
I was reborn in YOU as Joe goldberg

A psychopath gets reborn in YOU with the power of Compulsion and as none other than Joe Goldberg. He was reborn when Beck was in the glass cage and Joe was trying to convince Beck that everything he did was for love. How will he use his power and what will happen to all the ladies out there? . . . . . . . . . This is a project i started recently and don't worry i will still write Reborn as Damon with wishes. But i was seeing YOU and when i tried to go to bed i just couldn't go to sleep without this idea out of my head. My MC will be Ruthless, Evil as fuck, Abusive, Gentle, Kind, Caring, Psychopathic, Manipulative, Sadistic and Loving. I know, some of you may ask 'What the absolute fucking hell on sweet heaven is this?!' But don't worry, your trusty author will try to make it work. The first chapter will be introducing the MC's past and trying to introduce him to you. Alright I am done. Just wanted to add something, i promise it's the last time. If you like my shit (my writing) please give some reviews and some o' them power stones. If you don't like my shit just fuck off if you don't have a valid and constructive criticism. Just wanted to add another thing, I promise th- whatever. None of the characters (unless i create my own) are my own creation. Thanks and Enjoy!

ZOuther · TV
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7 Chs

Chapter 6 - Another dumb power given by a dumb god

After they left the house, they went to the nearest cafe and sat down. As soon as they sat a waitress came and asked them for their orders and they ordered coffee and Joe ordered cake for her.

"So Beck, i was thinking. You were right when you said you didn't really know me, that you only knew the camouflage. And i am here to rectify that so that we can go to our surprise with a free heart." he sipped his coffee and laid back into his chair, "Ask me anything and i will answer without a single lie."

Beck looked at him intently and with a little hesitation and caution in her eyes.

"Ask you anything?" she asked. He nodded. Beck steeled her resolve. "Okay then, why did you kill peach?" she asked.

He seemed a little annoyed and Beck wasn't sure if she did the right thing by trusting the word of a psychopath. But, he answered her question nonetheless.

"I mean, it was a long time coming.Don't you think?" he answered, "She wanted to come between us, Beck. She was obsessed with you and she didn't want to let you go."

He suddenly leaned forward and took her hands from the table.Beck flinched. His gaze softened and he started caressing her hand. After a few moments he continued.

"You have to understand Beck, i had no choice. I even tried to tell you many times, but you always go back to those who hurt you." he said.

Beck scoffed in her mind. Look who is talking. But, she continued. "Is that why you killed Benji too?"

"Yes! You understood!" he said with glee. Beck shuddered at the idea of understanding a psychopath, doesn't that make also her a psychopath? She thought. Joe continued with energy.

"This people, they want to hurt you, to diminsh you and yout self esteem. So, they needed to be removed from your life. But you, " he looked into her eyes with softness and something else she didn't understand. "You didn't have the strength to remove them from your life. So i took the burden of being the one who took the desicion from your hand and removed them from your life."

His gaze was soft and his palms caressing her were so calming that Beck wasn't sure what was the topic they were talking and if she was right to hold grudge for his actions. The talk felt like a long lost fiancee confessing all the sacrifices he made to reach his love. Like a dark, very dark, romeo and juliet story.

Beck sunk into deep thought, was she blind not to see his sacrifice for her love? Was she being cruel by not reciprocating such dark but pure love? Isn't a lover that is willing to do anything for his lover what every girl dreamt of? Was she right to blame him for killing Benji in order to save her from him? Or what about killing peach-

*screech* Beck's thoughts came to a screeching halt. That's right! He killed peach! Her best friend! There's no forgiving that. Whatever bullshit reason he may give, he IS a monster. And she will never, NEVER love him!

Beck felt a tingling shame inside when she realized him killing Benji didn't make her feel much as him killing peach did. 'I am becoming a psycho myself.' Beck thought. She was startled out of her thoughts by a bang to the table.

"Beck," he called. She shivered in her sit hearing the venom that almost seems to drip from his lips when he called her name. She looked up, only to look back down quickly when she looked at his dark and furious eyes. The hand that was holding her palms tightened. Beck nervously swallowed and quickly said,

"I am sorry. I am really really sorry." her eyes started turning red holding back tears. He stared at her intently. Then he asked in a non gentle voice.

"Sorry?!" he hissed, "What are you sorry for, Beck? What could you have possibly done?! It's just me! The psycho!" He almost screamed. The waitress can be seen walking towards them.

Beck was terrified, How did he know what was on her mind? The thought escaped through her mouth suddenly. "How did you-"

"Sorry sir, if you two want to have an arguement, please leave the café. You are disturbing other customers." The waitress interjected before Beck could speak outAnnie,mind.

Joe looked at the waitress with dark eyes. Storm seems to brew behind his eyes. He glanced at the knife on the table for a flickering second and Beck was scared he will really kill the waitress right there. He turned towards her as if he heard her thoughts.

"I won't. But i will show you something worse." he then turned towards the waitress, "Hello, can i learn your name?"

"Annie." the waitresses eyes widened. She seemed surprised. "Why did i tell you? What did you do to me?" she asked.

"Shh don't worry about that. Come and sit here." he tapped his lap. The waitress eyes showed she was struggling but she sat on his laps. He grinned towards beck. "You are a good girl. Aren't you, Annie?"

"Yes, i am." Annie, the waitress, smiled sweetly. Like a child trying to please her parents to give her the sweets in their hands.

Is he trying to make her jealous? Beck wanted to laugh out loud. Joe again turned towards her and this time she was pretty sure he heard her thohugt.

He smirked and turned to Annie and said, "You would die for me. Wouldn't you, Annie?"

She nodded eagerly.

"Then, pick the knife up." he said so gently it looked like he was asking someone to drink water.

The waitresses' eye widened as her body followed what he instructed. Her eyes became fearful when her hands picked up the knife. Beck turned pale.

"Joe what are you doing?!" beck pleaded "Whatever i did, i really am sorry." The tears she fought to hold back spilled out of her eyes. His eyes turned even more stern.

"You made her cry. What should we do about that?" he asked softly. The waitress shivered in his arms.

"Joe whatever i did-" he looked at her darkly. Then Beck remembered something, "What was my mistake, Joe?" she asked. She hoped she did the right thing or else the waitress...

Joe nodded approvingly, "Thank you, Beck. Thanks for asking." he continued with the waitress still holding the knife and shivering.

"First, i want to say sorry because i have held back a secret from You." he looekd at her intenty. It took Beck a second before understanding What he wanted from her.

"It's okay, Joe. You can tell me now." She said. Joe smiled gratefully with something else, something dark, mixed.

"Thank you for understanding. I can hear the thoughts and project thoughts into or from the minds of my vic- ahem, mind partners."

"Mind partners?" asked Beck.

"People i influence with my mind, of course!" he said like it was so obvious an answer.

Beck felt her face turn hot from how his words made her feel like a child. But she supressed it in favor of what he said, he can read or hear her thoughts. Of course! That was why he was mad.

"Is it because i said, i will never love you?" Beck asked cautiously. And for a moment she was scared seeing his eyes turn dark, his hands tightened until his knuckles looked like a twilight vampire skin. But then it was gone the next moment.

He smiled. "Of course not, Beck. We have agreed to work on that. I will never get mad at you for that. But," he grabbed her palms "But i don't like to be called names."

So that's it, Beck thought. I should have realized the dumb god who gave him those unrealistic powers would give him an even more unrealistic powers. It is like when a trigger happy cop who just got his gun today. But in this case, the bullets are just random powers.

/Author- C'mon Beck, it's not unrealistic. Right? Hehe*cough*/

"Okay then, i am sorry for calling you something you obviously don't like, Joe. I will never do it again." Beck said softly. Trying to keep her mind as blank as possible. Joe looked at her intently for a few moments before smiling again.

"Thank you, Beck. I forgive you."

Beck released the breath she didn't know she was holding. He leaned back.

"You see Beck, this is what i want for us. Honesty, transparency... other things like love can be fostered over time." he said looking into her eyes.

"Now that that's out of the way, i have to compensate you for making you cry. So, Annie darling, i want you to go under the table and eat her out." Seeing Beck about to protest he added, "If she says no, i want you to slice your neck open with the knife in your hand."

Beck gasped in horror, "What are you doing, Joe? Is this another punishment? I thought you forgave me."

"Now now beck, this isn't a punishment. This is a reward. For your honesty." He answered.

"But it's okay! Saying thank you is enough." Beck contorted her forehead.

"But i want to reward you with pleasure." he retorted. "Don't fight it, Beck. You WILL receive my reward."

Beck knows she doesn't have a choice. So, she tried another way.

"What about the people in the café? They will see us."

He waved his hand.

"It's okay. Don't you wonder why the manager didn't come to stop me from harassing his employee? or the people ignoring what happened here?"

"You mean you planned this?! Us fighting? Annie coming to stop us? YOU KNEW?!" She screamed this time. No one would care she shouted and neither does she. Joe smirked.

"Of course not. I would never cause a fight between us, Beck. But i have the power to influence someone's mind in a certain distance. Which means, when someone is in 1 km area distance of me, i can influence their mind." he answered seriously. If she hadn't seen his earlier smirk, she would have believed him. "Now, go on ahead Annie."

Beck grasped for the last straw of wisdom she had left.

"I understand. But Joe, if you really love me-" he flinched at that "at least allow me to do it in our own house. Please."

His gaze softened. "As you wish, Beck." he said "Let's go, Annie. When you return your boss will give you a large sum of money and you will be promoted." He said. Beck looked at him surprisedly.

"What? I am not a monster." He said.

'If only' Beck thought. But the three if them still went to their house.









To be continued....


I just finished writing this now. At 17:56. So, writing the next chapter may take a while. I hope you will be patient with me.

In this chapter, i tried to do so many things. I tried and am still trying to show you Joe is just a psycho. His feeling changes fast, he is depraved as you can see from his thought ofa reward, he is manipulative as you may see from how he caused the fight between them just because.

I will be giving Beck more back bone and allow her to be able to fight back. I tried to do that at the end when she said 'If you love me...' I am trying to give her a leverage there and wrote a part where she realized that was her advantage, but it seemed forced so, i have postponed it for the next chapter.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. Peace out ✌️✌️✌️