
I Was Reborn As The Most Powerful Princess In History?!

"No." The cute silver-blonde girl coldly looked at her brother's eyes. The blue eyes that seem to reflect the sky were now like a storm ready to fall on a poor country. The servants can feel the small thundering behind the beautiful baby but it seems that the brother was the only one who didn't notice it. "Really? You don't want to? Even if I offer you a flower?" The baby looked at her brother like he is stupid. "I'm not a kid." The brother laughed, "You are obviously not a kid, you're a baby!" Again, she glared at him. The other boy had enough of the boy's pestering on their little sister so he decided to step in and carry her. She let him carry her as the other boy whined when he saw how their little sister grabs onto that boy's shirt. "Wha?! Why does Alesteria hold unto you while she just glares at me?!" The boy answered, "Because you are annoying." "Annoying." The boy faked wept while the servants that are present just looked at each other and sighed. Another cute attack from their cold-hearted princess. ~ ~ ~ A witch who has lived for thousands of years has grown bored with her own life and decided to leave it. Since she is an immortal with no contact with the modern world, her soul cannot leave the world. However, what she can do is transfer her soul to another body. By a stroke of luck, she happens to enter the body of a princess. She was considered a miracle because when the Empress gave birth to her, the princess instantly died, along with the Empress. Everyone was devastated, mostly the Emperor as his wife's final words were to love and take care of their last child. What the witch didn't know was that she has entered such a predicament. She has to endure the overprotective Emperor and possessiveness of the crazy twin princes! What will her life be at the hands of such a loving family? In addition, it seems that this body contains mana that was lost in the royal family centuries ago! Isn't she too 'lucky'?! Disclaimer: photo used for the cover is an unknown artist. I do not own the cover.

heienzeya · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Awakened Sleeping Princess

THE CASTLE was bustling for a whole month as the baby continue to sleep, her peaceful form in a beautiful and intricate crib that was made from the softest bamboo and designed with various gems.

A month ago, after she was born, she fell asleep in the cold emperor's embrace and never woke up, even after a few hours.

The people in the palace thought that the princess is just tired but she never once moved nor did she open her eyes.

This phenomenon caused great panic to the palace as the first princess just continue to sleep peacefully, unaware of the havoc she is causing.

The truth is, the body is still adjusting to the soul inside.

The body is making sure that the soul is not slipping out from the body while also ensuring that it doesn't have a tear from the process.

The soul inside, now named Alesteria Alaric, is also sleeping as she spent her energy waking up before they truly declare her dead.

She decides to wake up at that time, even though her soul was still unstable inside the body, to let the emperor know she is alive.

After that, she went on to rest.

Unknowingly to the sleeping Alesteria, the emperor was worried about her whole being but he made sure that he didn't show it nor does he give hints about it.

Although it is very obvious that he cares deeply for the sleeping princess.

The only person who truly knew about this is his personal aide, Tristan.

He had just come back from his mission as an envoy to a neighboring empire under the emperor's orders.

"Your majesty, the mages said that the princess is just sleeping." The aide said for the nth time today.

As the days passed by, the emperor grew anxious about the princess, fearing that she will never wake up and he will never see those ocean blue eyes again.

The late empress's words echoed in his mind.

He swore that he will take care of her and yet, he is powerless to the unknown condition that the princess has.

"Tristan, it has been a month since she has been born and the last time she opened her eyes." Xerxes responded anxiously.

It was the aide's turn to sigh

"The mages kept a protective shield for the princess to still get nutrients. They assure you that she is just sleeping."

"But what is the cause of her deep slumber?"

That is still a mystery to the kingdom.

Of course, the people inside the palace kept their mouths shut about the matter and made sure no one will know about the circumstances of the princess.

They even swore to the emperor himself and let him gave them magic curses that will activate once they break their word.

As far as the process goes, the mages of the empire didn't know about the spiritual process as they have little knowledge about it.

Although, there is one thing that they are certain of.

The mana of the princess is almost non-existent as it is so weak and low. They thought that maybe the reason she is still sleeping is because her body went on to a coma state to save her life.

Still, the emperor can't be too sure about that.

A knock came from the door and their conversation is cut short. Xerxes looked at his aide and motioned with his eyes to answer.

Tristan has no choice but to sigh again.

"Who is it?"

"The first prince. I came to see Father."

Tristan looked at the emperor, asking for permission to let the first prince in. Xerxes nodded at him as the latter immediately answered in his stead

"Come in, Your Highness."

As soon as Tristan allowed the voice from the other side of the door to enter, the door instantly opened revealing a boy with light blonde hair and dark blue eyes holding the handle of his sword that is sheathed on the scabbard tied on his waist.

The boy appeared before the emperor wearing his sword training clothes.

"Greetings your majesty, the great sun of the empire." He said rather lively as he bowed slightly before standing straight

Another boy came in and this time, the boy has light brown hair as his lapiz lazuli eyes looked like they were a snowstorm while he held a book in his arm, his expression blank as he followed his brother behind.

"Greetings your majesty, the great sun of the empire." The first prince said in a cool voice as he bowed, followed by the other.

The emperor stared at them coldly, the temperature decreasing and Tristan feeling a cold sweat drip down his back.

"What is it?" He asked coldly as the two boys seemed unaffected by the atmosphere.

The first boy crossed his arms and pouted, gone was the etiquette that he showed a few minutes ago.

"When will we see our baby sister?!" He demanded, his voice rising.

The two boys have no fear for the cold man in front of them.

After all, he is their father.

They were trained from a young age like he was when he was a child, but that doesn't mean that they are close like a normal father-son would.

The second boy sighed, "You wouldn't even let us see even a glimpse of her. We are curious too, Father."

The aide's lips twitched upwards as he witnesses the childishness of the princes.

He has never seen them act like that but he remembered the day when the two princes heard of the birth of their new sibling.

Although they were born from different mothers, the children have no grudge against each other and are on good terms.

Sort of.

On the other hand, however, the emperor was not fazed in the slightest.

He hummed as an answer to both princes as his eyes glazed over them.

"You will see her soon. For now, let us wait for her to wake up."

The two princes have no choice but to agree to what he said. They heard about the coma state of the princess and although they want to help, they are not permitted to enter the room.

The aide swallowed roughly as he stared at the three people who had gone even crazier when the princess was born.

He silently prays for the princess to be patient and strong.

After all, the princess already has such a possessive father and brothers.

Unbeknownst to the four people in the emperor's office, the soul inside the baby has completed its process, and fortunately…

The soul is compatible with its vessel.

~ ~ ~ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ~ ~ ~

A MAID has been busy cleaning up the room of the little princess, who is still asleep in her crib as the barrier gleamed under the rays of the sun.

She smiled as she saw the angelic breathing of the baby with her hands in a fist and her chest slowly rising

'How cute!'

She watched the princess for a moment and resumed back to cleaning, making sure that not even a speck of dust can be seen.

While doing so, she didn't notice that a bright light slowly engulfed the room, making it impossible to see.

The shield that the mages created for the princess shattered in an instant as the light intensified, alerting the knights stationed outside.

They hurriedly opened the door only to be blinded by the light.

"Call the mages and inform his majesty about the princess!" The maid shouted from inside the room.

The knights followed her words and immediately called for the mages; another went to his majesty to inform him about the strange event.

"Your majesty…!" The knight interrupted, not even bothering to knock.

Coincidentally, the princes are still in his majesty's office and glared at the rude knight.

"What is it that you have to rudely barge in his majesty's office?" Tristan spoke, his voice colder and brutal.

The knight shuddered at this but kept his composure, trying not to let the fear consume him.

"The princess…!"

The emperor slammed his fist on the table as he stood up, knocking the chair down.

"What happened to my daughter?"

"A light… A light emerged from her room!

The emperor, princes, and the aide immediately left the room and went to the west wing, where the room of the princess is located.

The moment they arrived, they can certainly see that the mages are stationed outside as the light is still bright, hindering them from entering

The emperor went inside without hesitation, much to the shock and worry of his aide and the people of the palace.

"Your majesty!"

He ignored them and made his way to the crib, even with his eyes closed to block off the light, he knew where the crib is located.

He slightly opened his eyes and saw the baby with her eyes closed

He saw that the baby is shining, indicating that she is the source of the light.

He reaches his arms out to hold his daughter, the warmth in his arms made him feel at ease.

On the other hand, the light is a symbol of the completion of the process and a blessing from God.

The baby's existence is now acknowledged by him.

The light slowly died out as the baby's eyes open for a moment. The whole room gave a soft glow as the light slowly diminish, which reflects on the baby's eyes.

The eyes turned to gold for a moment before returning to their original ocean blue color.

The emperor watched as her ocean blue eyes landed on him once again.

Just like what she did when he first held her.

"My daughter…" The emperor murmured as he leaned down to kiss the baby's forehead.

The baby's arm also went up and touched his cheek as if feeling whether the person is real or not.

When she felt that this was a real person, she laughed and giggled in joy.

Seeing the princess laugh for the first time, the emperor softly smiled at the little girl in his arms.

The cool air freely moves around them, the sound of the curtains fluttered as the wind blew and the sound of soft singing of birds can be heard outside.

"Your majesty!"

The aide hurriedly went inside and expected the worst but when he saw the little girl in the emperor's arms, giggling and laughing, he was beyond shocked.

The emperor then turned to the door and proudly presented the child in his arms, who in return, turned her head towards them and looked at them.

The princess's ocean blue eyes looked at them with such curiosity.

Some of the people gasped while some are still in a state of shock, seeing that the princess is fully awake.

The two princes saw the little girl in the arms of the emperor and stared at her softly, her small chubby hands close to her as she wiggled them.

This action immediately captivated their hearts.

"The princess is awake; therefore, we shall prepare for a feast."

And so, that is how the sleeping princess awakened from her deep slumber.