
I Went Forward in Time

A short story about a man that purchases a device that allows him to time travel. But is he prepared for the horrors he's about to witness?

Brandon_Jones_ · Horror
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7 Chs


The next day after finishing up another long and grueling twelve hour work day, I returned home to find a box sitting on my porch. I picked it up and carried it inside. When I opened it, I saw it was the pager looking device. I sat down and turned it on. The device lit up like a Christmas tree. I had to close my eyes and blink them several times to shake away the stars from the sudden brightness. I fiddled with it for several minutes while reading the instruction manual of how to work the damn thing. Once I had it figured out, the screen went black and then the words, "Date. Time. Year." I laughed at this, thinking this was a joke so I went along. The current date is December 9, 2020 and the time is 7:33 PM. I put in December 8, 2020 and put in 8:30 AM then pressed the "ENTER" key. At first, it seemed like nothing happened. I felt disappointed.