
I Will Eventually Embark On The Path Of No Return Called A Hero

Cyd, a normal man wants to live a normal life without any troubles. But he didn't had the knowledge how to live a normal life in ancient Greek! So, read and know his struggles to live a normal life. --- This is a Translated Novel. The Novel belongs to original writer. --- To read additional chapters, go to -> www.patreon.com/kurato6180

Kurato6180 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 43. King's Trial

"Hey, Cyd. Wake up, don't sleep!"

Medea's little hands kept trying to squeeze Cyd's face in the corner, but is always slapped away by Medusa in Cyd's arms.

And Medea finally had no choice but to shout.

Medusa started at Medea unhappily, but unfortunately through the black robe, Medea couldn't see Medusa's oppressive gaze at all.

"Ha~ Don't worry. I will never oversleep." Cyd stretched sleepily, "The first ray of sunshine in the morning will bring my body and mind to the most perfect state, so I'll squint a little longer."

Medusa, shrunk in Cyd's arms nodded at his words.

"My room is facing away from the sun." Medea pointed in the direction of the window. "It is noon, if it really shines on you."


"Can't you choose a place for better lighting for your princess' room?"


Jason stood in the center of the field with his arms crossed, his eyes closed as if he was concentrating very hard for the upcoming trial.

Aeetes, sitting at the top of the colosseum, propped his chin up and watched the lonely Jason.

"isn't Medea here yet?" Aeetes looked towards the confidant and the magician standing beside him.

"The princess is on her way." Magician whispered.

"Medea always get up early… Hmm…" Aeetes frowned, feeling that this was not normal. "Is there anything unusual on the colosseum, such as casting a spell on it or something like that?"

"Indeed." Magician nodded very succinctly. "And looking at that superb technique, it's probably the work of the princess."

"Why didn't you say it earlier!"

Aeetes in fury was about to stand up and kick Jason out of the way. But the magician stopped him.

"Because this spell… it's a berserk spell."

"Huh?" Aeetes blinked.

"And it seems the target of this berserk spell are the dragon-tooth warriors." Magician smiled wryly. "I didn't expect the princess to have studied magic to such extent at such a young age."

"Medea… This is…" Aeetes looked odd.

"And I just found, that there is a huge spell hidden inside the berserk spell, which will probably make the dragon-tooth warrior twice big than it's normal size." Magician looked sympathetically towards Jason, who stood poised in the center of the colosseum.


At this time, Medea ran over in a hurry.

"I'm so sorry to keep you waiting. I was up a bit little late last night." Medea gasped.

Sleep late = Stay up all night to help him arrange a berserk spell in colosseum = Good daughter!

"It's okay, it's okay, slow down." Aeetes got up and helped Medea to sit second only to him.

"Huh?" Medea glanced at Aeetes somewhat guilty. "Father, I'll just stand."

"It's okay." Medea was pressed down.

Medea's big brother who heard the conversation between Aeetes and Magician the whole time also patted Medea's shoulder. "Medea, just sit down."

"Eh!" Medea was a little flattered and guilty, but then Medea thought that she didn't seem to have done anything sorry for Aeetes.

She not only rescued Khalkotauroi, who nearly died in Cyd's hands many times, but even casted a spell on the colosseum that can make the dragon-tooth warrior rage and grow and suddenly…

She suddenly felt a lot comfortable in the chair.

"How's Khalkotauroi doing?" Aeetes looked towards Medea's big brother.

"It's good. Those two Khalkotauroi were so irritable that they overturned the bullpen last night, and two or three people have been injured to drive them into colosseum." Medea's big brother raised the corner of his mouth.

"Jason. Looks like your journey…" Aeetes looked towards Jason faintly. "…have reached the end."

At this moment, inside Jason's heart…

Jason was freaking out!

He was very scared, but out of trust in Cyd, Jason ate and drank well and set foot here in neat clothes.

Is he here?

Jason's eyes quietly opened a slit, and he saw it! His comrades with no matter of concern for himself, came here to enjoy and watch the play.

"Those guys!" Several blue veins popped up in Jason's head.

But he couldn't do anything to them. For them, the only time they are responsible is the way to come here and the way to go back. How to get the Golden Fleece has nothing to do with them. Getting Golden Fleece is to make their hero deeds even formidable, but even if you don't get it, they have done a lot of things along the way, and it's not a loss.

Just when Jason wanted to close his eyes in disappointment, a snow-white figure appeared in his field of vision.

Standing at the lowest point, closest place to him, the unique snow-white hair fluttering slowly in the wind, completely different from the noisy atmosphere around him. He just looked at Jason quietly.


Jason's eyes widened.

Cyd raised his fingers to his lips, opened his mouth to say a few words and gave a thumbs up.

[Trust me.]

Ah~ I believe in you!

Jason clenched his fist and looked towards Aeetes aloof and remote.

"Great king of Colchis Aeetes, please begin your trial."

'Hey~ I don't know why you are so confident, but you definitely can't pass it!' Aeetes stood up, raised his hand and waved, "The trail begins!!"

The gate of the colosseum closed was slowly opened under the pull of several brawny men, and the same time the iron railing directly below Aeetes slowly rose. The dark tunnel behind made Jason's scalp tingle.

But he calmed himself and took a deep breath. The content of the trail was very simple. Put ropes on two bulls and let the, plough the ground. Plant dragon-teeth, and then deal with the dragon-tooth warrior appeared from it.


As Jason waited, recalling what Sensei had taught him, a scream caught his attention, and then a man screamed and rushed out from the dark tunnel.

Aeetes frowned. He remembered the voice of this person. If he is right this person in the one in charge of herding cattle. Did something happen?


A pillar of orange red fire spewed out from the end of the tunnel. The man was engulfed by the pillar of fire as soon he stepped out of tunnel. Jason narrowed his eyes and rolled to avoid the pillar of fire.


Khalkotauroi, bathed in flames at both ends roared and came out of the tunnel, leaving burning footprints along the way.

"Very good. It's in a good condition. I'm worried about the after-sales service." Aeetes spread his hands jokingly.

Jason swallowed, the burnt marks on the ground and the fire tingling around his face made his scalp tingle.

Cyd can't be lying to him…

Jason almost subconsciously begins to suspect Cyd.


Seemingly noticing Jason's presence, the two Khalkotauroi spewed their hooves and rushed towards Jason. The flames covered them making them look like two huge fireballs.

I can't escape!!


Jason subconsciously stretched out his hands to block Khalkotauroi.

"Stupid." Aeetes yawned. "It's good. No need to clean up afterwards."


The Khalkotauroi on both ends spitted foam from mouth and knelt on the ground, when he approached Jason. The flames on its body, disappeared and there was nothing flame like on it.

Jason looked at his unscathed hands. The flames are dissipating before it touched him.

Cyd, I believe in you!!!