
I Will Kill The Author

"In this world, morality is but a thin line away from depravity, and the most captivating tales are often shrouded behind the veil of insanity." ____________________ I was just an ordinary guy, living a dull and unremarkable life as an editor. But when a maniac author killed me for rejecting his novel in a writing competition, I reopened my eyes in a modern fantasy world. "Hmm? Wait, this world…." But fate, being a prude little bitch, played a twisted joke on me. I reincarnated into the very same novel that I rejected for the competition award, written by the very same author who killed me for it. Not only that, but I transmigrated into the body of a disowned noble named Lucas Morningstar. Lucas was a minor antagonist in a novel who served as a stepping stone for the protagonist and their allies. Arghh…. Of all the people, I just had to be reborn as someone who was despised by the main characters the most at this point in the story? B-But hey, with my knowledge of the future and understanding of the main characters, I can at least live an easy life! Right...? "Yeah, I can work with this!" Or so I thought until I remembered the ending arcs of the book. This world is destined for doom! And not so long after, I started to realize that the novel and the world I transmigrated into might not be as similar as I had originally thought…. ================= [Disclaimer: Caution while reading is advised. Tighten your seatbelts and brace yourself for a bumpy roller coaster-like journey. Don't blame the Author if you fall from your seat while reading a plot twist. Thank you.] ____________________ AN: MC is NOT a villain, so don't expect one. *The MC will seem a little bit (ok let's be honest, more than a little bit) foolish in the first 30-35 chaps but don't be fooled. I ask you to read the first 50 chapters before deciding to trash-talk the MC because that's where his borderline psychopathic strategist personality starts to surface. ____________________ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/yDaXN4re ____________________ Tapestry

Night_Crawler619 · Fantasy
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416 Chs

Chaos Ahead And Future Plans


Name→ Lucas Morningstar [Face Image]

Race→ Human


Attack→ 32 [+12]

Endurance→ 18 [+10]

Speed→ 39

Stamina→ 34 [+2]

Accuracy→ 76

Charm→ 439

Intelligence→ 187

Mana Capacity→ 009/500


Mana Core Rank→ Iron 2

Mana Core Potential→ Gold 3

Professions→ Spearman Lvl. 1 || Archer Lvl. 1


››Weapon Arts: 

Thousand Falling Lightning Needle Strike (Lvl. 1) {11%}

6-Movement Lance Style: Blossom Shattering Blast (Lvl. 3) {23%}

››Combat Arts: 


››Breathing Technique

Breath Of Vitality 


Affinity→ Fire » Lightning || Light

Spells→ Fireball ⟨Low⟩ || Zap Touch ⟨Low⟩

Blessing→ Mana Burst 

Possessions→ Phoenix's Embrace ⟨Semi-Divine⟩ || Editor's Pen ⟨Divine⟩

Edit Points: 16


"Ehehahahaha! Aehahaha!" 

A dimly lit gym room housed a silver-haired boy, his bright red eyes alight with maniacal giggles. 

Dressed in black joggers and a sweat-dampened loose hooded sleeveless white t-shirt, he continued to laugh, despite the exhaustion obvious on his face. 

His surroundings were empty, with all previous occupants having long left, the clock striking past midnight.

In front of the silver-haired boy stood a human-shaped practice dummy which was made of super steel reinforced carbon fiber.

The dummy, designed to withstand the impact of a charging bull, now had a deep dent in its upper torso, as if someone had attempted to drill open a cavity in it.

Yes, of course, it was me.

I did that and I was laughing at the practice dummy.

Not only that, but I was also trash-talking him.

"How do you like that, you fucker! Try acting all high and mighty now, you bitch! Ahahaha!"

…I have no excuse. I was acting crazy.

But hey, try putting yourself in my shoes!

I started practicing this spear art at 4:32 pm yesterday, and it is 2:55 am right now! 

Yes! I've been training for around 10 hours now! 10 fucking long hours! 

Only when I ran out of mana or felt like passing out did I take short breaks but immediately got back to training after recovering.

Like that after going at it for about 10 hours, I managed to learn the first form of this technique. 

And let me say this; this technique is destructive! 

With a wooden spear I managed to create a deep dent into a practice dummy that was made of super steel-reinforced carbon fiber reinforced.

And I wasn't even in my best condition when I dealt that attack!

However, the backlash from the technique caused the wooden spear I was using to rip to shreds.

With pity in my eyes and maybe a little sleepiness present somewhere there too, I looked at what was remaining of the wooden spear in my hand.

"Goodbye, dear friend." I said before shrugging, "Anyway."

I threw the bits of broken wooden remains away and picked up the martial manual from the ground.

Putting back the martial manual in my dimensional bracelet, I exited the training gym and headed to my apartment.

Honestly speaking, I was beyond exhausted, famished, and parched.

My whole body was aching in pain and my limbs were protesting at every little movement. My throat felt dry and my eyelids were as heavy as lead.

I badly wanted to lie down on the mats back at the gym but I knew I would fall asleep if I did.

So I dragged my body out of building 5 and took a campus bus.

It was 3 at night but campus buses were still running. Well, that's nothing shocking since instead of a human driver, robots drive these buses.

In fact, all the transportation vehicles in the Global City are operated by robots. These robots are connected to the Academy's AI, Athena, so there's nothing that can go wrong. It's for the safety of cadets.

Hah, but of course, in these kinds of stories, the unexpected events that occur are often the ones that could not have been anticipated.

Anyway, after taking the bus to exit the academy campus, I booked a cab home from my smart bracelet.


It didn't even take a full minute before the cab arrived in front of me.

Taking note of the humanoid robot driving the cab, I got into the backseat and closed my eyes.

Yes, for those of you wondering, it was a flying car. Or should I call it a hovercar? 

I mean, the body of the car stays only a few inches above the ground. That's hovering not flying. I don't know why they are called flying cars.

Anyway, as the car jumped to life and began moving forward, my mind started drifting into a world of thoughts of my own.

Never, I mean never, will I ever do such a long training session ever again.

I should be training in moderation with properly timed breaks in between.

While I'm at it, I should also stop eating junk food all the time and maybe fix my sleep schedule.

Since I've already been doing basic exercises daily to improve my physical condition, my attack, defense and stamina stat has seen an increment.

However, there's a problem.

I'm improving at a very, very slow pace. At this rate, I can forget catching up to the main characters.

Why am I worrying so much?

Because the first arc has already started. The start of the main story has already been set in motion.

From here on out, things will only get chaotic.

Yes, I know I told you all about my devotion to the all-consuming chaos, but let it be known that my allegiance wavers when it comes knocking at my own door.

The chaos ahead isn't some little pranks or petty fights. It's much worse.

Death is looming on the horizon. I must steel my resolve and start preparing. For if I falter, my lifeless body will join the countless others claimed by the chaos.

The chaos ahead… is Death.

So what will I do to improve faster?

What else? I'll drink potions and break through ranks.

The easiest way to improve your physical condition is to increase your mana core rank.

My current mana core rank is [Iron 2], and frankly speaking, it's pathetic. 

Most of the first-year cadets right now are on [Iron 3] or [Bronze 1] while the top first-year cadets are on [Bronze 3] or [Silver 1].

Well, Nero is the only first-year who's on silver mana core ranking but you get the idea.

Even if I don't compare myself to Nero and the rest of the top cadets, I'm behind most.

To cover up that difference in strength, I'll have to put in a lot of effort in training and a lot of money on potions.

Well, to be honest, potions won't be that big of a problem.

I have my Edit Pen after all.

I could simply buy a mid-grade potion and make it a high-grade one.

Hell, with enough Edit Points in my balance, I can turn an ordinary glass of drinking water into a precious elixir.

So yeah, getting good potions shouldn't prove to be a challenge.

After this 'mock war' ends, I will start focusing on breaking mana core ranks as a bigger mana pool will help me in training martial arts too.


Shaking me out of my train of thought was the jolt of the cab stopping. Opening my eyes, I exited the car and headed into my apartment building.


However, on my way inside, my eyes fell on the night sky above me.

Unlike in my previous world, the people of this world have already found a clean energy source.

This world has tackled many problems that were still present in my world. Pollution is one of them.

And since this world produces comparatively way less pollution, the night sky here is that much brighter.

What I saw was a sky ablaze with a dazzling array of stars, their twinkling light creating a mesmerizing display. Against this backdrop, the city lights added a touch of magic, illuminating the scene and casting an ethereal glow over the landscape. 

The whole view was breathtaking, with the streams of stars cascading through the darkness, painting a breathtaking picture.

That moment of standing in the middle of the labyrinth of light and taking in the beautiful vastness of the night sky was of pure tranquility and escape, giving me a sense of escape and freedom.

Oh, how I wish I could see this from a mountain or someplace high. I was tempted to go to the terrace instead of my apartment, but I dismissed that idea.

I was way too sleepy and hungry to do anything else aside from eating and sleeping right now.

Ik the progression is slow right now, but believe me, it's important. Once the main story starts (in the next 8 chaps), there will be no time for lengthy monologues and long explanations.

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