
I Will Aid You

When he was 3, Arthur saw a window open in front of him, he wondered what it was and the window suddenly changed, he didn't know how to read yet when he tried asking his parents what those words meant, he was simply unable to say anything. After 15 Years, using that Window called 'System', he became a Genius in Cultivation and became the disciple of one of the strongest experts of the world, yet, it was also at that moment that he lost everything and came back stronger than ever.

Unoriginal_Person · Eastern
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Arthur laid on the bed and looked at the people around him, his master other disciples of his master, they were all saddened as they looked at the state Arthur was in, he had a grimy expression, a sickly pale face filled with wrinkles, his hair was long and grey, he looked like he was an elderly person even though he was only 18.

Arthur closed his eyes, remembering everything that had happened in the last 15 years, from the first day he came to see this 'Interface' to now and opened his eyes that were filled with determination, he looked at the interface and read it in his head 'Find what you've lost'. He knew he had still one last chance at life, he waited for everyone to leave his room and lifted the blanket that covered the bed he was lying on.

Under the radiant moonlight, the blood that tainted the white clothes Arthur wore became even more noticeable, lifting his head, Arthur gazed at the moon high up in the sky, as he thought, the moon slowly turned redder and redder until it became a scarlet red, at which point, a *Thud* was heard, the door opened and a shocked expression appeared on everyone as they saw the lifeless body of Arthur.

Yet, amongst them, one was showing an extremely small grin, as everyone was focused on the body of Arthur, nobody noticed that person grinning, yet, someone still saw it, Arthur, albeit he knew he was dead, it was almost as if he was alive, looking at that person grinning, he now knew who had poisoned him, alas, it was pointless, he had still died, as he felt a small ball of light forming above his head, many thoughts came to him, a small interface suddenly opened.

[You've found what you've lost.

The true function has been unlocked.

You will now turn back in time in a different body]

Arthur was enlightened, he had lost his independence, during those 15 years, every time the interface appeared, it would give him a mission, and every time, he'd go out of his way to complete it. He didn't know what the true function would do, but, as he heard *Ka-Clunk* ringing through his head, he felt the knowledge the interface gave him disappearing and looked as the scenery changed, it looked as if everything was being rewound.

I realize I'm already too bored to actually write a novel, so, I'm gonna let imagination do the rest if anyone ever read it anyway.

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