
I Will Become Hokage in One Piece

Rodney transmigrates into the world of pirates with the addition of the Naruto System. He acquires various ninjutsu, taijutsu, genjutsu, Bloodline Limit, and the Sharingan... A dazzling array of ninja techniques shines brightly in this world as he completes missions, exchanges skills, and aims to become the Hokage! Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/ThePirate Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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150 Chs

Eating the Old Man's Punch First

Chapter 4: Eating the Old Man's Punch First

After taking a shower, Rodney feels relaxed. His long black hair is wet and drooping, and in his hand, there's a dark red ball the size of lychee - the Permanent Chakra Fruit.

It's very similar to the Chakra Fruit made by the Otsutsuki Clan, well, it should be about the same.

He stuffs it directly into his mouth, and without chewing, he swallows it. He have eaten it once before, and the taste was not very pleasant. It should be better than the taste of a devil fruit. Eating the Chakra Fruit feels like eating canned herring while eating a Devil Fruit tastes like shit.

'This old eight's(1) system... cough cough.'

The Chakra Fruit melts in his mouth, replenishing the chakra consumed in battle and increasing his overall chakra. If the amount of his chakra is equivalent to 0.5 Kakashi, then it is 0.8 Kakashi now. As we all know, Kakashi is the unit of measurement for Chakra.

(TL/N: It's not…lol)

Chakra is the physical energy in every cell of the human body and its own spiritual energy, which is then released as ninjutsu through hand seals. 

'I feel stronger now. Of course, it's just an illusion, as there are many people stronger than me .'

The only thing that made him unhappy is that Kuro faked his death. Even if he was brought to the marine, he would not be able to redeem the bounty because his bounty order had been withdrawn, and he is recorded as dead.

Opening the mall, he now has 510 mission points, and he can finally redeem the things he has always wanted.

[Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags—Redemption required: 500 mission points.]

Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags, a forbidden technique, A-level infinite blasting ninjutsu developed by the second Hokage, uses detonation talismans to infinitely channel more than a few hundred million Explosive Tags to trigger a series of explosions. Only one talisman is needed to make the enemy unable to get rid of it.

The premise is that if you have enough detonators. This is also the reason why it is so cheap even though it is an A-level forbidden technique. But the power is still considerable, as long as there are enough Explosive Tags, unlimited bombing can be achieved.

Originally, it was a ninjutsu that was matched with the Earth Release Resurrection Technique: Corpse Soil, but he can replace it with a water body. He only needs to stick one on the enemy's body to complete the bombing and killing.

Considering the physical strength of the people in this world, he is afraid that a large number of Explosive Tags are needed, and if he enters the New World where everyone is domineering, the practicality of this forbidden technique is not too great.

At least in East Blue and the first half of the Grand Line, it is considered a powerful skill.

After exchanging Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags, the method of use and the corresponding hand techniques immediately appeared in Rodney's mind. Because it is a ninjutsu developed by the Second Hokage, it is mainly practical and fast and only needs hand seals and the corresponding chakra to be activated, with very low chakra consumption.

But every Explosive Tag requires chakra, making it a continuous consumption ninjutsu. What is consumed is not only chakra but also money!

After having a meal on the island, Rodney heard the news that Kaya's housekeeper, Klahadore, was kidnapped by pirates. The hotel owner was still lamenting the tragic experience of that good old man. In terms of acting, Kuro can win the Best Actor award. It's a pity that there is always someone stronger than him.

"The next ninjutsu to be exchanged will be—let me see... Hiss." Seeing that the next ninjutsu requires 5,000 quest points, it's too expensive for Rodney's liking.

'Forget it, I'll think about it later.'

Without a mission, Rodney decided to leave the island. Syrup Village was too small, and the pace of life was slow. It would be better to go to a big city like Loguetown to take a break.

The boat left Syrup Village, rowing through the waves, and floating along the current, even though Rodney didn't know the exact direction. There was enough food onboard. He had Military Rations Pill in his backpack, priced at one thousand bellies each, providing basic energy for a day.

If he wanted to indulge a bit, he could have a bowl of ramen for two thousand bellies. It would fill his stomach, speed up his chakra recovery, and it tasted good as well.

Water wasn't a concern as Rodney possessed the Water Release chakra, allowing him to produce fresh water to replenish his body. Unfortunately, the system stated that chakra-produced water couldn't affect Devil Fruit users' weakness to seawater.

But it was still a good source of water for personal use.

Using seawater in his escape would weaken the effect on Devil Fruit users due to the chakra it contained, reducing the weakening effect of the sea. Instead of completely losing their strength, the users would only be weakened. If he were lucky, they might lose their abilities, but their physical strength would still remain.

Originally, Rodney planned to directly confront a Devil Fruit user and douse them with a large amount of water. However, the system poured cold water into his plan. As the boat rocked on the sea, Rodney held up the sun umbrella, wearing sunglasses to shield himself from the sun and preserve his moisture.

After floating on the sea for a while, a gigantic monster emerged from the depths and leaped out of the water. The creature was over 20 meters long, with the head of a rhinoceros and a body covered in blue scales. It was a sea beast, a Sea King.


The Sea King roared loudly at Rodney, showcasing its strength.

"Why are you shouting so loudly?" Rodney took off his sunglasses, stepped out of the boat, walked on water, and dashed toward the Sea King.


The Sea King had never seen a human running on water before, but in its eyes, Rodney was nothing more than a snack. It opened its mouth and prepared to bite.

Shadow of the Dancing Leaf!

Rodney delivered a powerful kick to the Sea King's chin, sending it flying backward and creating a wave in its wake. Rodney himself was riding the waves up and down.

'Not today, my friend!'

Sea Kings possessed a certain level of intelligence. Their strategies were cunning and they could change tactics on the fly. However, it was unfortunate for this Sea King to encounter Rodney—it was too late to escape.

"Hey, here comes some free labor."

Soon after, a wire was tied around the horn of the Sea King, and the other end of the wire was tied to the bow of Rodney's boat. The boat immediately gained speed and became Rodney's pulling tool.

Sea Kings were incredibly fast in the sea, and those in the East Blue were particularly easy to bully. Rodney wondered how that red-haired guy lost an arm.

Riding the wind and waves, as long as the Sea King tried to drag him into the sea, it would be severely beaten. Naturally, the well-trained Sea King wouldn't dare to attempt that again and instead was asked to take Rodney to the nearest island.

"Damn human! When I become stronger, I'll definitely eat you!"

Enduring the pain, tears welling in its eyes, the Sea King continued to move forward with determination. Due to the excessive speed, Rodney experienced the thrill of a roller coaster. He flew up, then fell, flew up again, and fell once more, and it continued like that.

"Bastard, slow down!"

The pursuing Sea King threw something at Rodney's head, causing some minor pain.


This was the Sea King's way of bullying!

Slowly, a ship appeared quickly ahead. The Sea King paid no attention and charged directly at it. Rodney didn't mind after teaching the Sea King a lesson. He lay down and enjoyed the moment.


Waves splashed all around.


Another wave!

A small black dot enlarged in front of Rodney's eyes—it was a cannonball!

Rodney: "..."

"Oh my god!" The cannonball flew past him, piercing through the bottom of the ship behind him.

Sea water gushed in.

Rodney: "..."

Making a quick decision, Rodney jumped out of the boat and approached the Sea King.

In front of him was a warship.

Rodney: "..."

He stepped on the Sea King's head. "You bastard, what have you done?"

The Sea King whimpered a few times. It hadn't done anything, it just approached the warship. Rodney saw an old man with a strong presence on the ship's side. He wore a cloak of justice and held a cannonball in his hand, ready to throw it at him.

It was clear that the old man possessed incredible arm strength, as the speed of the shell matched that of a fired bullet. And the target was Rodney himself. How did he end up meeting this old man?

It seemed like the old man mistook him for a pirate. Dodging the shells, Rodney noticed more and more projectiles flying toward him.

"Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique!" Small fireballs flew out, colliding with the shells and causing explosions.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Rodney stepped on the water and jumped onto the warship a few times.

"Stop! I'm not a pirate!"

"Hey! The young lad should first experience the old man's punch!"


Ratoon's Note:

(1) Old eights- In Chinese, the term "old eight" or "lao ba" is a metaphorical expression that refers to someone who is cunning, shrewd, or crafty.

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