
I was reborn in another world, but it was too pure, so I'll corrupt it

An unnamed Boss of the Black Market is betrayed and killed, but is reborn as "Ko Mander". Reborn with a system, Ko used it to grow stronger at rapid rates. But as he grew older he realised that this new world is too pure for his liking and decides to Corrupt it with Sin.

Phantom_Sage · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

[A few months later] (SpongeBob thing again)

Ko had almost mastered sewing and stitching skills, as they are <Sewing Lv.9> and <Stitching Lv.9>. Due to the natural accumulation of skills, Ko had gained another 10SP from both skills, now leaving him with 120SP total. Now that Ko has a Level 9 is sewing and stitching, he has become confident enough to make a make shift football, but he was missing two key ingredient, Rubber and Sulphur.

Due to Ko's past life, he had found out randomly that rubber on its own is very elastic and stretchy, but has almost 0 toughness. However the sulphur gives it toughness but in exchange it losses some elasticity. Not only did Ko need to make a medium sized ball out of this mixture, but also needed to experiment for him to get the right consistency. This meant Ko needed a supplier for Rubber tree sap and sulphur.

The only place could think of to get some sap was from a rainforest environment, and the sulphur from a volcanic region. But since maps are hard to make and mass produce, they were very expensive and rare, meaning the world Ko is currently in has almost no Geographical and Geological knowledge, apart from the rough shape of the continent, and little about the excavated ores from mines. Also Ko had literally 0 knowledge about extraction of elements from an environment, meaning no sulphur.

Due to this predicament, Ko had to find an alternative for a rubber ball. Ko started to experiment with different easy to attain and cheep, but soft/fluffy, materials like cotton or wool. Through many trial and error experiments, Ko had failed to make an actual football. The ball was closer to a bean bag than a football, as it was very flimsy and light. Ko started to ponder, weather if it was possible to make something, that he has little to no knowledge on, with the wrong materials. But Ko did not give up, he wanted to try one more thing.

Ko went looking for logs, a lot of them. He would gradually hull them closer to his house day by day. Though it did take some time he did manage to do it. He would take a dagger like knife from the store room, and started carving. Each time Ko brought a Log near his house, he would try and carve a sculpture, doing this had caused the accumulation of skills to occur again. This time he gained 30SP this leaving him with 150SP. Ko spent 50SP on the passive skill <Steady Hands>.

<Steady Hands> was a skill that make your hands more dextrous. This meant you can make better and more precise works, or hand movements. this skill is generally developed through craftsmanship, that require precise hand movements.

Some time had passed, now Ko is in this second term of school, and has now made a football. It was a simple thing, it was made with a wooden ball as it's base and had a thick layer of a tough but rubber like hide.

He explained all the rules as simply as he could, to the imbeciles of sentient creatures known as Humans and Beast-men. After explaining the rules and how to play, Ko went outside the Village and made a football field, by using stick in the corners, and digging out lines ever so shallow between the sticks. Thus creating the field. Ko told the boys to make two teams of 11 and each to ask at least 1 person to watch them play, and should bring at least 2 copper coins.

In the few weeks Football had existed in this world, it already became an extremely popular event, within the village of course, and since it was so popular Ko had made a large quantity of money, and adjusted the rules to essentially create an old series, about football, he had watched when he was younger in his past life. Due to them unlocking a memory he decided to name one of the teams. He decided on which team to name through a game. The name he decided to name the winning team was "Innersuma 11".

The team that won was the Beast-men team. The team was comprised of may Beast-men, such as Dog-men, Rhino-men, Cat-men, to name a few. The reason the Beast-men team won was simple, each of their players were placed strategically so they can use the unique features of each race to the fullest. Cat-men were played goal, due to their fast reflexes and reaction time. Rhino-men played striker because they are hard chargers. Dog-men Played left and right wings, to support the Rhino-men because Dog-men instinctively chase balls and give it to their boss/leader/master/head, though they don't know that as the football is the first ever ball to be made.

Now that Ko has a temporary source of income, He decided to expand his business into the medicine industry. He invested his money is some alchemy tools. This included a table, a burner, some beaker like equipment and much more. Ko also used his money to buy herbs, so he had something to start his studies on. The more Ko made, the less time he spent going to school, this was simply because he was learning more than what the school could ever teach him and he was making more than what other jobs could provide. Ko would only spend on period in class, before he went to manage the football team and do his research.

[six and a half years later]("OHHHHHHH! who live in a pineapple under the sea?")

Ko is now in his last year and 2nd term of his school life, and Ko more or less never attends. He comes in once every 2 weeks, to manage the team, and in that six and a half years, he changed the pricing to watch the game to 2 silver coins. Also the game had gained so much reputation that it became popular in other villages and even some towns ruled by barons and viscounts. Of course this did piss Ko of as it was his idea, and not theirs', so Ko came with a new idea. This new idea was to manage football teams and make money from the games by hosting tournaments.