
I Was Planning to Find My Alpha But He's Too Annoying!

[ Warning! Mature content 18+] Twenty-seven years of living in this world, for the first time. Clara Navrátila fell into a big hole that connected with an underground cave at her cousin's bachelorette party! Clara almost drowned because half of the cave was filled with mud and water. She couldn't swim! trying to ask for help she went unconscious. But something big fluffy, and warm reached her. After being rescued from the cave, the first thing she saw was a man's naked butt! "Can you not suddenly turn around while naked!" Clara pleaded while covering her eyes with the palm of her hand "Well, why don't you pay me with your body?" The man walked closer to Clara, He smirked Clara knows she owes him a favor. But he's too annoying and he was also the one who stranded her in a mirror world! On the other hand, Clara doesn't want to get further involved with him given that he's a Lycan. However, because her Dad always encouraged her to find a partner to marry, to fool her Dad... Clara planned to see him again and introduce him as her 'boyfriend', then repay him. But it seems Clara made the wrong decision...

Zahra_Grandis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Lost Control

My eyes widened as I saw Darius half-sitting on top of me, groaning. Like a wild animal, his gold-colored eyes stared intently as if he wanted to pounce on me at any moment. His pointed fangs grew long and his face was covered in fine black hair.

The silk navy pajamas he was wearing began to look tight. One by one, the buttons popped out and shot into the air. From his muscular body. I could see a thin vapor coming out, like sublimated ice. Unlike ice, this felt hot! Darius kept groaning. Those sharp claws began to protrude from his large fingers. 

I was stunned into silence, speechless with shock. On the other hand, my consciousness still hadn't recovered from being forced to wake up from a deep sleep. Now Darius had almost completely transformed into a werewolf.

"Darius! Wake up!" I exclaimed as I tried to get out of the way of his big, hot body.


But Darius didn't listen to my words, instead, he pulled my shirt until it was almost torn. His sharp claws hit my left wrist. I whimpered but still tried to endure the pain. Now Darius was unconscious. He was very emotional and could not be spoken to as before.

"What made him become like this?"

I tried to dodge and get out of his shackles, but it didn't work.

His body was heavily stretched, and the energy she was expending was so great! Not to mention my left hand was in a lot of pain. My body could not withstand his strength. I have to find another way! I'll lose to him if I just rely on my muscles!

As Darius was about to swing his claws towards my body, I remembered the dagger he had given me earlier. I kept the dagger right in the pocket of my cargo trousers. Quickly, I took out the dagger and pointed it at the face of Darius, who had become a full-fledged werewolf.

Even though the dagger managed to sink into the snout of his right jaw. The dagger didn't have any effect on him!

Feeling uncomfortable, his right hand began to pull out the dagger roughly and quickly. His blood, which was a deep red color, spurted out of his jaw. Meanwhile, his other hand was still gripping me. He threw the dagger into the corner of the room. It was far enough away for me to reach. I, who had lost my only weapon, began to panic again!

Darius began aggressively tearing at my clothes, his sharp claws digging into my arm. My blood was flowing so fast, that I tried to resist him as much as I could while thinking of other ways to get away from him.

But who would have thought, when I tried to fight him, my foot accidentally slipped and kicked his crotch. Now Darius was groaning in pain. His hands that had been shackling me were now loose to cover his vital organs. I seized the moment to escape from under his body.

I immediately ran towards the door, trying to escape while Darius was in pain. I kept twisting the knob, but it wouldn't open at all.

" Dammit! Why did you lock the door at all!" I grumbled as I turned the doorknob quickly and roughly.

I was so panicked! and also scared to death of the big beast, in case the pain subsided... and then pounced on me. Plus, right now 'Darius' was looking at me angrily while enduring the pain.

Darius began to walk slowly towards me, like a cat ready to pounce on its prey in an instant. I started throwing everything near me. Yes, even I can judo but I'm not that crazy to fight this enormous creature. Starting from the table lamp, books, and Darius's work chair, to his mini home theatre speakers.

But what the hell! not a single object managed to hurt his big, hairy body.

My eyeballs were rolling fast, as well as my mind trying to figure out what else could be used as a weapon against him. The only thing I could easily find at that moment was the dagger that Darius had thrown.

Immediately, I ran to the corner of the room and picked up the dagger that had been thrown. I had never tried the spell Darius gave me and the dagger he gave me.

"This is crazy! I could be torn to pieces by that beast if this doesn't work"

"But I've run out of ideas, this is the only way I know of to fight that huge hairy creature!"

From the corner of the room, I began to aim the dagger at Darius who was getting closer than ever. I tried to remember and chant the mantra I had previously memorized. 

The dagger burst into a bright blue light. The blade slowly turned long as the spell was chanted. The blade transformed into a string of silver chains. Then flashed quickly toward Darius. 

The chain wrapped around Darius' body tightly. It was too strong, that it hurt Darius' body to the point of bleeding. Darius' blood flowed slowly obstructed by the hair that grew all over his body, then coated the silver chain links that turned blood red. Darius groaned violently in pain but on the other hand, he wanted to destroy everything in front of him.

I tried to pull on the hilt of the dagger that was still in my grasp, hoping that it would hold. The hilt was still connected to the chains wrapped around Darius' body.

The more I pulled on the hilt, the tighter the chains wrapped around Darius' body. Darius suffered a violent groan, occasionally letting out a low howl. Ever since my hand was injured. I felt my body start to weaken slowly, I don't know what happened.

' Was it because I was exhausted or because of the blood that had flowed quite a lot on my left wrist?'

My vision began to blur but I still tried to stay awake and alert.

Before long, I felt something come out and start flowing from my nostrils. At first, I thought I had flu-like symptoms and was blowing my nose. But when I wiped it out, fresh blood came out.

"Oh shit!"




From the direction of the bedroom door, I heard the sound of someone trying to break in. The door was successfully broken down. Immediately, a middle-aged man dressed as a butler walked quickly towards me. He brought his body closer to me and hit me on the back of the neck, knocking me unconscious.

" Master!" the man's voice fades away.




The bright and warm atmosphere celebrated the start of the day as if nature itself was giving me a welcome to wake up from my peaceful sleep. I was sleeping peacefully, my face was exposed to the gentle sunlight touching my skin, and such a pleasant smell which made me awake.

"Mmmh...It's morning already" I muttered half-consciously.

When I realized, I was lying on Darius' bed with a warm blanket wrapped around me, I could smell a little bit hint of bergamot from his blanket. I turned around and looked at the room that was brightened by the sunlight. The sunlight entered the room, painting small shadows on the walls that floated gently. The previously dark room was now filled with the warmth of morning light.

I tried to get out of bed, but my head felt very dizzy as if the whole room was spinning. When I looked at my injured hand, a white bandage was already wrapped around it. My clothes that were torn earlier that night had been changed with a cozy black satin dress.

"Shit! What did that guy do to my body!" 

When I lifted the blanket, I didn't see any suspicious thing on my body. I let out a long sigh. My vision was still spinning as I looked around the room, so I decided to lay back down on the bed for a while.

Just as I was about to close my eyes, a holographic screen light appeared on the wall facing directly toward the bed. Although it was a bit shadowy, I could see the face of a handsome man with golden eyes staring back at me.

"Hey, are you awake? Well, if you're watching this recording there's no way you're sleeping anymore, right?"

Instead of being happy to see a handsome man's face, I wanted to swear at the owner of the wet husky voice. But since my condition hadn't gotten any better, I was only able to swear at him silently.

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