
I was reborn in another world, but it was too pure, so I'll corrupt it

An unnamed Boss of the Black Market is betrayed and killed, but is reborn as "Ko Mander". Reborn with a system, Ko used it to grow stronger at rapid rates. But as he grew older he realised that this new world is too pure for his liking and decides to Corrupt it with Sin.

Phantom_Sage · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

Instead of going to school, Ko decided to go to the next village over and host a football tournament. He told the villagers to spread the news to the other surrounding villages and towns. He also went to the nearest Barron and suggest he be the host. By doing this, Ko wouldn't need to give money to host the event and if his team wins, he would make a profit. So, either way it wouldn't matter if "Innersuma 11" lost, because Ko would make money of tickets, and won't lose anything for both prize money and hosting fees.

Due to his preparations, Ko had a lot of money to spend, and since the tournament won't be held for another month or two, Ko decided he should have some form of GDI security and Life Security, in the off chance he was attacked and robbed of all his money. Ko decided to attain a pseudo-clairvoyance. Ko spent 100SP on the passive skill <Parallel Processing Lv.1>. It was a skill that allowed one to process multiple things at once depending on the level. Ko also forcefully developed another skill called <Arithmetics Lv.1>, a skill designed to aid calculations. By combining these two skills, Ko believed he could develop the desired skill, by calculating all the possibilities. Ko developed both skills at once, by allocation on thought process to calculating the sum of the same number (like how we do Ans+Ans=Ans repeatedly on a calculator to get a number, I'll explain in one of my axillary chapters).

[A few months later] (at this point you should know)

Ko has still not developed his pseudo-clairvoyance but was ready for the big games. Before the games started, Ko gave his team "medicines" to buff their speed, strength, stamina and reaction time. Not only did he give steroids to his team, but he also gave a concoction, that gave light food poisoning, to the other teams, which seemed to have a higher chance of winning than his team. If he got caught, he and his would be detained as cheaters, however the world's technology was too far back to even understand the concept of drugs or medicine, let alone things such as cheating and doping. All sorts of species came to play and watch the tournament. There were: Elves, Dwarfs, Beast-men, Humans, and some Demonoids here and there. Of course, there were a few fine "specimens" there, proportions that were near perfection, THICK thighs, big breasts possibly bigger than his mother's, and nice checks being swung around, and in the very fashion of this world, all men were living in ignorance of the beauty of the eye candy that blessed Ko's eyes. Though Ko was young, he was old enough to have a reaction to all this eye candy, so Ko decided to use one of his experimental "medicines". The "medicine" would make all females in a vicinity attracted to the male wearing the cologne, not only that but, also wish to mate with them. Ko planes to use it on the last day of the tournament… for a victory celebration, as he knew his team was going to win.

Before any of the games started, Ko made a small stall near the entrance to the arena where the tournament was being held. His little shop was probably the world's first gambling den and not the last. He told people to place money on which team they think was going to win. And if the team the betted on won they would win all the money they betted multiplied by the average bet ratio (that will also be explained in the next auxiliary chapter). Ko used this so he could earn a load of money and make gambling addicts. He used the information he got from the bets to sabotage other teams to his favor. Sometimes he would also make a team with a lower bet ratio win, just so people don't get discouraged. That was the start of his master plan to corrupting the world and making it into a den of sin and desire.

After all the bets were made, the tournament commenced. The seats in the Colosseum were full of cheer and laughter, and Ko's pockets grew larger and larger. Ko's addiction to money grew as he gained more and more, kind of as if he was taking highly addictive drugs, the more he had the happier he became, however the less he had the more lifeless he became.

Ko's paranoia, which was developed due to his last life's betrayal, came apparent. Ko realized that if he were to be tortured and forced to tell his secrets, or put in a state of despair, he would become unwilling to make more money, or incapable of monopolizing the markets. So, Ko decided to spend some SP on a lesser skill called <Mental Erosion Resistance Lv.1>. The skill was a lesser but superior variant of <Mental Contamination Resistance> skill. Though there was no need for these skills to exist in this world, they still were there.

"(Why do these skills exist in the skill shop?)" Ko thought to himself. "(There would be no need for such skills to exist if this world was truly peaceful. What exactly is this world?)"

"This world is failed experiment number 10" Said a random but imposing voice.

"Who the fuck said that?!" shouted Ko aggressively, whilst looking around for the origin of the voice

"It was I, God. You'll get to meet me soon enough, well soon for me, about a hundred years for you." Responded the so called 'God'

"Tell Me what I want to know you So called piece of shit 'God'."

"I've said too much, I got to go~." said the 'God' as the voice began to fade

"Wait You Fucker! At least answer my questions. God Damnit!" Ko shouted, now pissed at the self-proclaimed 'God'.