
First Contact

Lita walked over to Erta's house after the meeting was over.

Erta, as a magician, spent most of her time reading about magic and various magical scrolls. The angels needed to be trained all the time because they were constantly at war with the Destruction Demon Army.

Though she read about magic due to her passion about learning it. It fascinated her how a person could accomplish so much with only the use of the energy known as mana.

"Erta. We're on a mission."

Lita didn't mince words and said to the angel who was silently reading in Heaven's library. She had long black hair, beautiful crystal clear eyes, and smooth jade-like skin. Her beauty did not pale in comparison to the jade beauties of the cultivation world.

It was no surprise that she was so stunning. After all, being a higher existence came with its own set of benefits. Being beautiful was just one of these advantages.

"A mission?" She asked, raising her head from the book in her hand. Her tone was respectful to Lita because she held a higher position in Heaven than she did.

"We must observe an anomaly that has appeared on Earth, and if it is possible to solve it with our sealed powers, we must do so." Lita replied, her gaze briefly returning to the book she was reading. She wasn't surprised she was reading a book about different uses of mana.

"Oh. Are you referring to that dragon? He's a hot topic in Heaven right now."

"News spreads quickly." Lita raised an eyebrow and nodded, "Anyway. Prepare yourself because we'll be leaving soon."

Erta nodded. She didn't have much else to do anyway.

She didn't need to do much preparation, and it didn't take her more than ten minutes to join Lita for the mission. Both of them flapped their wings and rose into the sky before Erta waved her hand and a portal appeared above the frozen world's skies for both of them to enter.

As an angel, they've seen enough worlds with frozen time so it didn't really matter to them. They both began to move in a random direction, but in opposite directions. The point was that they didn't know where Masato was staying, so they could only fly at random.

But at their speeds, it wouldn't take them long to scan the entire planet. In less than an hour, both angels were flying above the Amazon forest, looking down at the small cottage.

But it was a man sitting on a chair above a small flowing stream of warm water who drew their attention, not the cottage. As he drank the tea, his legs were submerged up to his ankles.

He had smooth skin and long white hair with small black highlights. They couldn't see any outlines of his body because he was wearing a loose shirt, but they were certain it was perfectly trained. After all, their instincts as higher beings were not to be dismissed.

"Is he the one?" Erta inquired, her face flushed. She didn't know why, but the person down there struck her as very attractive.

"It appears so." Lita was the same way.

Masato's essence is obviously active right now. Two beautiful angels were on their way, and it was his duty to welcome them in his embrace...

"But he is a human... or did he change his appearance to look like one? Including the fact..."

"On him, there is no mana." Erta finished.

According to reports, he is a dragon, but he has the appearance of a human. They could blame it on him using magic to appear to be one, but they couldn't feel an ounce of magical energy on him! The dragons had an abundance of it!

"Did Irta, after all, make a mistake?" Even though he was charming, that didn't mean they fell in love with him or anything. Just that he looked attractive and nothing else. It was more akin to when one has a favorable impression of someone.

"I'm not sure. Let us observe him and see if he truly is the one, or if he is also like that human and was abandoned on Earth." Lita stated.

It made sense because they couldn't detect any mana on him, implying that he is similar to Illhan. What about him concealing his mana? Such a thought never occurred to them because there was no such thing as absolute.

Even if he possessed the ability to conceal his mana, concealing it from a higher being was an impossible task. Either he possessed an advanced skill or he was just a regular human.

Masato drank his tea calmly while they watched, using his eyes to train his brain and consciousness. He had been aware of their presence for some time, but he allowed them to remain and observe him. There was no other meaning to it besides the fact that they were both the novel's female leads.

Some may refer to him as a simp, but he knows he is a man. A distinction that only those in his position can comprehend. Another thing was that he didn't see the point in making enemies out of Heaven for something they should be doing.

Erta and Lita continued to silently observe him for days, which quickly turned into months.

He did nothing out of the ordinary, as was his usual routine. He'd either be reading, blacksmithing, drinking tea, sleeping, or practicing martial arts. He hadn't done anything new in five months.

Even Erta and Lite began to wonder if he was the dragon they were looking for because he didn't use any supernatural force or mana in his daily life. It was as normal as it could possibly be.

Of course, he had the girls stay in The House because he knew they were coming. It's not like they'd get bored there because they could literally change it to whatever makes them feel more at ease.

He didn't want Heaven to be aware of their existence just yet.

"... so, what should we do now? He doesn't appear to have any ties to the supernatural world. Except for the fact that his body is something other than human, he is completely normal."

It's not like they hadn't seen other humans with supernatural physiques, so finding another human with an exceptional physique was nothing out of the ordinary.

"Let's wait for some more."

Both of these angels had no idea that the more time they spent watching him, the more potent his essence's effect would become. It was like a slow poison that gradually but steadily corrupted them.

It didn't take long for them to figure it out as well.

It's been a year since they've been watching him. They both realized, somewhere in the middle, that his figure is becoming increasingly attractive. Even when he was doing nothing but sitting and drinking, his figure appeared to them to be exceptionally attractive. As if the most beautiful work of art should be left alone.

They would sometimes lose themselves just by staring at him for an extended period of time.

Of course, as a higher existence, such change in their mentality didn't go unnoticed by them. So all they could do was wonder why. Despite the fact that the solution they came up with was quite simple and logical to them.

"Let's go and make contact." Lita said after more than a year of observing Masato.

"Are you certain? Shouldn't we first inform Heaven of the information we've gathered?" Erta was concerned about her responsibilities, so she turned to Lita and inquired. But, because Lita was her superior, she would continue to listen to her.

After all, she was the one who was assigned the mission. Erta was only there as a precautionary measure in case something went wrong unexpectedly.

"Does it make a difference?" Lita inquired as she turned to face Erta, "We've seen that he's not a dangerous person. Getting in touch with him will allow us to learn more about him."

Erta nodded after a second. In any case, if things went bad, they could always flee.

Both angels flew in the direction of Masato, who was silently playing chess while calmly drinking his morning coffee with a gentle flap of their wings. He had only trained his mind and consciousness in a single year. And, thanks to his The Gamer ability, he could now keep his eyes open indefinitely.

It was really a great cheat, he thought. After all, he could see the entire day's future by reading the Akashic now. With a single use of his Clairvoyance, he could learn everything that would happen or be created!

It wasn't long before he attained omniscience... Okay, it's a long way off, but he's taken the first step in the right direction.

"Hm?" He turned away from the chess board and looked up, toward the direction of two beautiful angels descending. They appeared to be immortals descending to a mortal realm.

His rainbow-colored eyes were drawn to the pair. It was the first time he had seen their appearance because he purposefully did not look in their direction and was only aware of their existence due to his Haki and senses. And he must say, they were breathtakingly beautiful.

'But not as lovely as Okaa-san and Mama Raikou.'

Erta and Lita's bodies froze for a split second when they saw his rainbow-colored eyes. They thought they looked stunningly beautiful, as if precious rubies were embedded within his eyes.

Masato raised an eyebrow before smiling, "Would you like to play a game?"

Erta and Lita remained silent as they struggled to respond to his request. Shouldn't their existence surprise him? Why does he sound as if seeing angels descend from the sky is normal?

"You are not surprised?" Erta inquired. The only possible conclusion is that he had a connection with the supernatural side before the earth's time stopped.

"As in seeing angels descending from the sky?" Masato inquired before pointing to the sky and stating, "Not after living in the time-stopped world for more than a decade."

Erta and Lita were flushed. Now that they think about it, Erta's question did seem stupid. After all, the person in front of them has been living on earth, whose time has stopped, for more than a decade now. It shouldn't come as a surprise that he wasn't surprised when he saw them.

But when they imagined him being alone in this world for a decade, an emotion unknown to them arose within their hearts. After all, they would never feel pity for a lower existence as a higher existence. After all, a higher existence is called that for a reason.

"Ahem*" Lita coughed, attempting to dispel the awkward atmosphere. Masato cut her off before she could say anything.

"However, this is not my first encounter with angels."

This caused Erta and Lita to look at Masato, surprised, and Lita to ask, "You've met an angel before?"

Both angels were wary of him after he asked this question. Because the only angels other than them could be from the Army of Brilliant Light or the Garden of Sunset.

Masato nodded before taking a sip of his tea. He appeared so unconcerned and relaxed that it would be difficult to believe he was in the presence of a higher existence. After all, even if they weren't using their powers, the pressure that naturally emitted from them was enough to make any normal human tense up.

"The first one I encountered had black wings. And based on yours, I'm guessing they were fallen angels. They appear to want me to join their faction or something, but I declined their offer because I enjoy my freedom, so they left."

Erta and Lita visibly relaxed before his next sentence, "The next group were from the Garden of Sunset, if I recall correctly. They were a very amusing group of people, I must say. I had a good time with them."

'My acting skill seems to work perfectly here it seems.'

Of course, he was spewing nonsense; whatever came to mind. He didn't want Heaven to know about his abilities, not that he wanted to hide his identity.

Even though he was strong, he couldn't fight the entire heaven by himself. And he didn't have any reason to be hostile to them. So, in order to conceal and yet reveal the origin, he simply made up a story.

This P a t r e o n is solely for those who wish to assist me by donating money.

P a t r e o n.com / meatball_chana

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