
I was Sent by The Goddess to Mess With the Plots

Our Main Character here is Isekai'd after he is just finished with his 1,000 words ranting about how trashy are those Herbivorous Protagonists in that so called "Harem" Novels/Animes/Mangas that they still keep their virginity even after 300 Chapters, 20 Volumes or 100 Episodes has passed over, with the number of their womans keep increasing but not a single one have ever been devoured by the Protagonist. An Almighty Goddess who at that time is also online in the internet forum and happens to read about our Main Character's rants is also agree with our Main Character's ranting and decides to sent Main Character to another world that is a fusion of some Animes/Mangas/Novels mixed up with each other. The Goddess Almighty also gives our Main Character a Goldenfinger, a System where everytime our Main Character disrupt the Protagonist or messed up the Story Plot in that World, he will get a Random Reward. And thus began the adventure of our Main Character here, to mess up with the Plot of the World, beating down the Trashy Male Protagonists to their demise and picks up any Good Female Protagonists (Yes, you read that right, Female Protagonists, not some mere Heroines) as his Wives. ..... Author's Notes: Release Speed: 1 Chapter from Monday to Saturday, 1 Chapter for every 100 Stones/Reviews on Sunday. Each Chapter contains 1,200-1,500 Words. After being Unemployed for Two Years, I decided to Seriously Authoring Novel to Make a Living. You can read Nine Advanced Chapters more than in the webnovel (that means you're More than One Whole Week Ahead!) by supporting me on my Pàtréon: https://www.pãtreōn.com/Asmadhi if you're using PC or just pãtreōn.com/Asmadhi if you're using smartphone You can also support me in Webnovel by throwing Power Stones and/or leaving Positive Reviews. Thank you very much for reading my works, and Your Supports are My Motivation! " \ ( ^ ∆ ^ ) / "

Viadhivan_Ranata · Fantasy
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96 Chs

Chapter 56 The First Step Toward The Fruity Three Sisters

After I have finished reminiscing about the plots from the Sanshimai no Kajitsu anime, I returrned back my focus to follow the conversations between the Two Princesses from Yurihana no Miko and the Three Sisters from Sanshimai no Kajitsu.

"Oh, so the rumor we heard is true? You two are attacked by a dragon on your birthday?" asked Yaezaki Ringo to Kiseki and Chikane.

"Yes, even though I am unsconscious at that time.... But luckily Ranata-kun here have comes to our rescue~!" said Kiseki cheerfully.

"Hmph....! Even though he took advantage of that situation to.... forget it." Chikane snorted coldly while looking me with her trademark terminator grade death glare that seems to be about to spew hot red laser beams to my direction.

Sensing the death threat with my superhuman instinct, I immediately got out from my thoughts about the plot and whatnot and directed my focus to the conversation in front of me.

Hm? Should I take this chance to intrudes on the plot of Sanshimai no Kajitsu? 

Sure, why not? Let's just do that.

But first let me introduce myself once more to the three sisters.

 "Yup, as you three have heard, that's right. I am capable enough to at least kill a dragon. So if you three sisters need my help, please don't hesitate to call me." I shamelessly said that while handing a piece of paper with my name and phone number to the eldest sister Yaezaki Anzu.

And as Anzu comes forward to take the paper that I offered from my hand, I also took a step forward and flashed her a gentlemanly smile before I quickly go near her and whispered my hot breath in her right ear.

"Also, you three sisters are from Yaezaki Clan, right? Then please call me whenever the three of you want to deal with the Rift. I would be more than glad if I can help the Hero Clan saves the world." I whispered that to Anzu's ear, while at the same time savored her feminine fragrant that is being exuded from her smoking hot body that looks so ripe like a college woman despite being still in the same grade as me as a 17 year old second grade high school girl.

Oh, by the way, Yaezaki Ringo the middle sister is 16 years old and is currently the first grader in the same school as me.

That made her my junior.

He he he, I can't wait to heard her call me "Senpai" with her cherry lips.

And last but not least, Yaezaki Mikan who is the youngest sister is only 15 years old and is still sitting on the third year of the middle school.

Hm hm hm, as for this tsundere, I will make her little mouth calls me "Onii-chan" soon.

While I am fantasizing like that, I quickly take a step back and returned to my original position after I finished my whisper to Anzu.

Yaezaki Anzu's beautiful face looks so fantastic right now.

Her face which have a mix of a youth in her spring and a wisp of motherly warmth is now blushing with an alluring pink color.

Her polychromatic eyes that is as red as wine on the right and as blue as the ocean under the clear summer sky on the left are opened widely, showing her surprise about what she have heard from my whisper.

Her delicate heart is in turmoil.

Although as a great beauty whose mature charm make her feels so attractive to both boys and girls alike, with the number of her suitors and people who sent her love letters up until now can be counted in three digits....

Currently now this is the first time in her seventeen years of life that she is ever be in such a close contact in a very very intimate range with the member of the opposite sex who is not from her own family or clan.

Not to mention that the man is so handsome, very attractive and exudes so much of the bad boy aura that can make every girl falls head over heels until they kneels in front of his crotch without him saying a single word.

But what make her surprised even more is the content of his whisper that sound so husky like a sunshine boy next door yet also felt domineering like an experienced CEO who often plays with his private secretary.

He..... He knows about the existence of the Rifts!?

Meanwhile, the other four girls .....

Kiseki and Chikane: !!!??? 


Ringo and Mikan: ????? 


Kiseki's thought: ("What is he doing to Anzu-chan!? Is he flirting on her right on his very first meeting? Or is he already knows her before and thus he act so intimate like that????")

Chikane's mind: ("As expected of a pervert, not only does he have his eyes set to MY Kiseki, he even dares to act so close like that to the eldest of the three sisters. I wonder what the other two sisters think about that?")

Ringo's heart voice: ("Wha!? What happened!? Why is he suddenly get so close to Onee-chan!? What is he whispered to Onee-chan?")

Mikan's inner voice: ("Ha wa wa wa wa~!!!!! So Ecchi~! What is that man doing!? Why is he suddenly get close and whispered something to Onee-chan? And Onee-chan? Why are you blushing like that? Is he harassed you? He is, right!? Right!?" Should I take out my Dual Blades now? Aaaaahhhhh~!!!!! I wanna beat this pervert who dares to take advantage of my Big Sister!")


Author's Note:

For people who don't understand about our school grading system due to them having different terms and naming system, here I will make my school system easy for you to understand:

First is the Elementary School that is ranging from Grade/Year/Class I to VI.

Then continued on with Middle School that is equivalent to Year/Class/Grade VII to IX, some place also called them "Junior High School".

And then followed by High School which is equal to the Class/Grade/Year X to XII, in some place they are called "Senior High School".

Finishing all of them will thus completed the 12 year of Compulsory Education Program made by my Government.

Though there are still a lot of people who can't complete them for various reason, usually from poverty of family situation.

But at least people will usually try to go to school for two to three years in the Elementary, which is enough for them to read letters and doing basic math.

Also, I won't blame other people from other country if they don't understand my country's school grading terms and naming.

Because even in my own country, there are a lot of idiots who don't even understand their own country's educational system.

So, if even people from my own country don't even know or understand, then let alone people from the other countries.

( ^ o ^ ")

By the way, between Elementary School, Middle School or Junior High School, and (Senior) High School, which periods of School you find the most Happy and Memorable?


For me, the happiest times are from my Elementary School, while the most memorable ones that still haunts me in my mind are those memories from (Senior) High School.


Release Notes: 

1 Chapter from Monday to Saturday, 1 Chapter for every 100 Stones/Reviews on Sunday, Each Chapter 1,200-1,500 Words.

If you want to read 10 Advanced Chapters more than in the Webnovel (that means you're almost Two Weeks Ahead!) you can visit my P4tre0n on the link below:

https://www.p4tre0n.com/Asmadhi if you are using a laptop/desktop PC

Or just p4tre0n.com/Asmadhi if you are using a smartphone.

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"\ (- > o < -) /"