
I Was Reincarnated Into Honkaiverse, But I’ve Never Played the Game

Well... yeah, this happened. Some people were requesting me to keep Honkai arc Urien the same way without making him remember his Evil Lord persona. So, here it is, I’m making a new fanfiction for that. Since I’ve already planned a sequel for the Honkai arc of “I Am an Evil Lord Yet, Why Are They Happy to Serve Under Me?”, I might also make the separate fanfiction for that. Don’t worry, I’ll also update the Evil Lord fic. The starting will be the same, but I’ll be editing here and there to make the MC of this fic more alive. I’ll be adding more things I couldn’t add in the Evil Lord fic. The story will keep going the same until Urien gets his memories unsealed. After that, it’ll be a whole new storyline, different from the Evil Lord one. Let’s go! No system, no canon knowledge, just our new MC trying his best in the new world. Yes, I'm keeping Luna aka Sakuya Izayoi in this story. Thank you, Soko for this amazing cover art!

Zimrence · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

I’ll Definitely Save You, No Matter the Cost

The girl who is sleeping on my bed is called Houraiji Kyuushou. She is the housemate I was talking about. I don't know much about her other than that she came into this world together with me. Wait… now that I think about it, I think I might have heard her from another one of miHoYo's games. But that was that. Other than that, I don't know a single thing about her.

But if I want to talk about the situation I've gotten myself into, I have a hunch that she knew how we got here. When I tried asking her, she always changed the subject.

She has her long purple hair tied on the side with multiple hair accessories. However, the most notable thing about her hair is a string of long hair in front of her face. I mean, how did she do that hairstyle?

"I came here to wake you up, but," she suddenly yawned and stretched her body. "You looked like you were sleeping peacefully, and I am not heartless to wake you up. So I get into your bed to sleep," she added.

"You know that I am a boy, right?" I stared at her.

"But that doesn't matter between friends, right?" she replied with a grin.

I resisted my urge to facepalm. The girl is always like that. She is always smiling, energetic, and strange. I have nothing against the chuunibyou, but the way she acts around me is odd. But, of course, that is coming from Owen, who had mastered the art of various chuunibyou phases, plus LLOYD, who had worked with many weird people.

When we met each other in this world, do you know what the first thing she said was? Well, she said, "I will save you no matter what the cost." And honestly? It is creepy. What is she going to save me from? Honkai? I can protect myself just fine. My parents taught me how to defend myself, and there's also my experience as a MANTIS.

Anyway, that is how I know that she definitely knew me even though I don't know anything about her. Hell! She even knows what my fetish is!

"Why are you here this early, Kyuushou? It is only 3 in the morning," I asked after looking at the clock.

"Oh, I want to introduce you to the friend I made! Her name is AlloyBron! Even though she just started playing, she is very skilled at what she does!" Kyuushou excitedly told me.

Hahh… this again. I don't know why this girl wanted to introduce the AlloyBron to me very much, but I don't usually play games.

"Kyuushou, you know I don't usually play games," I replied.

"Please? Even if it is just an hour a day, play with us," she said.

Hah… This Savior will be doing this until I agree with her, isn't she? "Fine, I will play with you, okay?" I finally gave in.

"Great! I will prepare Homu Station 4 in your room! Be sure to come back home before 9, okay?" she gave me a thumbs up.

"You knew that the part-time job you gave me was a maid cafe, didn't you?" I stared at her.

"I don't know what you are talking about," she replied, and a grin came upon her face. This little… She did it on purpose! I can feel myself having a headache.

"And it is still early in the morning. I am sleeping again," I lay on the bed, preparing to sleep. Seeing the Savior not intending to leave the room, I just sighed.

"Come here," I made a place beside my bed. Seeing it, the smile on Kyuushou's face brightened, and she dived down to the spot beside me. With that said, I drifted into sleep right after she lay beside me.

As usual, I woke up at 7 in the morning and prepared myself for school. And strangely, Kyuushou is also sitting down at the table eating breakfast. She had never had breakfast together with me before. Was it because she slept with me? I think I should make her sleep with me if she'll be waking up early when she sleeps with me.

"Good morning, Kyuushou, Sakuya," I said as I sat down on the chair.

"Morning," Kyuushou nodded.

"Good morning, Master. Today's breakfast is rice, miso soup, grilled fish, tamagoyaki, and natto. Here is a cup of hot green tea," Sakuya replied while placing the breakfast in front of me.

The two of us eat breakfast in silence while Sakuya prepares our lunchbox in the kitchen.

"Kyuushou, I will be going first. Do you have anything you want? I can grab something on my way back from the part-time job," I asked while putting the lunchbox into my bag.

"Hmm… How about some puddings? There aren't any shops on our way to the school," she replied.

"Noted," I nodded.

"I am off!" I informed the two from the door.

"Take care!" The two of them sent me off.


3rd POV


Immediately after Lloyd left the house, the smile on Kyuushou's face disappeared.

"Sakuya..." she muttered.

"Yes?" The maid appeared beside her immediately.

"I am a bad person, aren't I?" Kyuushou smiles sadly.

"..." Sakuya said nothing.

"I manipulate him so that he can know Bronya sooner. I manipulate things around him together with another person so that he won't notice anything related to Honkai," the Savior told the maid. "Am I wrong for wanting to give him a normal life?" she added.

"I agreed to go with your way because you promised me that Master won't be harmed," the maid's eyes sharpened.

"Don't worry. I won't harm Lloyd. This time… I won't let him sacrifice himself for the sake of others," Kyuushou's hand formed into a fist and squeezed tightly.


World X, Year XX, Month XX, Date XX, 8 years old Houraiji Kyuushou

Houraiji Kyuushou… She is a girl born to save others. She is a girl who does not hesitate to sacrifice herself in order to save others. She was the key to solving Honkai.

But, it was not all rainbows when she was young. She can see other people cannot. But, according to her, she can see the future. So, like other young kids, she went off to tell other people. But none believed the young Kyuushou.

"Liar! Psycho! World destruction? You gotta be kidding me!" A boy mocked Kyuushou.

"Savior? Save yourself first! You are so annoying," the girl from the side mocked her.

"I know you want attention, but lying is not good. You can't keep behaving like this," the teacher scolded the poor girl.

"I… no… All I said is true," poor Kyuushou tried to defend herself but…

"Get away from me!" the boy pushed her away.

"Don't come close!" The girls run away when Kyuushou walks toward them.

"No… Please. I just want everyone to be happy together. I don't want anyone to die," the poor girl tried her best to talk to them, but it was useless.

Finally, she couldn't take it anymore. It was hard for the 8 years old girl when everyone started avoiding her.

"Sorry. I am sorry. I will never lie again! I am not a savior! I am not Houraiji Kyuushou! I am just… Just…" Right when she was about to deny her very being, a boy appeared.

"I believe you," the boy said.

That was the first time anyone said they believed her aside from her parents.

"Really?" The girl couldn't help but keep her hopes up.

"Of course! My name is Lloyd! I just moved here from Europe with my parents!" the boy greeted himself with a toothy grin.

"My name is Houraiji Kyuushou! I am a SAVIOR!" she happily exclaimed.

On that day, the girl got herself a friend whom she could rely on. For the girl, she finally found a person who would listen to her predictions. But that happiness did not last long.

At 13 years of age, the boy got into an accident. Both of them were walking back home from school. And suddenly, a car rushed toward them. They were too frightened to move, but the boy pushed the girl out of the way, sacrificing himself for her.

"Lloyd!" the girl rushed toward her friend.

"Why… why?!" she started screaming.

She had seen the sight of the two girls fighting on the roof. She had seen the sight of a white-haired girl with a sniper in her hand. She had seen the sight of the ruined Earth. But why?! Why didn't her power predict the death of her only friend?! How can she become a savior when she cannot save her friend?!

"Kyuushou," she heard a small voice coming from her friend's mouth.

"Lloyd?! You are alive?! Wait… the ambulance will arrive in a few minutes," she quickly said to her friend. She even forgot to act like a chuunibyou when such an event happened to her.

"Kyuu… shou. Don't… doubt yourself," she heard her friend saying that.

"Alright, alright. I won't doubt myself anymore. Just… just don't die," the young girl hastily replied, trying her best to keep her friend alive. Tears are falling down from her eyes.

"And… make many… friends… in my stead," she saw her friend's smile, but when she was about to reply, his eyes dimmed. Her best friend, her only friend, one of the reasons why she could move forward, died that day in her arms.

"Don't worry," the girl tried to smile despite tears falling down from her eyes. "I will make tons of friends in your stead," she added.

Just like what she promised her dearest friend, she had found many friends in the form of Kiana, Mei, Bronya, Seele, and many more.


World X-X, Year 2019, Month XX, Date XX, 5 years after the third impact,

The world was destroyed by the Herrschers. They initiated a global disaster to obliterate human civilization. At the same time, the explosion of Honkai Energy led to the mass extinction of many species in the world.

Following the global climate abnormality and the influence under the post-explosion of Honkai energy, the Earth was not a place for any organisms to live. After the 3- year post-apocalypse, the overall population on Earth reduced to 0.00006%.

Fire Moth organization, an organization made up of the survivors resisting the Honkai. Today, they are gathering supplies in Nagazora City.


The sky suddenly darkens, and thunders are ranging in the sky.

"Strong Honkai Energy detected above the camp! We're being locked on by the Herrscher!" One of the Fire Moth members, Seele, shouted.

"Is everyone on the ship now?" Bronya asked.

"We can't wait any longer! Hyperion must take off now! Or it'll be turned into ashes with the camp!" Himeko shouted and started giving orders to start up the engine.

"Hyperion! Main cannon ready to shoot! Eliminate all those Honkai beasts in the way!" the redhead ordered.

"Himeko! There are still combatants up there!" the only male in the group, Lloyd argued with the redhead.

"Shoot!" Himeko ordered as if she didn't hear him.

"Himeko!" Bronya shouted.

"No!" came from Lloyd.

"Oh… no… Why?! Why would you do that, Himeko?!" Lloyd shouted, striding toward the woman with rage.

"Lloyd, don't let it get to you. Go aboard with everyone else right now!" Himeko yelled.

"No! We shouldn't leave anyone behind!" Lloyd shouted back.

Kyuushou didn't know what to do. She was new here. She lost her memories and was saved by Seele from the hoard of zombies. But she knew this was not her world.

"Bronya! What are you doing?!" Himeko shouted. When Kyuushou looked at the scene, she saw Bronya trying to get out of Hyperion to help people outside. But Seele was holding her not to do anything rash.

Himeko ordered the door closed. After the door was closed, they noticed that one of the high-ups was missing.

But before they could do anything, a person flew down from the sky. That person has raven dark hair and a pair of wings made up of thunder behind her back.

"It is the Herrscher! Hyperion, prepare the cannon!" Himeko barked out the order. But before she could do that, she saw someone standing in front of the Herrscher.

"Lloyd!" all four of them shouted.

The young man gave them a sad smile and told them to go ahead with his hand.

"Tsk! Hyperion! Prepare to launch!" Himeko ordered.

"What? NO! Himeko! You can't do this!" It was Bronya who reacted strongly.

"Do you want his sacrifice to be in vain?! Get yourself together, Bronya!" Himeko shouted back.

Kyuushou, seeing the fact that the man sacrificed himself for them, felt something strange within her heart.

Just like that, one of the best members of Fire Moth, Lloyd Mervyn, died by the hand of Herrscher of Thunder, Raiden Mei, on that day.

After getting her memories back, Kyuushou blamed herself after thinking back to that day. The day when she could only watch her best friend, no, another version of her best friend sacrificed for their sake, for her sake.


Present day,

"It was a miracle that I could meet another version of you, Lloyd. And I promise. I will never let you sacrifice yourself ever again," she made a resolution.

"I will save you this time. I will protect you even if I need to sacrifice the people around you. This time, I will become your Savior. If I were to fail to save you, I would call upon the Herrscher of the End to end this world together with me. This is the oath I make," Kyuushou made a vow. This is the vow of a girl who has the Stigma of the Herrscher of the End and three Herrscher cores inside her.

"I will definitely save you, no matter what the cost is."


Author's Note;

And here is some of the background of Kyuushou. Well, I added our beloved Lloyd in her background, so she might change a little from the canon.

There's little to none to be edited in this chapter, so it came out early. This time, Lloyd doesn't act coldly to those around him. YAY!

Here is the picture of Houraiji Kyuushou I got from the wiki.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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