nice if you gave this a try. The first 4 chapters are in the FL's POV and then we shift to the MC's POV. From there we shift back and forth between the two with some chapters being from the side characters or third person view point. P.S.: There might seem to be some female characters that aren't the FL that like the MC but this is not a harem. MC is devoted to the FL and is a loyal man.

Ri_Yen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

Blood for the Blood God (2)


These words were what rang in the ears of every citizen of Sofenia City. Many young children's ears bled at the sound's sheer force. 

The adults fared better but were all holding on to their heads, covering their ears in pain. 

If one looked from the sky, the city was confined in a hexagonal shape wall. The city walls always looked like this but today, they were not their usual color. 

Usually, the stone walls were a mix of black and gray, but today they had turned blood red. 


A weird noise rang out but most people in the city could not hear this one. The now bloody walls had started to glow. They emitted a crimson-colored, semi-transparent barrier that surrounded and enclosed the city in a bubble

"Has the cult gone mad!" yelled a soldier in knight armor running out of the door of a 5 story building. The second tallest building in the city. Many other soldiers followed him out of the building. 

Most of them were in armor while a couple had robes on but were covering their ears.. 

"You think they weren't mad already?"

"Those fuckin heretics were never sane." 

The soldiers made such comments while a certain mage with lime green hair and eyes came out from the building last. She was a bit short, just under 4 feet and 6 inches tall (137cm). She wore a green robe which was different from the purple and red robes of the other city guard mages. 

"If your ears are hurt, come to me." she attempted to yell but her voice was not loud at all. Just like her small stature, her voice was meek yet sweet. 

Even though the mages were hurt, they still heard her. Even though mages didn't have great physical strength when compared to knights, they still had better physiques than regular people. 

The 12 mages walked to the girl and she waved around a small brown, wooden stick with a tiny green leaf growing from it. A lime green glow appeared from the wand. 

Small lime green balls of light appeared and flew towards the mages and entered their ears. The ears then glowed for a second and then stopped. 

"As expected of senior Kalen. Her healing is unmatched." commented one of the mages. as he felt the slight pain in his ears disappearing. He looked down at the short yet pretty girl with a look of admiration. 

A look that was shared by the rest of the mages around her. 

"No time for dilly dallying! We have to get the commander and deal with the source of this mess." the girl said as she looked up at the sky. 

The beautiful night sky now looked blood red because of the barrier erected over the whole city. 

"Miss Kalen, the commander has already sent us a message." said one of the mages as he took out a cube-shaped device. 

He pressed on it as a blue glow came and the words "Meet me at Anton London's mansion." were written in mid-air from blue mana. 

"Hmm." Kalen held her chin with her hand as she donned a contemplative look. 

"Aww. She is so cute!" thought the men and women around her. They didn't say it out loud. Because of her childish face, everything thing she does is cute to them.

They think of her as a child sometimes because of her face and size but know that she is older than all of them. Only the commander is older than her in the city guards. 

They keep their feelings to themselves as she is very sensitive about her appearance and age. 

"Let's run there. Knights! Carry the mages on your back as you sprint. I will use my mat." she gave her orders. 

"Ah...yes ma'am!" after a brief hesitation, the knights saluted. they kneeled and let the mages hop on their backs. 

They did find this embarrassing but there was no faster way for them to get there since they couldn't fly. The mages were covering their faces with their hoods. 

It's always the rider who is more immersed than the one who was ridden. 

After the mages had gotten on the knight's back and were ready to depart, Kalen reached into the air and pulled out a rolled up carpet from a blue portal. 

She unfolded it onto the ground and sat on it. the mat then proceeded to rise and float. After she was 5 feet off the ground, she commanded them to run. 


"Fuck!" I cursed in pain as my ears were ringing. Anton London's voice caused me to momentarily lose my hearing as I clutched my ears. 

This was not part of the plan. This was not something that had happened in the last run. This is not something that I could even predict. 

My actions had already caused things to change beyond my control. 

I was crouching on the floor as Ryan held on to me. 

"El..Eli...Elina, you okay?!" his voice sounded muffled at first but eventually sounded right. Even though I am a mage, the herbs I have eaten over the years have reinforced my body better than other mages at the 3rd tier. 

"I'm okay," I say, slightly trembling. 

I stood up with his support and looked at the congregation of cultists that had formed a circle with London in the middle. 

"Never thought I would see a sacrificial ritual again." said Ryan as he unhooked the sword from the belt on his waist. 

"Sacrificial ritual? Again?" I asked. How did he know it was a sacrificial ritual? It could be any kind of evil ritual. And what does he mean by again? When did he see a ritual before?

"Haha...that's a story for when I tell you my secret." he laughed and then winked. 

"I don't think you should be smiling right now." Aunt Jenny said in a grave tone. She had a deep frown as she looked at the scene in front of us. 

I thought it would take some time for her to react since all of this was surprising, to say the least. Her husband turned out to be a cultist and was now performing a ritual in their home. 

Most people would still be stunned at the moment, unable to think. But here she was, clutching her fists in anger as her eyes were burning with fury. 

"My apologies. I like staying positive unless absolutely necessary. It isn't good to burden my soul too much. There is only so much sadness it can take." Ryan replied. 

"What does that...forget it. You said this is a sacrificial ritual? Then what what is it sacrificing?" Aunt Jenny said as flecks of green mana emanated from her hands. 

"How am I supposed to know that?" he shrugged. "It would be weird for me to know exactly how a blood cult ritual works." 

He was right. it would be strange for him to know. It was already enough that he could tell that it was a sacrificial one. 

"You...I will deal with you later." My aunt was clearly frustrated by the sudden events but she held it in. 

She turned her attention back to the cultists as she ran at them in the block of an eye. Green mana covered her body thoroughly in an instant. 

I was looking forward to seeing her tear those cultists to shreds. 


Unlike what I expected, a dull sound rang out and my aunt was flung back towards us.

She landed on the ground next to us, her hair messy and her dress torn at the edges. A red barrier in the form of a hemisphere formed around the cultists and protected them. 

"Hahahaha!!!" one of the cultists from inside the barrier laughed maniacally. . 

"You cannot stop us. We have been suffering for too long."

"It is time that our brethren's sacrifices stop. It is time our cult sacrifices you heathens." 

"It is time that our true god receives your lost souls into his embrace." 

"It is time that our god feasts on the blood of those who have shunned him." 

"Blood for the Blood God!"

"Blood for the Blood God!"

"Blood for the Blood God!"

The cultists chant as a red magic circle appears under them. It was the color of blood, formed from symbols that the mages present had never seen in their own spells. 

I had a bad feeling about this. So bad that my heart had stopped beating. My senses yelled at me to run. I couldn't do that. There was nowhere to run. I could see from the windows that a barrier had also encapsulated the mansion. 

"What are you guys doing? Attack the barrier! We can't let them succeed!" I screamed. 

This finally snapped the masked unit back to their sense as they had been caught off guard by the happenings that took place in under 3 minutes. 

In a situation like this, they could not move without our orders and were just protecting us at the moment. They would only go on the offensive if we told them to. 

55 of 77 members of the masked unit moved and the rest stayed back as they were pure mages. They all smashed at the shield with their weapons or hands. Aunty also joined them. 

It was futile. The shield did not reply nor budge. 

"It is too late," London spoke once again bit this time, with a weak tone. I could see that his face had become emaciated. 

"Blood for the Blood God!" he said once again. 

A bright flash of red light blinded us all. 


Author: I was not expecting to be featured on Editor's Choice with only so few chapters. Many thanks to the people that have been reading. Welcome to everyone who has just joined us as there are many of you. 

I hope to not disappoint everyone and will do my best to create an entertaining and engaging story. Stay with me for this incredibly long journey. 

I was not expecting this so thank you fellow readers and thank you Webnovel. 

A shorter chapter today since I am in a small sense of shock. I will go back to normal length tomorrow.

Ri_Yencreators' thoughts