

Lucas, a 15-year-old assassin class is looking for a strong girl to marry him, however, no one wants to marry him because he is so persistent, annoying and pervert. One day, he bumped the girl in the Mini Diva Dungeon Capturer Group, the 11th famous group in the dungeon capturers' society. But this girl is one of the idol that idolize by a hundred thousand people and because he doesn't know her identity, he asks her name and the girl got mad. However, they had been caught by Rose, a wind magician and from the Gone Dungeon Capturer Group. The people there became scared of her and left including the girl. Rose stares at him only and the same on him and fall in love with her thinking that she saved him from them. He begins to stalk her and he decides to join the Gone Dungeon Capturer Group even without information about their history.

Intreo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


A tranquil morning, with the refreshing scent of clean air and the distant echoes of a lively crowd, greeted Lucas, a 15-year-old teenager living peacefully in the heart of the City of Fluorescent, despite it being the capital of dungeon capturers. As the sun painted the sky with its gentle ascent, he strolled through the awakening streets. Soon, he transitioned into a light jog, following the sage advice of his grandfather, who had always emphasized the importance of training to ensure good health and strength.

Lucas jogged with an inquisitive gaze, his eyes darting around, taking in the vibrant surroundings. Lost in thought, he collided with an unexpected obstacle, sending him sprawling to the ground. Instinctively, he closed his eyes, bracing for impact. When he summoned the courage to open them, he found himself face to face with a flustered girl, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

With her hand poised to strike, the girl hesitated upon seeing Lucas's bewildered expression. She lowered her hand and, in a soft and gentle voice, implored, "Sir! Could you please get up quickly? You've pinned me down, and your hand is resting on mine."

Lucas's attention was drawn solely to the girl before him, and he couldn't help but notice her exceptional beauty. In the midst of the growing crowd, he realized the delicate nature of their situation.

It was in that moment that Lucas recalled his grandfather's wise words: "Lucas, you possess a handsome face, but to become a true man, you must learn responsibility."

As Lucas recalled his grandfather's wisdom, he believed it to be connected to the girl, realizing that becoming a true man meant taking responsibility for his actions. However, in the midst of his thoughts, he became aware of an unintended contact. His gaze fell downward, and he realized with shock that his hand had brushed against the girl's chest. A wave of embarrassment washed over him, causing him to tremble.

The girl, her face flushing even deeper, spoke up with a firm yet composed tone. "Sir, please remove your hand," she implored, her voice quivering as she struggled to suppress her discomfort.

Lucas, sweating profusely and overwhelmed by his own embarrassment, desperately sought guidance. "I'm so sorry," he stammered, "but I don't know how to release it. Please help me."

As he made an earnest attempt to disengage, the girl felt an unusual sensation, which only added to her confusion. Dizziness overcame her, and in her disoriented state, she momentarily forgot her status as an idol and reflexively slapped Lucas' face.

"Sir, your actions are inappropriate," she declared, her anger evident despite her use of respectful language.

Lucas, now sobered by the consequences of his actions, quickly withdrew his hand from the girl's chest, apologizing sincerely. He bowed as a sign of his remorse, his actions driven by genuine remorse.

The girl, still emotionally shaken, burst into tears. Lucas, unsure of how to comfort her, placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, his eyes reflecting his remorse and willingness to make amends. However, the girl's distress persisted, and the surrounding crowd began to intervene, expressing their disapproval with negative words and insults.

Lucas, overwhelmed and saddened by the situation, felt the weight of the crowd's judgment.

As the crowd's harsh words echoed around him, the girl turned to Lucas and asked, "Do you know who I am, sir?"

Lucas shook his head, indicating that he didn't know her name. Unbeknownst to him, the girl was sensitive about people recognizing her, and those who didn't know her name would face her ire. She cared for her fans but held disdain for those who remained oblivious to her identity.

Frustrated and upset, the girl cried out, "Please, someone, help me! This man assaulted me. He touched me inappropriately, and despite my pleas to stop, he persisted. He had intentions to harm me. Help me!"

This girl wasn't just an idol; she was also a member of the Mini Diva Dungeon Capturer Group, which ranked 11th in the city. The group's leaders were a mix of half-idols and half-dungeon capturers. They had come to the area for a day of shopping and enjoyment, but the situation had taken a distressing turn when they heard the girl's cries.

In response, members of the Mini Diva Dungeon Capturer Group rushed to the scene, outraged to find one of their own in distress. They confronted Lucas, and amidst the chaos, his attempts to shield himself with his hands were futile. He endured the blows and assaults from the enraged crowd.

Lucas, battered and bewildered, felt as if time had slowed down as he watched the fists and kicks rain upon him. He believed his life hung in the balance.

But just when it seemed he was on the brink of despair, a yellow-haired girl wielding a magic staff and a man clad in a cape and armor arrived on the scene. The yellow-haired girl raised her staff, conjuring a powerful updraft of air that lifted both Lucas and his assailants off the ground. Terrified, the crowd scattered in all directions.

Lucas gazed at the yellow-haired savior in awe, her beauty seemingly magnified in his eyes. However, dizziness overcame him, and he fell into a deep slumber. The cape-clad man, who lacked any visible weapons, approached Lucas, tending to his injuries. Though Lucas briefly regained consciousness, he soon succumbed to sleep once more. The two mysterious figures then carried him away to their home, where he would find solace and rest.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the city in twilight, Lucas remained in slumber, oblivious to the beginning of a new chapter in his life. Raised solely by his grandfather, he had little knowledge of his parents' whereabouts and had lived a life focused on physical training, dismissing the existence of dangerous monsters within or outside the city. Yet, little did he know that his adventure was just beginning, and the world of dungeon capturers, once a distant legend, was about to reveal its secrets in ways he could never have imagined. Among those secrets, the identity of the girl who had crossed his path would play a pivotal role in his journey.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a gentle twilight over the city, Lucas remained in a deep slumber. His only guardian was his grandfather, for he knew little about the whereabouts of his parents, having spent his life in the company of his elderly relative.

Every day, Lucas and his grandfather embarked on their routine excursions beyond the city's walls. Although his grandfather attempted to instill knowledge about monsters, their history, and vulnerabilities, Lucas held little interest in these tales. His mind was occupied elsewhere, leading his grandfather to emphasize physical training, the strengthening of every muscle and the development of self-defense skills.

Lucas's disinterest in monsters led his grandfather to forget about the tales of dungeon capturers, and Lucas knew them only as knights. He saw no dangerous creatures lurking within or outside the city, considering both monsters and idols as distant entities. He dedicated himself to rigorous self-improvement throughout his life, yet now, as twilight descended, Lucas's adventure was just beginning.

His grandfather, known as Sir Dwayne and renowned as the Iron Knight of the City of Fluorescent, had imparted valuable wisdom and skills to Lucas. Little did Lucas know that the lessons he had received, both in discipline and character, would serve as the foundation for the challenges and adventures that awaited him in the world of dungeon capturers.

With this, Lucas's journey had commenced, and the mysteries of the city and its hidden stories would soon unfold before him, forever altering the course of his life.

In the early hours of dawn, Sir Dwayne's heart ached with concern as he relentlessly scoured the city for his beloved grandson, Lucas. The sun's first rays painted the sky with hues of pink and gold, but there was no warmth in Sir Dwayne's heart. Lucas had never stayed out past curfew, and this inexplicable absence gnawed at his grandfather's soul.

He reached out to neighbors, friends, and even strangers, each inquiry a desperate plea for information about Lucas. But every response was a solemn shake of the head or a shoulder shrug, and the usually serene City of Fluorescent remained oblivious to their pain. Sir Dwayne couldn't help but imagine the worst scenarios, fearing for his grandson's safety.

In his desperation, he remembered his connections from his days as a former captain knight in the army. Among them was Major Johnson, the son of the renowned Captain Trench, a man who had been one of Sir Dwayne's most loyal comrades during their military service. Major Johnson, recognizing the urgency in Sir Dwayne's voice, agreed without hesitation to assist in the search. He quickly organized a team of knights to scour every nook and cranny of the city.

As Sir Dwayne and the knights fanned out, Lucas remained oblivious to the growing concern outside. He was ensconced in a deep slumber on a comfortable couch within the guild house of the Gone Dungeon Capturer Group.

Inside the guild house, Zenus and Ignis, the resident fairies, continued to observe Lucas with growing unease. The fairies, small yet fiercely protective of their own well-being, watched the young boy's every breath. They were well aware of the dangers posed by unfamiliar races and were quick to defend themselves against perceived threats.

The atmosphere was tense as Zenus and Ignis shared a silent exchange of glances, their weapons at the ready. They couldn't afford to take any chances, not with a human, uninvited and unknown, in their midst. Their actions were driven by a mix of curiosity and vigilance, as well as a growing sense of unease.

As the knights approached the guild house, their armor clinking softly with each step, the tension in the air became palpable. Major Johnson, at the head of the group, raised his hand, signaling for his fellow knights to halt. He had a reputation for being both a skilled leader and a level-headed strategist, and he intended to approach this situation with caution.

Inside the guild house, Zenus and Ignis exchanged a final glance. They had decided on a course of action—communication over confrontation. Holding their weapons at their sides, they took a step forward, cautiously revealing themselves as Lucas continued to slumber peacefully on the couch.

Major Johnson and the knights watched with wary eyes as the fairies emerged from the shadows. These fairies were unlike any they had encountered before. They had human-like proportions and features, except for their striking, ethereal wings. Ignis, with fiery hair and determined eyes, cleared his throat nervously and spoke in a firm, yet measured voice, "We mean no harm, noble knights. Please, hear us out before any rash actions are taken."

Major Johnson raised an eyebrow, his hand still resting on the hilt of his sword. "Explain yourselves then," he commanded, his voice firm yet not devoid of compassion.

Zenus, the other fairy with silvery wings, stepped forward, his expression earnest. "We are Zenus and Ignis, fairies of this guild house," he began. "We do not wish for any trouble. We were merely protecting our home when we sensed an unfamiliar presence."

The knights exchanged puzzled glances. These fairies appeared to be more akin to humans, with no visible signs of age. Ignis continued, "The young man sleeping here is not known to us. He stumbled into our guild house, and we have no ill intentions towards him. We were simply being cautious."

As Ignis spoke, he couldn't help but notice Major Johnson's keen gaze and the way the knights were observing their surroundings, as if assessing the situation.

Major Johnson nodded, beginning to lower his hand from his sword. "I appreciate your honesty," he said. "The safety of our citizens is our top priority."

As the tension in the room began to ease, Lucas stirred on the couch, his eyes fluttering open. He blinked in confusion at the scene unfolding around him, taking in the knights, fairies, and the guild house.

Sir Dwayne, still searching the city for his missing grandson, was unaware of these developments. His heart remained heavy with worry, and he longed for any news of Lucas's whereabouts.

With the initial confrontation defused, the guild house of the Gone Dungeon Capturer Group stood at a crossroads. The knights, fairies, and Lucas now faced a choice—cooperation, understanding, and the potential for an unexpected alliance, or a return to the uncertainties and misunderstandings that had brought them to this moment.

The sun continued its ascent in the sky, casting its warm rays upon the city of Fluorescent, where the destinies of its inhabitants remained intertwined in this unfolding tale of adventure and discovery.

Major Johnson swiftly commanded his knights to intensify their search for Sir Dwayne as he received the news of Lucas's discovery in the Gone Dungeon Capturer Group's guild house. His heart raced with a mix of worry and urgency. He knew the members of that group well, and he understood the potential complications this situation could bring.

Upon reaching the guild house, Major Johnson's eyes locked onto Lucas, standing alongside the fairies, Ignis and Zenus. His voice carried authority as he addressed the room, "Stand down, everyone. We've found Lucas, and we need to resolve this peacefully."

The tension in the guild house grew palpable as Sir Dwayne entered, his eyes narrowing at the sight of Ignis and Zenus. He felt the protective instincts of a grandfather rising within him, clouding his judgment.

Ignoring Major Johnson's orders, Sir Dwayne took a step forward, his voice seething with anger, "What have you done with my grandson?"

The fairies exchanged anxious glances, recognizing the dire turn of events. Ignis, with an irritating tone in his voice, spoke up, attempting to defuse the situation, "Sir Dwayne, we mean no harm. Lucas came here by accident."

But Sir Dwayne's fury could not be quelled. The three of them exchanged furious glances, caught in a storm of emotions and misunderstandings. The fate of Lucas hung in the balance, and the guild house felt like a battleground of conflicting intentions.

Lucas couldn't comprehend why his grandfather, Sir Dwayne, was so overprotective and visibly agitated at the presence of Ignis and Zenus. He felt torn between his loyalty to his grandfather and his desire to understand and trust the fairies. The tension in the room was suffocating, and Lucas knew he had to do something to defuse the situation.

Taking a deep breath, Lucas stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on Sir Dwayne's shoulder. He met his grandfather's eyes and spoke in a calm and steady voice, "Grandfather, please, let's not jump to conclusions. I don't believe they meant any harm. They even said I came here by accident."

Sir Dwayne's stern expression softened as he looked at Lucas, the worry in his eyes still evident. He nodded, reluctantly allowing himself to relax slightly. "Very well, Lucas. But we need to sort this out."

Just as Lucas managed to ease some of the tension in the room, the guild house doors swung open, revealing the figures of the man clad in a cape and a yellow-haired girl. The sudden appearance of the newcomers caught everyone's attention, and Lucas couldn't help but be captivated by the girl's beauty.

The yellow-haired girl, sensing the awkwardness in the room, decided to break the silence. She introduced herself with a warm smile, "I am Rose." Her voice carried a sense of reassurance, as if she were trying to diffuse the tension.

Lucas gazed at Rose, his heart racing as he felt an inexplicable connection to her. He managed to find his voice and introduced himself, "I'm Lucas." His words came out with a hint of shyness, but his eyes conveyed a deep admiration for her.

Rose returned Lucas's gaze, her own eyes holding a mixture of curiosity and interest. The awkwardness between them was palpable, and she decided to address the situation at hand, turning her attention to Major Johnson and the knights.

"So, what exactly happened here?" Rose asked, her tone calm and diplomatic. She was determined to get to the bottom of the situation and resolve any misunderstandings.

Major Johnson, appreciating Rose's presence and diplomacy, began to explain the events that had unfolded. He recounted how they had been searching for Sir Dwayne, and upon finding Lucas in the guild house, tensions had escalated. He emphasized that their primary concern was Lucas's safety.

As Major Johnson spoke, Sir Dwayne and the fairies listened attentively, realizing that misunderstandings had led to this tense confrontation. It was clear that they all shared a common interest in ensuring Lucas's well-being.

With Rose's diplomatic intervention, the atmosphere in the guild house began to shift. The initial hostility gave way to a desire for understanding and resolution. Lucas, still captivated by Rose, felt a glimmer of hope that this situation could be resolved peacefully.

Lucas watched Rose quietly as the knights, Major Johnson, Sir Dwayne, and the fairies engaged in conversation, trying to resolve the misunderstandings that had erupted earlier. Despite the tense atmosphere, he couldn't help but feel drawn to Rose's presence.

Summoning his courage, Lucas decided to introduce himself to her. He raised his hand, extending it for a handshake, and spoke in a voice tinged with embarrassment, "I am Lucas."

Rose's reaction, however, was far from what he expected. Her eyes flashed with fury, and her response was harsh and cutting, "Lucas, because of you, this place descended into chaos. You created a huge mess and made a fuss over the dungeon capturers. And now, you want to introduce yourself like nothing happened? What a shame. You may be a man, but you're acting like an idiot."

Lucas felt a pang of hurt at Rose's words, but instead of responding in anger, he felt a deep desire to understand her better. He wanted to apologize for the trouble he had inadvertently caused and hoped to mend the situation.

He began to reason with her, "You see, both knights and dungeon capturers play essential roles in the city. Dungeon capturers, as part of the knights, have a duty to perform. Loyalty to the knights is a matter of good morals and ethics, isn't it? I understand your anger, and I apologize for any trouble I may have caused."

However, Rose's reaction took a sudden and unexpected turn. She lunged at Lucas, her hands gripping his neck, choking him momentarily. The others in the room were oblivious to this brief altercation. With a mix of shock and fear, Lucas gasped for breath as Rose held him.

"Don't mock us, dungeon capturers," Rose hissed, her voice dripping with resentment. "Those knights know nothing but to cut our salaries, bonuses, and money under the guise of taxes, even when it's unjust. We'll never allow ourselves to be under their thumb."

As Rose released her grip and walked away, she joined the other knights with a cheerful demeanor, as if nothing had transpired between her and Lucas. Lucas, though shaken, couldn't help but feel captivated by her spirit and determination.

While the encounter left him somewhat terrified of Rose, his desire to know her better only grew stronger. Her fierce independence and unwavering resolve fascinated him. He wanted to understand her perspective, learn about her past, and find common ground.

As he watched her from a distance, Lucas's heart raced, and a whirlwind of emotions overtook him. He questioned himself, wondering if what he felt was the mysterious force known as love. His thoughts were consumed by Rose, and he couldn't deny the growing attraction he felt toward her.

Amidst the complexities of their situation, Lucas found himself at the crossroads of his destiny, torn between his newfound feelings for Rose and his desire to become a dungeon capturer to seek information about her. Little did he know that this pivotal moment would set the stage for a journey filled with challenges, self-discovery, and the pursuit of a love that transcended the boundaries of their worlds.

As Lucas pondered these feelings, he couldn't help but ask himself, "Is this what they call love?" The question lingered in his mind, and with each passing moment, his heart provided an answer that only time would truly reveal.